Plundering the Heavens

Chapter 343: God’s Lightning Strikes the Soul, a Powerful Sword Rends the Body

Chapter 343: God’s Lightning Strikes the Soul, a Powerful Sword Rends the Body

The information within the jade scroll was simple: Duanzhen Valley Elder Tie Rukuang had purposefully attempted to hide Fang Xings background when the Huangfu clan was investigating the Qing-Yun Sect, and when the Huangfu clan attempted to capture him, he did not obey and even killed one of them instead. Thus, it was ordered that hed be forced to undergo a torturous punishment; an altar for torment had been set up at the main peak of the Qing-Yun Sect, and the punishment was set to continue for three months.

The punishment involved thrusting a sword into the persons body and sending a bolt of lightning into their soul. Three strikes of lightning and three thrusts of a sword each day, for a total of three months until the person had been struck by lightning and stabbed one hundred times each. This was truly a punishment that would leave the victim wishing they were dead, yet they would be forced to remain hanging on from a thread.

The news spread throughout all of Jambu within only a few short days, making it obvious someone had intentionally pushed this. When Fang Xing read through the scroll, his blood began to boil and he harshly gritted his teeth in hatred. What purposefully covering up, what disobey? Tie Rukuang had withdrawn from everything long ago, so how could the Huangfu clan have run into him while at the Qing-Yun Sect? Besides, even if they had bumped into him, Tie Rukuang wasnt stupid; how would he wilfully disobey the Huangfu clan?

That torturous punishment was utterly inhumane. Striking someones soul with lightning and destroying their body with a sword no matter how powerful a persons cultivation level was, their spirit would be ground away and their body would be left in tatters. Such a torturous punishment was so cruel it had once been abolished from the cultivation realm and was seen as a method meant to be used only on demons. Why must someone whod stepped away from worldly matters like Tie Rukuang have to undergo such a punishment?


In his fury, Fang Xing abruptly slammed his fist against the wall of the cave, and a giant hole ten feet wide appeared in the sturdy stone. Shards of rock fell like rain while smoke and dust rose up all over the place like wisps and ghosts.

Everyone knows I betrayed and left the Qing-Yun Sect. On the surface, my relationship with Tie Rukuang was cut off long ago. How would the Huangfu clan know to use him to force me out? Fang Xings voice was cold and ruthless amidst the smoke and dust. Someone within the Qing-Yun Sect must have mentioned it to the Huangfu clan for them to know about this. Looks like this little grandpa needs to make a return trip back to the Qing-Yun Sect!

Youre going back? The golden crows voice was filled with concern and worry.

Yes! Fang Xing didnt even need to think about it and his gaze was serious.

The golden crow showed a bit of hesitation at first before reminding, The Huangfu clan must have placed an inescapable net within the Qing-Yun Sect and are just waiting for you to show up!

Did they not have an inescapable net outside the Mysterious Domain as well?

The golden crow stopped speaking at this. He could see that even the mischievous smiles Fang Xing so often showed were no more, making it very obvious Fang Xing was truly furiousif Fang Xing didnt die during this journey, it was clear the Qing-Yun Sect would be washed in blood. It was hard to say what kind of danger was lying in wait for Fang Xing and even the crow himself would find it difficult to escape unharmed. Who knew, perhaps the golden crow might even die at the Qing-Yun Sect alongside the little bastard.

When Fang Xing saw the golden crow become quiet, he sneered and disdainfully cursed out, If you dont want to come, I wont make it difficult for you!

These words were cold. The golden crow understood very well that Fang Xing wouldnt try to force him if he didnt want to go, but any friendship between them would also end there. This little bastard had no habit of thinking about others.

After some thought, the golden crow sighed and cursed back, If your Uncle Goldy didnt go, could you escape even if you did manage to rescue him?

When he heard this, a smile returned to Fang Xings face. He flicked his fingers and a lotus seed flew towards the golden crow. Here, its yours! This lotus seed was the last Blood Lotus Seed Fang Xing had.

When Fang Xing originally picked the lotus seed head in the Qingqiu Tombs, there had been seven seeds in total. Fang Xing had given one of them to the naked infant at the bottom of the pond, and hed split the remaining six between himself and the golden crow. Hed already used two and this was the last one he had, whereas the golden crow had needed to use all of his to survive the blood pool in the Mysterious Domain and refine his beast body.

These Blood Lotus Seeds were extremely precious items to the golden crow that could bring him a great leap in cultivation, but he knew Fang Xing hadnt given it to him because it was his last one and he was saving it for an emergency situation. When Fang Xing saw how the golden crow was willing to make a gamble on such a dangerous move with him, however, hed decided to give it as a reward in return.

The golden crow didnt accept it, however, and lightly shook his wings to push the lotus seed back while showing a serious expression. You think your Uncle Goldy is going with you because I wanted this stupid lotus seed? Youre really looking down on me. I finally decided to be nice this once, so I better make sure you remember this very clearly: you little bastard, this lotus seed is not enough to exchange for all that I am willing to do for you. Its best you keep it for that old man whos getting tortured.

Fang Xing accepted the seed back when he heard the crows words. Tie Rukuang had been forced to endure so much pain because of him, so it was indeed a good idea to keep it on hand for healing.

Goldy, consider it that I owe you one! Fang Xing loudly declared before jumping up onto the golden crows back. One man, one bird, neither dared to delay any longer and they quickly rose up into the sky.

Fang Xing had needed a total of ten days to cross these ten thousand mountains before, but the golden crows power had improved considerably since then and his beastly body was unimaginably strong; the crow was more than ten times faster now and the second crossing would not take nearly as long. Fang Xing sat on the golden crows back in thoughtful silence while pondering the situationthe sudden changes in the crow had truly been beyond his imagination.

Fang Xing had expected the Huangfu clan to seek trouble with him and do all they could to force him to show up, but he wasnt too worried. The five elders of the Snowy Mountain were all very famous Golden Cores, and their combined battle prowess when they were together was incredible. Furthermore, hed already split Fang Xing and Fang Xiaojiu into two different people without leaving any loose ends, so those five old bastards should certainly have ways to protect themselves.

There werent too many others who required his concern. Bai Qianzhang had been taken away by the Meat-Wine Monk whereas Xu Linyun was with the blue-clothed bandit, and no matter how strong the Huangfu clan was it was unlikely theyd seek trouble with those two. Fang Xing had initially thought he was completely free from attachments he had to worry about and that the Huangfu clan couldnt force him out, yet theyd still found their way to Tie Rukuang. Truthfully speaking, of all the people, only this old man Tie was enough to bring him out of hidingFang Xing was indebted to him, and that debt had yet to be paid back.

He was still too young and naive! Fang Xing had originally believed that as long as he didnt care about anyone, he would be free to do as he wanted by himself. If he could beat others, he would bully them; if he couldnt beat others, hed run. Hed thought no one would be able to do anything to him, yet he wasnt really as free as hed thought. In the end, the Huangfu clan had managed to find someone they could use to coerce Fang Xing out of hidinga weak spot to exploit.

This trip. How to resolve this problem Fang Xing muttered while forcing himself to calm down and compare his actual battle prowess against the danger ahead. Although the spirit veins hed devoured were low-quality, short, and thin, the amount of Qi contained within still couldnt be compared to simple Spirit Stones. The sheer density of Qi he took in had directly raised his cultivation level to Foundation Stage tier sixthe peak of mid Foundation Stageand the foundation itself had been refined by the True Samadhi Fire to the point the purple coloring seemed to have slightly increased as well, perhaps showing it could improve to a mid-quality purple foundation. With such a state, his Qi was dense and expansive, enough so that hed dare to directly fight against even someone in late Foundation Stage.

Despite having such battle prowess, however, the Huangfu clan was like a tiger eyeing its prey, and Fang Xing did not dare be careless. Even if he was willing to fight head-on against late-Foundation Stage cultivators, what about Golden Cores? Even if he wasnt challenged by a Golden Core, what if he had to face a disciple who had the true Flag of Ten Thousand Spirits?

When one person had a weapon and the other didntor, more specifically, when one persons weapon was Divine and the other persons weapon was merely Ancientthere would be a large gap in power. If there was even a single mistake, let alone rescuing someone under the watchful gaze of the Huangfu clan, Fang Xing was worried he himself would become a sacrifice. It was because of this that Fang Xing decided he needed even more powerful methods to unleash all his newly-gained powers to the maximum.

Fang Xing frequently used the Flag of Ten Thousand Spirits, and the battles inside the Mysterious Domain had allowed it to accumulate a good amount of blood essenceits power wasnt weak at all. Fang Xing had used the Yin Yang Sanding Disc enough that it felt natural to him, and he was certain it would be extraordinary when he used it now.

Fang Xing had also managed to accumulate quite a number of excellent things through the Sword Embryo auction in the Mysterious Domain. Aside from all the spirit herbs and fruits, hed obtained some broken weapons that looked as though theyd been shattered in a great battle but still had some extraordinary power to them, and hed determined that a majority were still usable even after hed closely inspected them.

With all of this as well as the solid mid-quality purple foundation hed soon have, Fang Xing truly dared to challenge anyone else in Foundation Stage

Even then, this still might not be enough to face the combined might of the Huangfu clan. He needed more techniques and methods to killhe needed more powerful spells and apex skills! While he was considering this, Fang Xings thoughts suddenly shifted and he remembered one existence in particular. He inhaled deeply and sank into his Sea of Consciousness, where his True Spirit traveled an uncountable number of miles to arrive in front of the mysterious fog.

Oi, you big black and ugly broken sword, your little grandpas in some trouble. Come out and lets have a chat. Fang Xings spirit sense quivered as he sent his message over into the fog, targeting the black Sword Embryo that had forcibly fused itself with Fang Xing.

The legends involving Sword Embryos were incredible to say the least. If there was any hope to solve the problem at hand, perhaps this was the only way.

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