Plundering the Heavens

Chapter 95: Saber vs. Giant Hammer

Chapter 95: Saber vs. Giant Hammer

Zhushu was shocked. He had not expected Fang Xing to actually use the saber, and it looked as though the weapon was aimed to thrust right at him and split him in half. The movement caused Zhushu to shriek before he activated [Closed Aegis] and completed a hand gesture to summon two Flying Swords from the sack at his waist. The two Flying Swords were actually of rather decent quality, and one stayed behind to protect its owner while the other flew towards Fang Xing.

With a low command, Fang Xing filled the [Saber of Azure Dragon] with Qi. The saber weighed over a thousand pounds and was akin to a ferocious dragon; when it landed on Zhushus barrier with a loud bang, the shield was shattered completely. A sharp turn of the saber knocked Zhushus attacking sword away, and Fang Xing swiftly leapt forward to swipe the saber towards Zhushus legs.

Ahhh. Zhushu had not expected the boy to have such strength that his shield wouldnt endure even a single strike. He let out another loud shriek before trying to run off in the opposite direction. This kid is crazy! Hurry, we need to report this to our dear shifu

However, Zhushu only managed to take a few steps before Fang Xing closed in on him and slammed the weapon against both of his legs. With a few crisp noises ringing out followed by a mournful cry, both of Zhushus legs were broken and his body fell flat to the ground. Fang Xing, on the other hand, harshly stepped atop the body and caused blood to spurt from Zhushus mouth.

How dare you wound someone within the Duanzhen Valley! Have you gone crazy? A few that had been close to Zhushu yelled out, their eyes widening with soured faces.

You guys will be next! Fang Xing held his saber towards these men. These were the people that had made promises about the quality of their own Refined Iron when hed asked them if they thought there were any problems.

Amidst all of these surprised disciples, one of them yelled out, This kid is fast. We cant run away from him, so lets handle him together! As he spoke, a Flying Sword was activated followed closely by those of his remaining friends. A total of five swords were aimed right at Fang Xing.

Pah pah pah.

The [Saber of Azure Dragon] in Fang Xings hands whirled like a giant pinwheel, its blade sweeping all five of the Flying Swords away at once, the force of the sweep so enormous that it even caused a few cracks to clearly appear on these swords. Fang Xing stomped both of his feet atop a giant moss-covered stone, shattering it into smaller pieces. He then launched each of these pieces like rockets towards these disciples while pouring a large amount of Qi into his saber at the same time.


The malicious energy that had been sealed began to release along the [Saber of Azure Dragon]s surface, coiling around Fang Xings body in the shape of an azure dragon, and it was also at this moment that Fang Xing made his way into the center of the five disciples. The malicious energy had already begun to affect them, causing their faces to grow pale and their hearts to thump in their chests; with their speed and thoughts slowed to a crawl, it was impossible to try to fight back. Fang Xing didnt delay and slammed the saber against all five of the disciples, breaking their legs and sending them to the ground flat on their faces.

With this, even those who hadnt attacked Fang Xing began to grow frightened; who would have imagined that this boy was so vicious? This was inside the Duanzhen Valley and everyone was a brother following the same discipline, yet he hadnt spared even a second thought before breaking their bones.

It was fortunate that Fang Xing had been using the blunt spine of the saber. If he had flipped the sword so that the blade was facing them, these people would not have ended up with only broken bones.

Outrageous! How dare you do such a disgraceful thing within our Duanzhen Valley! Do you really think no one is able to contain you? A purple shadow suddenly appeared from behind a pine tree, the slender silhouette wearing a purple headband over long, neat hairit was none other than Murong Ying. To his side was another man of similar age with a pale-green robe, long eyebrows, and a set of narrow eyes. The mans expression was calm and he gave off an extraordinary presence, and although it was possible to tell that he was also at the sixth tier of Spirit Stage, the Qi he had control over was much more concentrated than Murong Yings.

Shixiong Ye Tianlong. Hes returned to the valley today? When the disciples saw this man in a pale-green robe, the majority of them politely bowed.

Shidi Murong, is this the boy that has taken your saber? He is indeed an insolent one! the man in the pale-green robed slowly spoke with disdain as he took a closer look at Fang Xing.

A hue of embarrassment appeared on Murong Yings face. The boy cheated! Based on our cultivation levels, there is no reason for me to be afraid of him!

The man in the pale-green robe smiled. Duanzhen Valley is not a place without its rules, and it doesnt have any space for some fool who doesnt know what the limits are. Why dont you seize him first and teach him some rules on how to be a human!

That is exactly my intention! Murong Ying replied with a serious tone, before continuing with some slight hesitation, This boy has doubled in power by taking my Saber of Azure Dragon. Shixiong Ye, please kindly lend me your Yin-Yang Hammers of Sun and Moon to help me seize the boy that has caused such disturbance within our Duanzhen Valley.

Ye Tianlong smiled. Did you not ask me to return for exactly this reason? I will lend it to you. However, in the three years since Ive had it, it has not let me down in combat even once. Do not lose me any face!

Murong Ying lowered his voice and replied, Thank you, Shixiong Ye! I will not bring shame to the hammers!

With that, the man in the pale-green robe handed over a strange weapon. There were two copper hammersone large, one smallwith the larger one the size of a watermelon and the smaller one the size of a fist. They were both connected with an iron chain crafted from Black Iron, and complex scripts could be seen densely carved atop the chainsit was obvious this was no ordinary item. Murong Ying then began to walk towards Fang Xing, his voice lowering as he spoke, The little mutt of a Fang Xing! You embarrassed me the other day, and now I shall return the favor!

Fang Xing had simply observed from the side when the pair arrived, but the second the [Yin-Yang Hammers] appeared, his eyes lit up; he knew immediately that it was a high-quality spirit weapon like his [Saber of Azure Dragon]. From the looks of things, Murong Ying had purposefully asked someone to lend him a similarly high-quality weapon knowing he had no chance of winning without it now that the saber had fallen into Fang Xings hands.

Bastard, you think I didnt know that you were sneakily hiding behind the tree? Fang Xing shouted out while flourishing his saber. You had a high-quality spirit weapon when I had none, and you still didnt put up a good fight. Now that we both have high-quality spirit weapons, just how are you going to fight against me? As soon as the words finished, the saber was swung around like a wheel, actively surging towards Murong Ying.

Fang Xing, Duanzhen Valley is a place with rules; how would you be allowed to fine whoever you want or wound whoever you wish? When the heavens grow angry and men lament, it falls upon me to take down such an undisciplined person like you. You have been awaiting judgment! Murong Ying loudly exclaimed, not forgetting to label Fang Xing in such a manner as he dashed head-on towards the boy.

Zhushu had presented himself exactly as Murong Ying had told him. They had planned to first sabotage the task Fang Xing had been assigned before intentionally angering him, and then Murong Ying would finally take revenge by seizing him and taking back the saber.


As Murong Ying was dashing forward, he flexed his shoulders and threw the larger hammer. The hammer flew further and further, and in moments its size also grew into the size of a millstone that covered the sky and earth. It whirled towards Fang Xing like the rising tide of an ocean.

Fang Xing creased his eyebrows and moved ten yards away within a split second, avoiding the giant hammers strike.

Hah hah, dont you have all of that strength? Why dont you try blocking the hammer! Murong Ying smirked as he pulled back on the iron chain, causing the giant hammer to return back to its original size. It seemed that the larger hammer had the ability to become large or small in accordance to its wielders desires. When the hammer was enlarged while bearing down upon enemies, its weight would also change and its damage would increase accordingly. When it was returned to its original size, the same hammer would become far more agile.

Youre pushing it, you bastard! Fang Xing squinted his eyes and clutched the [Saber of Azure Dragon] tightly in his hands, which had already had an insane amount of Qi poured into it.


As the large hammer once again swung towards him, Fang Xing let out a howl and moved as swift as lightning. This time he didnt evade the attack and instead dashed right at it, colliding with the hammer at almost the exact moment it was sent out. The hammer had only just been thrown, and yet its size was already that of a water bucket with its weight just over a thousand pounds, both increasing by the second.

Fang Xing spun his saber like a pinwheel when he arrived. The saber slammed heavily atop the hammer with a loud bang, and the metallic sounds of the clash were ear-splittingly deafening.

Everyone present was forced to cover their ears, all of them looking on with astonished expressions. It was considered common knowledge even in the mortal realm that hammers were used to counter sabers, yet this boy had gone against that knowledge and used a saber against a hammer. Was he not afraid his blade would be shattered? It wasnt until they got a clearer look at Fang Xings hand movements that they realized what exactly was going on. Fang Xing hadnt actually used the blade of his saber to try to slice through the hammer, but had rather used its two-foot-long hilt to slam against it instead, using it more like a club.


The collision caused sparks to fly in all directions, Fang Xings tremendous force causing the hammer to fly back towards Murong Ying like lightning. Murong Ying jumped in surprise and immediately tried to steer his Qi in order to regain control of the large hammer. However, as he tried to do so, a shadow flashed before his eyes. Fang Xing had drawn close to him and whirled the saber in the shape of a full moon to land a strike from the side.

The maximum amount of Qi had been poured into the saber andalong with the swoosh sound of the swipe itselfthe thin and complex golden veins on the sabers spine came to life. The saber formed a blue flame like that of a dragons, instantly increasing the attack range of the sword threefold.

Everywhere Fang Xing passed, the area within ten-yards was turned into an ocean of flames in mere moments.

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