Power of Creation

Book 4: Chapter 14

Book 4: Chapter 14

Well, that had a satisfying climax, I sigh.

Ill say Medusa responds breathlessly while Sarah recovers herself.

Grimhilde finally wakes up around this time as well, and before I can say anything there is a thud as the woman leaps to her feet and throws herself at me. I hear a few sobs as she rubs her face into my chest. I hear several muffled words like baka and made me worry. Not quite sure what to do, I finally settle for patting her on the head gently.

There, there. You should know by now Im not that easy to get rid of. Im sorry I made you see such scary things.

Grimhilde looks up at me with tearful eyes. Th-thats the first time you ever apologized to me.

Geh! Ah, well, dont expect it normally. I growl.

However, Grimhilde only seems to be looking up at me with a glowing smile. Even though shes a demon lord, it seems like she really did care that much about me. When she had told me she loved me, those werent just words to her.

Of course, the warrior wouldnt be taken out so easily. I knew hed be fine! Shivra comes marching up with a cocky pose while laughing.

Only the slightest tinge of tears at the edge of her eyes revealed any of the stress she had felt when she thought I had perished earlier.

Ah, well Im glad you girls are alright as well. Im not sure what I would have done if that stupid apostle had decided to attack one of you while I was respawning. I was worried when you guys got hit by him.

It is Shivras turn to look slightly awkward, a yellow blush appearing on her cheeks. To bypass the strangely amorous mood, she turns and grabs the unconscious Kida, picking her up. The pair of them had a bit of a rivalry, but it seems like they were starting to watch each others backs. One might even call the two muscle-bound warriors friends.

Well, we have a little bit of time. Sarah brushes her pants off as she stands up, covering up a wet stain that had formed around her crotch. But things arent over.

Huh? What do you mean? I blasted that Demon God away! I shrug.

No, I already told you. The Demon God isnt that easy. You closed the portal, and perhaps even expelled his presence from Gaia, but while you were spraying your seed all over Gaia, the Demon God planted his seed on Terra. Gaia was only a backdoor option, an attempt to speed up his coming. There are still other options. I already can feel it. The Demon God will come.

I scrunch up my face. I dont get it. I thought the Demon God needs to break into this world, now youre talking about seeds like shes hatching or something. Just what the hell is this Demon God.

The end, my love, Grimhilde interjects. Im sorry were so vague, but even we dont know everything. We just can feel his presence. The reactions already started.

And how much time do we have? I finally ask after a brief moment of silence.

Three months.

Oh, well, a lot can happen in three months. I mean, if you want to be technical, I havent even been here that long.

Once again, I dont know what my love is talking about, but yes, there is much we can do in 3 months to prepare for the Dark God.

Things like? I ask.

The three sisters all look at each other and it's finally Sarah who sighs and shrugs. Our sisters. We want you to conquer them.

Conquer your sisters?

Yes, my love. Once all seven of us are under your thumb, you will be recognized as the Demon King.

Demon King? I dont want to be a Demon King. I barely even want to rule Riun, and I make Kida do most of the work here.

The Demon King isnt so much a ruler, my beloved. It is Medusa who steps forward. Rather, the Demon God cant be fought by anyone but the Demon King. Becoming the Demon King involves being given a certain kind of magic. Its barrier-breaking magic. As my sister says, we dont know the details, but we know one thing for certain. Only the Demon King can fight the Demon God. No one else can even try. Theyd lose already.

When I built this new body, I built it to fight a god. Are you suggesting its useless?

Not useless, my love, but insufficient. If the Demon God comes and there is no one who has learned the Demon Kings knowledge, then the Demon God wins. Youd have already lost before you even tried.

Argh this is so annoying! I drag my hands through my hair resisting the urge to pull. Okay, fine. I dont really care about your prophecy or Demon Kings or whatever, but I planned to conquer your sisters anyway. So, its not like I care that much.

Be careful, my love, we need a stronger army to fight our sisters. Our countries are ranked from one to seven. Tremaine and Cruella are more powerful than all four of us combined both in might and resources. They are the oldest living sisters.

At this point, I can just summon them to me, slap them with my Gigapenis, and it can be over with. I mutter.

Medusa chuckles. As much as Id like you to slap me around with your penis, my elder sisters are less amiable than I am. If you conquer either with such backhanded methods, their anger, and pride wont allow them to accept you, and youll never be King. Youll need to defeat them fairly. Fairly, and overwhelmingly.

Argh, so troublesome. What about the other one?

Gothel? Although my country is bigger and more industrious than Gothels, after our loss here by that slugs suicide attacks, neither my army nor my sisters are fit for an invasion. If we gather all of the armies here and unite them, it should be enough, but there is still one problem. Medusa explains. Gothel uses a lot of area curse effect magic. Hand to hand combat with her troops is dangerous. Its best to battle her armies from a distance yet our armies arent archers.

We need curse-resistant archers? I ask cautiously.

I could probably whip them up with the right kind of magic.

The dark elves. Sarah interrupts my thoughts. Their race is especially curse-resistant and known for their archery skills. If you could gain their favor

Grimhildes eyes brighten Lamilia!

Speaking of which I look to the side as the very dark elf I needed to see comes running up.

Hey, Lamilia, we were just

No time! Lamilia interrupts. Your babies, trouble!

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