Practicing Basic Sorcery for Billions of Times Made Me Invincible

Chapter 137 - Mystic Abilities of the Far South

Chapter 137: Mystic Abilities of the Far South

Chapter 137 Mystic abilities of the Far South


The eldest son of Southern Emperor Da Gama.

At the same time, one with the highest talent in cultivation among all his sons!

How high was his talent?

So high that, although Magellan was already 528 years old today, he had been sleeping for the past 500 years.

He had only been awake for 28 years.

And during these 28 years, he had cultivated to become a first rank High Magus!

This extraordinary talent made the entire southern tribe gasp in amazement.

The Southern Emperor Da Gama once proudly said, “My son Magellan has the bearing of a great emperor!”

He even said proudly in front of the entire tribe.

“If my son didn’t have this problem of lethargy, he would have surpassed Gandalf hundreds of years ago!”


The Southern Emperor Da Gama, was that confident in his son.

Of course, he was also really troubled by his son’s problem of sleeping too much.

In the past, every time his son fell into a coma, he would try his best to wake him up.

But sadly, Magellan seemed to be dead and couldn’t be woken up.

Of course, Magellan didn’t do this on purpose,

Magellan had always been very angry about his sleepiness.

But whenever the sleepiness caught him, he couldn’t control himself.

Thus, just like this, Magellan lived for more than 500 years, but because he slept for 500 years, his actual mind was only in his twenties.

However, there were pros and cons to everything.

Although Magellan slept for five hundred years, according to him, every time he fell asleep, he would have a strange dream.

In the dream, there was an old man continuously teaching him the methods of magic cultivation.

When he woke up, he found that he had really comprehended those methods, and would soon break through.

He had relied on this “Dream Comprehension” method to advance to a first rank High Magus in a short 28 years.

He had naturally told his father about this matter.

After Da Gama heard it, he was naturally very surprised!

There was actually such a strange thing in this world?

In the entire magic continent, the ones who had the deepest understanding of strange profound mystic abilities were the bald monks in the Far West.

However, many years ago, those monks had sealed their own paths and themselves.

After that, there were no more strange people on the continent.

Therefore, his son should not have come into contact with these people.

How did he come across such a strange thing?

Da Gama could not figure it out.

Therefore, he could only attribute it to Magellan’s mysterious talent.

At this moment, in Tianmu Water Village.

When the Southern Barbarian Kings heard the Southern Emperor announce Magellan’s name, they all revealed excited expressions.

No one had expected that for the sake of the Eastern Emperor’s matter, Patriarch Da Gama would actually send out his own son Magellan?

It seemed that he placed a lot of importance on this matter…

Everyone thought in admiration.

Of course, they had no objections to Magellan acting as a representative of the diplomatic mission.

After all, no one else had a higher status than Magellan.

It was indeed a suitable choice for the Southern Emperor to send him as the envoy.

What everyone was looking forward to was: who would be the two Great Sages of the eighth rank, three Great Sages of the fifth rank, and four Great Sages of the first rank sent by the Patriarch?

Da Gama quickly said,

“Apart from Magellan, this time…”

“The representatives of the two Great Sages of the eighth rank, I choose the Rondo Brothers…”

“The representatives of the three Great Sages of the fifth rank, I choose the three Sarah Sisters…”

“The representatives of the four Great Sages of the first rank, I choose the four Meteor Brothers.”

“What do you all think?”

Da Gama slowly spoke out his choice.

After he finished speaking, the nine people quickly stood up from the crowd.

The nine of them were the representatives of the thirty-six Southern Barbarian Kings.

Moreover, the nine of them had always been on good terms with each other, and they were well-matched and well-coordinated.

They had all been to the East five hundred years ago.

They could be considered to be relatively familiar with the East.

It could be seen that when the Southern Emperor Da Gama chose the candidate to be the envoy, he had indeed put in a lot of effort.

Everyone nodded their heads in admiration of the name list.

In the end, Da Gama no longer hesitated and gave the order on the spot. He issued an official document and a token to the diplomatic corps and set a date for their departure.

This matter was settled just like that.

However, just as the diplomatic corps was about to leave, Da Gama’s youngest daughter, Diana, came to the door and expressed her wish to leave with the diplomatic corps.

Princess Diana was Da Gama’s youngest daughter.

She was lively and loved to travel.

Da Gama had long guessed that if this little girl knew about the trip, she would definitely clamor to go.

Therefore, he ordered the people around not to mention this matter to Diana.

However, there was no such thing as an airtight wall in the world.

The birth of the Eastern Emperor was such a big matter, it quickly spread throughout the Southern tribes, and Diana soon learned about it.

Thus, she came to beg her father to bring her along.

Da Gama naturally did not agree, but Diana threatened that if he did not agree, she would secretly go.

Diana was now a Sage.

Ordinary tribe members really could not stop her.

Therefore, Da Gama had no choice but to agree in the end.

At this moment, Da Gama did not know that he and the Northern Emperor had made a similar decision: they had sent their daughters to the East.

Of course, Da Gama did not even think of the Northern Emperor’s existence.

After all, in his heart, the North was just a cold, poor, barren and desolate place.

Did people who lived in such a place have brains?

Could they be as smart as his Southerners?

The Southern Emperor thought proudly…

The 11-man diplomatic corps set off on time eight days later.

Before they set off, Magellan met his father Da Gama for the last time.

Da Gama had instructed Magellan to remember two things.

These two things..,

One of them was:

“Son, you’re not young anymore. If you meet a suitable girl in the East, you can marry her. The Eastern people are beautiful and suitable to be your wife!”

Regarding this, Magellan’s reply was: …

The second matter was about the Northerners.

In the past few days, after Da Gama calmed down and thought carefully, the existence of the Northerners finally came to his mind.

As for those fellows who grew up in the cold, Da Gama’s reminder to Magellan was:

“If you meet the Northerners, you can use the Fire Mageforce of our South to deal with them!”

“Northerners practice the Ice Mageforce, and they are naturally afraid of fire!”

“For example, your ‘Black Fire Absolute Kill Technique’, they will definitely be unable to defend against it!”

Da Gama said happily.

The Black Fire Absolute Kill Technique ambushing a Northerner was something that he had hidden in his heart for many years, and it left a deep impression on him.

And besides this point.

Da Gama also told him how to deal with a Northerner:

“If you meet an expert from the North, and you really can’t beat him, don’t fight him head-on. You can use your fiery eyes to check the strength of the other party, and then make a plan!”

That’s right, fiery eyes — this was the mystic ability of the Southerners.

The initial stage of this mystic ability was the eye of insight.

After a practitioner reached the Great Sage Realm, they could enter the eight trigrams furnace and burn their eyes for forty-nine days to evolve the eye of insight into fiery eyes.

Of course, the success rate of this cultivation method was very low, only one in a thousand.

And of course, Magellan, who was extraordinarily talented, succeeded.

He had already mastered this mystic ability many years ago.

However, he was an exception.

In the entire Southern barbarian tribe, even the strongest Southern Barbarian Kings only had three people who had mastered this move.

After listening to all of his father’s instructions, Magellan said that he had memorized it in his heart. Then, he took his sister Diana and the other nine people on the road…

However, what this diplomatic corps and the group of Southern Barbarians who were sending them off did not notice was that a man in red was also secretly following this diplomatic corps to the East…

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