President, go away!

Chapter 1406

Angie hugged Su Mo and didn't want to let him go. Her face was stuck on his back. "Ah Mo, we clearly love each other. Why can't we be together? Why not? You don't love your wife at all. You married her just to recapture the Su family. Now the Su family is completely under your control. Why do you pay attention to her?"

Su Mo frowned slightly at Angie's words. He didn't deny what she said, but he moved his heart to Wei Jia Ren, but it was also true.

He had never thought of them coming to such a point today.

After a pause, Su Mo smiled and pushed away angel's hand around her waist.

He always remembers that now he is Wei Jiaren's husband. When he does this, Jia Ren knows that he wants to be sad.

However, he just took away Angela's hand. The next moment, she reached out and hugged Su mo. she gave way several times. Su Mo had no choice but to sigh slightly and let Angela reach out and hug his hand.

"Ah Mo, we used to be so happy together. I want to go back to that time, can we? We can go back to the past, can't we?"

"Angie, the past is over." Su Mo interrupted her indifferently.

Some things have passed, that is, they have passed, and there is no way to start over.

Some things have long changed.

Angie shook her head as soon as she heard this. "Ah Mo, it's not like this, it's not. You can't get through without the past. Have you forgotten? We once had a child." her voice was sad and sad. "Ah Mo, you said that you owe me a lot and will compensate me. If you divorce Wei Jia Ren, will you be with me?"

I have to say that Angie has a very accurate grasp of men's psychology.

She knew Su Mo felt guilty about her, so she asked.

"Yes." Su Mo said faintly. He didn't lie. If there were no Wei Jiaren, he would be with her again.

But no, if Wei Jiaren appeared, she would be there.

Angie looked up at Su Mo and asked with tearful eyes, "really? Don't lie to me?"

"Don't cheat." Su Mo nodded.

Just then, Su Mo's phone rang and interrupted their conversation. Su Mo picked up his cell phone and connected the phone.

"Well, I see. You wait for me downstairs." Su Mo gave a few simple orders to the secretary over there and hung up.

He looked back at Angie. "I have something else to do, so I'll go first. Control my mood and don't lose control. The Su family is not omnipotent. I can't settle it for you every time."

"I see, Mo." Angie nodded obediently. "I'll be obedient. Mo, don't take me to the hospital, okay? I'll try to go out less in the future."

Su Mo looked at her with a wry smile on his lips, but he didn't know what to say.

The person who provoked today was Shen Qingqing.

Although Shen Qingqing was talkative, it was not so easy for Huo tingxiao to pass.

"HMM." Su Mo nodded, turned and left.

Angel watched Su Mo leave and sat by the bed, but her eyes were full of calculation.

Su Mo walked out of the apartment building. His secretary had been waiting for him downstairs. He went to the car, looked at his secretary and said indifferently, "is Huo tingxiao still in Shengshi square?"

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