President, go away!

Chapter 1463

But the voices were faint. I couldn't see where Ou Qing was at all.

She wanted to call Ou Qing's name, but at the next moment, the man opened his mouth again, "Qing Qing, I won't wait for you."

Shen Qingqing looked up and wanted to ask him, who are you?

But before the voice fell, she saw the other party turn around. The man was Huo tingxiao, the man she had always wanted to forget.

"I hope you can live well, forget me, and live happily with Ou Qing."

"You --"

Shen Qingqing wanted to ask him where you were going, but without saying anything, the man said again, "I owe you. I'll pay you back in the next life. I'm sorry to make you suffer so much."

She looked at the man's back and wanted to reach for it. She could touch it with her hands. It was broken like a bubble.

Leave a cold breath in the palm.

"Ah --"

Shen Qingqing was so frightened that she opened her eyes. Her chest fluctuated and breathed the fresh air. She looked straight in front of her and didn't dare to close her eyes at all.

What's the matter with her recently?

Have you dreamed of Huo tingxiao for two or three nights in a row?

Why is that?

Why did you dream of him?!

Shen Qingqing sat on the bed with a cold sweat on her forehead, but her heart was mixed.

What's the matter with her?

Huo tingxiao

How could she have such a nightmare? She really doesn't understand.

The real feeling in the dream made her fear.

In the chaos, she reached out and hugged her head, trying to cover up her inner uneasiness and fear in this way.

Huo tingxiao can be said to cover the sky in Tongcheng. Who dares to hurt him so boldly?

So he should have nothing to do. She's redundant.

Thinking of her worries, Shen Qingqing couldn't help but raise a sneer. Is she mentally ill?

How can you worry about that person because of a terrible dream?

Thinking, Shen Qingqing lifted the quilt, got out of bed, put on her slippers, and put her shawl on her shoulder. She didn't know whether it was really cold or whether the scene in her dream made her feel cold.

She shivered as she got out of bed.

Shen Qingqing tried to resist her nausea. Then she hurried to the table, picked up a glass of water and drank it. Until then, her mood was finally calm and calm.

Frightened by this, she couldn't sleep well. Her eyes fell outside. Through the wide French window, she saw the old banyan tree shining in the moonlight, but it was a little desolate.

"What's the matter? Why am I so upset? It seems that something is going to happen!" Shen Qingqing whispered, frowning at the old banyan tree.

And her house was full of dark silence, which was terrible.

Shen Qingqing stood in front of the French window with an uneasy expression on her face.

The glass glasses in her hand shook, and the whole person was in a trance. I don't know how long later, she was fascinated by it. Her hand shook and banged. As soon as her hand was loose, the glass fell directly on the ground and broke in an instant.

The sound was particularly crisp, which made Shen Qingqing more afraid.

She looked down at the debris on the ground, her eyes were dull, and her tears slipped down at once.

What the hell is going on?

Why did she suddenly cry?

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