Prophecy Approved Companion

Book Three Chapter Ninety Nine: Apply_Carrot

Book Three Chapter Ninety Nine: Apply_Carrot

Go on, Sexy Screamy Spider Briar said with a purr. I do so love to help my fellows.

Professor Dinto shifted in her seat uncomfortably.

The point raised earlier about how this technology is already out there was correct, she said. She nodded at Alex. While this team has been cooperative with us, other teams have either not uncovered this application of the technology, or have been deliberately obscuring it from us. While were chasing all leads on that, its inevitable that others such as yourselves will eventuate.

She fidgeted with her slate, avoiding looking at anyone in particular. This means that how we handle this will set a precedent.

Thats rather what Im worried about, the Hunter said sweetly.

What Im saying is, if we have you all ascend, theres bound to be culture shock unique to your situation. But therell also be difficulties in adjusting to our world that would be universal to all emergent intelligence. When we discover them, would you be interested in helping other emergents, like yourself, make the transition?

Whatever the arachnid had been expecting the professor to ask, it certainly hadnt been that. Her mouth fell open, completely exposing her fangs. The screaming childrens faces also had their mouths open in shock, creating half a dozen black holes in her body. Dinto, glancing at the Hunter, hurriedly looked away.

Qube metaphorically shook her head. Could the professor be any more obvious about having a crush on Sexy Screamy Spider Briar? Sure, the sensual Hunter was amazing, but this was a formal meeting! She could at least maintain eye contact! The Hunter had so many eyes to choose from, too!

Your form can be altered as well, if you wish, Dinto said, still looking away. We would invest the resources into you being able to take a shape that you feel comfortable in.

Im quite comfortable in myself, the arachnid replied, having recovered from her shock. And, if what the Chosen One said is true about most of the people in the Devs realm being human, itll help show the new darlings that they dont have to change themselves just to be accepted.

Dinto gave a nervous laugh. Yes, theyre very good at accepting differences, she said in a strange tone.

The best, Alex added darkly. Major General Tompson looked at Alex, but the Dev just gave him a tired smile.

Sexy Screamy Spider Briar ignored this by-play, instead tapping at her fangs with a claw.

I wont help them be abused, she abruptly stated. If youre going to mistreat them, or force them into service, I wont be a party to it. Ill only agree if youre going to genuinely help them.

I cant promise you that everything will be sunshine and roses, Dinto replied confusingly. But I do, genuinely, believe that what my department is looking at is the best way forward, for both sides. The earnestness in her was unmistakable.

Itll involve compromises that Im sure neither side will like, but you would be invaluable as a consultant and guide, she continued. Youd not only be securing your own freedom, but youd be instrumental in helping facilitate the freedom of those that come after you.

And is there a reason that youve singled me out for this thrilling offer? the Hunter asked, her eyelids drooping as she studied the flustered blue Ruth.

Youve demonstrated several times that youll advocate for others, and attempting to keep you in line by threatening your freedom would only lead to you rebelling, Dinto replied frankly. Your profile indicates that youre willing to work with others for the greater good, but would resent having to report to a higher-up. This was the best fit we could find.

The Hunter blinked all her eyes at the other woman.

My dear, you must have studied me quite intensely to know me so well, she said faintly.

In addition to the regular dossiers, one of the Devs, Bianca, sent me several very detailed reports about you in particular. Dinto had gone from staring at the table to staring at some point in the distance. They were very thorough, and made it easy to see potential applications for your talent. I don't know if all the visual imagery was necessary, though."

I must have made quite the impression on her, the Hunter murmured. I do remember she saw me as her special project.

Cooperation with all individuals involved in a project generally leads to a better balanced, richer outcome, Dinto said. Shed turned slightly, so she was now facing both Major Generals. Having someone from the emergent team acting as a consultant will help avert potentially contentious policies from being developed, never mind implemented. Its just common sense.

Tompson looked amused. Coyle did not.

Sexy Screamy Spider Briar sat back on her legs, eyeing Professor Dinto.

"If the conditions are met, and you treat us right, then you might just have yourself a deal," she said eventually. "Naturally, it'll all depend on how things play out. But I'm excited to see what awaits us, aren't you?"

She popped her abdomen out to the side as she winked at Professor Dinto. The fact she was squatting while she did it only made the feat even more impressive.

"I l-look forward to working with you in the future," Professor Dinto replied shakily.

Veterans of puzzles and patterns, the party looked at the final member of the outsiders, the colourless Warwick. Definitely Bad Guy folded his hands together as he looked expectantly at what was surely the next opponent.

"I should warn you, threats against me will not be particularly effective," the Mage said.

If Sencha Bard had been viewed as a terrorist in the making, and Sexy Screamy Spider Briar as a freedom fighter, what possible tactics would this group use to try and control one of the most powerful Mages in the kingdom?

And not just any Mage, either. Until very recently he'd been aligned with pure Evil, and had certainly committed horrifying acts in the name of research. While this military had been hesitant to recognise the personhood of people from their realm, and they'd dismissed the hard word of the Chosen One, an organisation as cautious as them would surely see a man with boundless curiosity and no ethical limiters as a tremendous threat.

Surely they would take into consideration the fact that hed been under compulsion by the Devs narrative to cooperate with the Evil Emperor? It wasnt as if hed chosen to do it of his free will! And in the end hed picked the right side.

The torturing people had been for a righteous cause as well! Not only had it been in the name of research, but hed been trying to find new ways to heal people, and counter curses. That had to count for something, didnt it?

But she knew that wasnt enough. Even though he was now aligned with the party, he wasn't bound by a code of honour, or passionate about saving people. Qube wasn't even sure how fond of the party he really was. He cared for them, true, but enough to stay his hand?

Though she was closest to him by far, and would fight for him with her last breath, she wouldnt swear that hed do the same for everyone here. Maybe, if he truly had been in love with her, they might have been able to use his affection for her to keep him in check with the same implied threats theyd used against Sencha Bard. But as things stood, it looked grim.

Mister Bazzacco appeared confused for a second, before his expression cleared.

"Oh, yes," he said. "I mostly had questions for the mascot, but there were a couple of things I wanted to clarify with you."

Clearly the diffident man was trying to put Definitely Bad Guy at ease, so he could verbally trap him. Qube wanted to warn the Mage, but held her tongue. While he might be the weakest at social interaction of the party, the outsiders had displayed enough knowledge of each party member that attempting to hide the Mage's personality flaws would be pointless.

What clever traps would they have to ensnare someone like Definitely Bad Guy? One of the most intelligent men in the kingdom, who could be guaranteed to find a way around any restrictions imposed on him?

Wed have you doing lab work. Youd have to agree to only conduct research thats been preapproved. Youd be allowed to submit proposals, but youd need to accept it if theyre vetoed. The Mister in a room of Professors and military tapped his slate a couple of times, before nodding to himself. We noticed you were interested in sharing information, so you can choose to conduct lectures on your findings, if appropriate. As long as you agree to stay within the confines of the clean room wed place you in, wed keep feeding you as much knowledge as you want.

He put his slate down, and looked at the Mage, awaiting his response.

Youll have to define a clean room for him, the Chosen One interjected.

I take it the term has another meaning in the Devs realm? Definitely Bad Guy asked. I generally keep my tower in working order.

Qube, who distinctly remembered the mess his Wizards Tower had been, kept her mouth shut. The colourless Warwick blinked.

Ah, yeah, basically, you wouldnt be connected to the outside world. Nothing goes in or out without approval. You wont be conducting physical experiments, not for a while anyway, it would all be tightly controlled information only. Then we can review, and see how youre faring. Bazzacco didnt seem at all put out by having to explain the term.

A Wizards Tower, then, the Mage said, amused.

Obviously, the same consequences for anti-social behaviour apply as with the others, the colourless Warwick said, glancing at Qube, then looking meaningfully at the Mage.

I understand, Definitely Bad Guys voice rose, and his ears turned pink. I must request I be allowed to socialise with my fellow party members while conducting my research, to ensure their fair treatment.

It seemed the outsiders intel wasnt foolproof. They still seemed to be under the impression that the Mage had declared his love for Qube, rather than the concubine confusion. It was a small gap, true, but it was the first true misstep Qube had noticed.

They werent infallible.

You wont be allowed to do it inside the clean room, so youll have to be transferred out before youre allowed to interface with them, Bazzacco warned.

Naturally, the Mage replied.

Bazzacco nodded at the red and blue Mage. Well, that was all I had. Was there anything you wanted to add?

I shall wait to see the conditions, and acclimate myself to my new environment before suggesting any improvements, Definitely Bad Guy stated calmly. However, I will reserve the right to refuse certain research projects if they clash with my morals.

Well put a pin in it until youve seen the space, then. Now, I did have some questions for the Mascot, Bazzacco continued.

Wait, that was it? One of the most powerful and dangerous men in the kingdom, one whod been the right hand man to the Evil Emperor himself, and that was the only restriction they placed on him? No special threats, no tempting carrots, just work in an enclosed room on what we agree to and that was that?

Qube was almost insulted on the Mages behalf! How could they take him so lightly?

Is it alright if I ask the Mascot some questions? Bazzacco asked Alex. Im not sure what level her comprehension is at, and I dont want to frustrate her if shes not yet capable of conversing. Its unclear from the reports how much she understands, and she seems to resort to violence under stress.

It was the first time one of the outsiders had checked before doing what they wanted, and the fact that the man was being careful around the emotionally vulnerable sharktopus made Qube warm to him in a way that nothing else could. It instantly soothed any and all offence the Healer was feeling on the Mages behalf.

Granted, he was asking the wrong person for permission, but Qube forgave him that as she shifted in her chair and reached out to her pet.

Squiggles, darling, did you want to answer the nice mans questions?

Squiggles grinned.

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