Protect Our Clan Leader

Chapter 161 - 123: Welcoming the Bride! Fire­treading White Cloud (Looking for recommendations and monthly tickets )_2

Chapter 161: Chapter 123: Welcoming the Bride! Fire-treading White Cloud (Looking for recommendations and monthly tickets )_2

Approximately, with only one part of the greenhouse experimental field and as long as the field is properly nourished, he needs only a few days to bring the rice in the experimental field to maturity and harvest.

Therefore, he decided to use his new ability to cultivate rice.

The original rice, ironically, came from the Liu and Zhao families, whose farm yield was so low it was unbearable to see. The rice that could still survive despite such a reduction in yield must undoubtedly be a superior part of the crop in terms of pest and disease resistance.

Starting from this basis would simplify things a lot.

Then, he cultivated new varieties of rice generation by generation. The pitifully scarce and fragmented knowledge of agriculture and breeding from his previous life was utilized by him bit by bit.

After spending a full half year, he bred fifteen varieties of rice, each with its own advantages.

However, in the end, he chose the Wang’s N0.9, a variety that was “mediocre” in yield and not outstanding in pest and disease resistance, as the species for large-scale experiments.

The reason was simple, the most significant feature of this variety’s genetic mutation was that if the seeds were soaked in low-concentration saltwater, the offspring could no longer reproduce.

In layman’s terms, only the Wang family can cultivate the first generation as the original species. Seeds that have been soaked in low-concentration saltwater can only be used for eating, not as grain seeds, after they have grown into offspring.

This could effectively prevent the leakage of good varieties.

As Wang Shouzhe knew, many long-established or powerful families would cultivate their good breeds generation by generation, whether with high yield or high quality.

They cherish these good breeds and only use them in their own farms. When selling to the outside, they will always shell the grains. Because once it is sold as grain seed, the whole variety will be spread out.

However, Wang Shouzhe’s Wang’s N0.9 has no such concern.

Wang Shouzhe was contemplating.

Wang Xiaozhi said, “Shouzhe, I know you care about this mass production. But you should hurry back. Your big wedding is in a few days, and the whole family is busy preparing for it. You can’t keep running to the fields.”

“I’m just taking a look, I’ll go back, I’ll go back.” Wang Shouzhe smiled and took his leave.

In fact, he also knew that the Wang family had been preparing for his big wedding for a long time. Wedding dresses and such were made more than half a year in advance.

His second brother, Wang Shouyi, had already commissioned various merchants to buy high-end ingredients from Longzuo County and even surrounding areas half a year ago.

The rest of the family members had also been busy for quite a while.

Moreover, many daughters who had married out of the family returned to the Wang’s main residence with their husbands and children. They were both celebrating and helping out.

On his way back in the carriage, Wang Shouzhe sighed. He was filled with emotion. Unconsciously, he was about to get married!

What he found most strange was that, so far, he has never seen the bride.

The two of them didn’t know what the other looked like.

Moreover, up to now, the two of them had only a few minor exchanges in the air.

This was even more exaggerated than Wang Shouzhe’s online dating experiences on Earth.

But in this world, such marriages of the legitimate children of the prominent families are quite normal.

Before Chen Fangjie and his sister Wang Luoyi got married, they only came to the Wang’s main residence once and dared not come again afterward. They were fearful of violating rules and being killed by Wang Shouzhe.

“Hehe~ but such arranged marriages are also quite nice.” Wang Shouzhe smiled. In contrast, dating and marriage on Earth took so many years. How troublesome.

Time passed by a few more days.

Golden October.

The autumn sky was clear and crisp.

It was a season of harvest, and a suitable season for weddings.

This was also a very important season for Shanyin Town in Changning.

Because, in Shanyin Town, which is dominated by the Yinyu Family, it was the wedding day of their legitimate daughter.

In celebration of this joyful event, the Yinyu Family had announced that the farmland within their territory would be exempted from the Prominent Family Tax for this season’s autumn harvest.

What a huge sum of money that was!

The amount of fertile land within the Yinyu Family’s territory that needed to pay the Prominent Family Tax was about seventy thousand acres. The amount of the Prominent Family Tax that was not collected was as high as more than seven hundred Qian Gold.

For most ordinary independent cultivators, it was great news. Paying less tax in the autumn harvest season, tens of copper coins less, was enough for them to have a full harvest year.

From this, one can see the overall financial strength of the Yinyu Family. The lack of more than seven hundred Qian Gold is not a big deal, truly incomparable to those ordinary prominent families.

At the entrance of the area controlled by Shanyin Town, there stood a door tower watchtower. On the top of the gate tower, there was a stone plaque with the word “Shanyin” engraved on it.

This was a line of defence and checkpoint, where a member of the Liu Clan and a team of family guards and servants were stationed all year round. Anyone who entered Shanyin Town, especially those independent cultivators and peddlers, would be questioned and registered.

This was what made Shanyin different from the other towns. It could prevent the entry of most fugitive criminals and instill fear in those criminals who wanted to cause trouble.

As a result, the crime rate within Shanyin has always been the lowest among all the towns in Changning, and life is stable and orderly.

At the same time, next to the gatehouse, a large open space had long been guarded by members of the Liu Clan. They had set up sunshades, and a team of drummers and suona players were ready.

At the time of the morning.

A large number of Shanyin commoners had already gathered near the gate tower.

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