Psychokinetic Eyeball Pulling

Chapter 182: Corruption Destroyer

Chapter 182: Corruption Destroyer

But first, she had some System messages to look at. Of course she had ignored them as there were more pressing matters to attend to. However, before she continued further, it was best to see if there was anything worth looking at–and it seemed there was.

Title obtained - Corruption Destroyer: Well done Astrid, you removed the filth from the bodies of over 100 hundred corrupted! No disease can stop your rampage, now go forth and eradicate the rest!

| Intelligence +60

| Wisdom +50

| Damage against Corrupted is increased by 25%.

| Clearing the Corruption spots within one’s body is 50% easier.

Thanks Pupil. Astrid nodded. Right now, it was an upgrade over Void Metal Emergence. Sure, it increased the power of her void attacks, but she couldn’t use them as much as she liked. It took time to power them up, and the her right now still struggled to control them fully. And judging by the fact she now had to face an army of the Corrupted, it was the smarter choice.

Void Metal Emergence -> Corruption Destroyer

Happy with the choice, she once again looked at her other Title. It was the main reason she was able to fight against monsters at such a high Level.

King Slayer: You really showed that king who was the boss! You have defeated an enemy one-hundred levels above your own!

| 75% extra damage against enemies one-hundred Levels above you.

| 65 added Intelligence.

| 50 added Wisdom.

No doubt it would be a long time before she changed this one. It enabled her to fight monsters far higher than her, and that also meant that she could Level up at an insane pace compared to not only her peers, but even those a lot older than her.

However, she obtained it because she was crazy enough to fight a monster one-hundred Levels above her in the first place even with the high chance of death. Astrid smiled at the remembrance of the fight. The image of using Mind Domain against the Tree King would be plastered within her thoughts for a lifetime. Using her domain to counteract its own domain. Making it fall through the air, it was unable to use its roots to dig into the ground.

Which led her to a strange thought. It seemed that the king of trees was unable to use its own domain despite her Mind Domain being a mere illusion. That meant what the reciprocants of her special ability truly thought that they were in another world. It wasn’t simply a thought of being in an illusion, but her enemies were truly cut off from using their advantages.

It was truly her domain, and the only way to counter it was to break free of the illusion, or simply have a high enough Intelligence to counter it from the get go.

Shaking her head, she moved onto the other messages.

You defeated - Corrupted - Level 221!

| Extra experience is granted for defeating an enemy many levels above!

You have Levelled up!

| Oculus Witch Level 155 -> Oculus Witch Level 158

| Voidmare Level 155 -> Voidmare Level 158

You have gained 30 stat points.

| You now have 1346 Intelligence.

Again, she added everything to Intelligence. At this point, there was no need to aim for the other milestone abilities as the quicker she received her next Int milestone, the better. No doubt it would be far greater than any other Stat milestone, even if they were all combined.

The only downside of investing so heavily into Intelligence was not receiving the milestone for longer life. But, she was in no situation to care about living a long, healthy life. She had too many enemies to worry about and too many fights to battle.

Next up was the Skills. There were a few worthy of note: Psychokinesis was one of them. However, Let’s just say she was disappointed at what she read next.

Psychokinesis [ Stage 3 ] Requirements not met.

Her shoulders slumped. She wasn’t even given the requirements she had to meet.

Guess I need to fumble in the dark.

Astrid thought with a huff. If it was any other Skill from any of the lesser Classes, then it would all be well documented. Each stage would be given a description of how to unlock the evolution. That’s why a lot of people with high tiered Classes and Skills often met with bottlenecks, restricting them from advancing further. They didn’t know how to upgrade them. So they were forced to watch as other, lesser Classes, stormed ahead. It was why a lot of the nobles wanted to restrict the commoners. The fear of having their spot taken from them was something they were willing to risk.

Then there was Dominating Sovereigns Eye and Void Storage. The latter had reached the peak of nine since she hadn’t used it as often as her other combat Skills, while the former seemed to have reached a bottleneck. Even taking the Corrupted’s eye, it wasn’t enough to Level it up, nor did the progress even go up.

Do I need to take something that it approves of? Astrid thought in confusion. With it being a Transcendent Skill, it was a mere guess. However, Astrid felt that it made sense.

With everything sorted, Astrid headed out with Daniel, Rob, Losef, Leena, and Brett. Lisa, Calum, and Rachelle stayed back as their range abilities were less than effective during close quarters. Especially Rachelle. The last thing Daniel wanted was her to reduce the middle district into cinders and ash. Astrid agreed.

They reached the side lift where it would take them straight to the residential area of the middle district. The shaft was enormous. It travelled from the top of Rebirth, all the way into the skulking depths of the arc of humanity. However, there was no lift. The thick cables were severed, and to Astrid’s eyes, it was quite the clean cut.

Daniel peered closer, making sure not to fall into the pitch black abyss down below. “It looks like something chewed it,” he said, and pointed to the cable.

Astrid looked closer with her bettered vision thanks to Wisdom. There was indeed evidence that it was tooth marks, and not a cut from a blade. She activated Psych Domain, and she noticed a familiar sight. Corruption. The spots practically squirmed where the cable had been cut. It was unmistakable; it was the germs of the infected.

“Thankfully we have our own personal lift service.” Brett slung his arm over Astrid’s shoulder.

“Are you gaining weight?” Astrid poked his side. “How do you know I’ll even be able to lift you?”

“Hey, that’s mean.” Brett pouted. “I’ll have you know I’m in the best shape of my life. Look.” Brett Flexed his arms. Surprisingly, the living metal arm also bulged at where his biceps were placed. No doubt he was most likely telling the truth.

“Whatever,” Astrid said with a smirk, and faster than Brett could react, she pushed him as Omni-kinesis filled her body with a titanic strength. His body was slung straight into the abyss.

“You biiiiiitt–”

Astrid chortled. Holding her stomach, she leapt in after him–as did the others with a wry smile.

From feet first, she flipped over until she was heading down head first. With her speed of flight, she met up with Brett in a second. Flipping over again, she rested her arms behind her head.

“Ashtrid, getsh control of me thish inshtant!” Brett shouted, but with his face being distorted by the high speed wind, his voice came out with a lisp.

“You should see your face!” Astrid laughed. She created a true illusion of Brett as he fell. Face and all. Just like himself, the clone's mouth was flapping in the wind. Brett’s brows turned into a frown, and Astrid made sure to replicate that as well.

“Alright, don’t have a heart attack old man,” Astrid said and slowed down his descent until she brought him to a stop.

The others were also descending at a rapid pace. She made sure first to slow their fall, before stopping them altogether; just like she had done with Brett. The last thing she wanted to do was to displace their internal organs by abruptly stopping their crazy descent.

Leena giggled once she saw the terrified look of Brett’s clone hovering by the side of them.

“Laugh while you can, I’ll get revenge.” Brett spat, but it was clear he wasn’t really upset. It was actually the opposite once he saw Leena laugh.

“Well that was something.” Daniel took a breath as he looked up. The only thing he could make out was a never-ending black. It was as if they had just descended into the depths of purgatory.

Astrid continued to bring them down for around ten minutes until she spotted a large pair of doors below thanks to her dark vision. Stopping in front of them, she could already hear murmured sounds like crashing, fighting, and the odd screams that almost blended with the other sounds.

Without waiting, she pulled open the heavy doors with her mind. A chaotic scene of destruction met her eyes. It was just like back on the surface. Buildings were shattered, fires burned the wood within the structures, causing a dark plume of smoke to pervade the entire surroundings like a hazy mist.

Taking a step in, her boots squelched against the soaking floor. With a quick glance, it was nothing but a red mulch. Astrid upturned her nose, and hovered a foot above the ground to avoid the gore underneath.

It didn’t take long before the sounds of corrupted screams entered her group's ears. They were approaching. She didn’t know if they could smell them, hear them, or if they had other means of detection, but they were coming.

“Astrid, remember, you are releasing them from their suffering,” Leena said as Astrid grimly nodded in reply.

While Astrid was bringing them down the elevator shaft, Daniel already made it clear what their objective was. Astrid would head on deep within and obtain all the corrupted’s attention, while Daniel and the others would make their way to the shopping district where the survivors were located.

Sure, they could have come down the shaft where the shopping district was, but if the corrupted were all focused on attacking, then they would pinch them from behind.

Astrid agreed with the plan. However, her mind wasn’t filled with excitement like it always was before a fight. For she knew that not long ago, her enemies were once the residents of her home. She had most likely passed them by, or maybe she even knew some of them personally. Now she had to kill them, for there was no cure for their souls.

All she could do was take away their eternal suffering.

With a breath, she shot into the air, and headed straight for where the red hearts were the most dense.

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