Quick Transmigration The Prodigal Son

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

The Eldest Young Master's Gentle Wife (15)

Jiang Zhe returned to his courtyard and habitually headed to the study. 

He sat on the chair, took off his glasses, and rubbed his eyebrows. 

Suddenly, there was a knock on door. 

Jiang Zhe wore his glasses again: "Come in." 

Li Cai Wei walked in with a bowl of soup, "I heard the servants saying that youre back. I imagine youve been busy these days. I was afraid that you couldnt hold on, so I stewed some ginseng bamboo chicken stew early this morning to boost your energy and help you sleep at night. 

While talking, Li Cai Wei scooped him a small bowl, "Drink a little." 

Jiang Zhe eyes turned warm, holding the bowl with one hand, drinking it with big gulps. 

Li Cai Wei scooped him another bowl. Drinking the two bowls of soup, Jiang Zhe's empty stomach was filled, and even the cold air around his body dispersed. 

Li Cai Wei: "Ill give you a forehead massage, you can take a short nap." 

Jiang Zhe didnt respond. 

His forehead was gently and slowly massaged by a pair of cool fingers, greatly relieving fatigue. 

After a while, Jiang Zhe began to feel drowsy. 

Li Cai Wei's hands kept moving, until she determined shortly that the man had fallen asleep, before taking a blanket from the inner room and draped it over him. Inadvertently, she caught a glimpse of the eyebags under his eyes, and thought that he probably did not have a good rest for several days. 

Li Cai Wei looked lonely. She stretched out her fingers in front of the mans face, her fingers tracing his features in the air, whispering: "Jiang Zhe, what exactly are you doing?" 

Jiang Zhe slept very well. When he woke up, it was already around four in the afternoon. 

He took off the blanket on his body, folding and placing it back into the room and walked out of the study. 

Shui Gen was standing guard outside the door, saw him and quickly greeted him. 

Jiang Zhe looked at the scratches on his face, his brows were slightly wrinkled, "Concubine Shu scratched you?" 

Shui Gen stammered, not saying yes, but also not saying no.

Jiang Zhe: "Is she still causing trouble?" 

Shui Gen nodded. 

Shui Gen: "Halfway, Concubine Shu brought Second Young Master and the Eldest Miss over a few times, but you were sleeping, so I blocked them." 

Jiang Zhe growled, killing intent filling his words: "Concubine Shu didnt even put me in her eyes, yet she listened to you." 

Shui Gen: "Cough"

Shui Gen scratched his head, "Alright, I cant hide anything from Eldest Young Master indeed."

Shui Gen: "Old Madams side Zhang Ma came." 

Jiang Zhe: Did Mother send any message along?" 

Shui Gen wondered: "No, she didnt. Zhang Ma only came to drive Concubine Shu away. 

Jiang Zhe looked towards Mother Jiangs courtyard, his eyes darkened. This was really too strange. 

After more than half a year of interaction, Jiang Zhe did not doubt the deep love Mother Jiang had for her son, but now that he was being bullied, Mother Jiang only let people chase the culprits away. 

This was really abnormal. 

There was also Father Jiangs attitude. Rather than saying Father Jiang dotes on Concubine Shu, it was more like raising a person out of boredom. He gave her the appropriate wealth and glory, but no love or affection. 

And Concubine Shus life was even more intriguing. 

She was only a concubine, yet she dared to mock him, the eldest son, in front of Father Jiangs face. Facing Mother Jiang, not to mention the many times she didnt pay respects to her, she would even bad-mouth her behind her back, everything done as long as Concubine Shu felt great. 

This Jiang family seemed to have something he was unaware of. 

Jiang Zhe rubbed the jade thumb ring on his hand, carefully recalling the various contradictions in his past interactions. 

Forget it, once Father Jiang comes back, he will definitely clarify the situation. 

He didnt want to be doing things at the frontline while someone behind desperately drags on his leg.

In the days that followed, Jiang Zhe deeply realized what it means to be "A tree without a bark will undoubtedly die; a man without shame is undefeatable under the heavens." 

Jiang Zhe also realised for the first time that when Concubine Shu flared up, others couldnt get close to her. 

Father Jiang went out, Jiang Zhe had to deal with the shop matters, Mother Jiang was weak and unexpectedly undisciplined, Li Cai Wei didnt wield any power, there was really no one in this family that could control her. 

Therefore, Concubine Shus behaviour only intensified, making a fuss during every meal, occasionally still attending some dim sum afternoon tea whatnots. 

Because Jiang Zhe had a weak personality, he was also pestered by her to no end. In order to protect the innocent Li Cai Wei from this disaster, Jiang Zhe would always send her to Li Ming to stay for a short while under the guise of visiting her younger brother. 

Concubine Shu saw all his actions, but she only thought that Jiang Zhe had given up, and was afraid of her, making her kick up a bigger fuss every day. 

Jiang Zhe listened coldly to the servants complaints, and then had them withdraw. 

He asked Shui Gen: "What were the Second Young Master and Eldest Misss reactions?" 

Shui Gen: "Second Young Master and Eldest Miss also have no way to deal with Concubine Shu. They hide in the house every day, avoiding people." 

Jiang Zhe: "Is that so?" 

Shui Gen: "Yes." 

Jiang Zhe quirked his lips up, the meaning of his smile unknown, but the smile didnt reach the bottom of his eyes. 

Jiang Zhe: "If she wants to make trouble, then let her. Wait till Father comes back to settle everything." 

Shui Gen: "Yes." 

One and a half months later, Father Jiang finally came back, but his state wasnt very good. His beard was unkempt and his eyes were bloodshot. 

Jiang Zhe could also guess why. The business scene was like a battlefield, it really wasnt a joke. Father Jiang had to deal with so many shops all over the place, with time being so tight, he probably didnt have any proper rest. 

Jiang Zhe understood him, originally wanting to let him rest for a night before talking about Concubine Shus matters. 

But while he could wait, someone couldnt.

When Concubine Shu got the news, she ran over fiercely. "Old Master, this time you must give me an explanation." 

Father Jiang frowned. "If theres anything, lets talk tomorrow." 

Concubine Shu said: "No, Old Master must give me an explanation today." 

Mother Jiang and Jiang Zhe, who rushed over after hearing the news, couldn't maintain their faces. 

Jiang Zhe helped Mother Jiang in, his entire face cold. Then, in front of everyone, he said to Shui Gen: "Go invite Eldest Missy and Second Young Master over. Also, invite the Young Mistress back. Concubine Shu is right, we should have an explanation today." 

Father Jiangs wanted to speak, but didnt. Concubine Shu was proud of herself. 

Half an hour later, everyone had gathered. 

Jiang Zhe opened his mouth: "Father, this son has something hes unclear about. I want to ask you today." 

Father Jiang: "Go ahead." 

Jiang Zhe: "This son wants to ask you if you have owed Concubine Shu anything, or maybe she has something on you, for her to be a tyrant so out of her place in the Jiang family, not putting anyone in her eyes, extremely domineering." 

Concubine Shus face suddenly changed, and was about to start scolding again. Jiang Zhe looked coldly at her, "Im currently asking my dad right now, since when was it appropriate for a concubine to interrupt." 

Concubine Shu: "Jiang Zhe, no matter how you look at it, I am your elder. Is this the attitude you have towards your elders?" 

Jiang Zhe: "I don't have such an elder who has no dignity."

Concubine Shu: "You" 

Father Jiang slammed the table suddenly and angered: "Enough." Pointing at Concubine Shu, he shot out: "You, shut up." 

Concubine Shu was still unwilling, but remained silent in the end. 

Jiang Zhe: "Dad, please tell me." 

Mother Jiang's hand holding onto the armrest trembled slightly. Father Jiang closed his eyes in silence. After a long while, he sighed. "It's all a debt." 

Concubine Shus body shook, her face turning ugly. 

Father Jiang: "I don't have any weaknesses in Concubine Shus hands, but I do owe her. Because

Father Jiang: "Her parents died because of me." 

Mother Jiang sighed, and Concubine Shu also bowed her head. 

Li Cai Wei, on the other hand, had other thoughts. 

Jiang Zhes hand rubbing his jade thumb ring paused. He never imagined that this would be the reason. 

With this, it was explainable why Concubine Shu was so wild, but Father and Mother Jiang could tolerate it. 

Jiang Zhe said in a low voice: "Can dad tell the whole story?" 

Father Jiang: "Dad started this family from scratch. The so called of a million things, the starting is the hardest, with no one to support dad, dad could only run the business by himself. Single-handedly going up the mountain to gather the raw materials, single-handedly fumbling to dye cloth, and single-handedly went to sell the cloth. After I met your mother, she didnt despise that I was poor, and suffered with me. Fortunately, the heavens dont punish hardworking people. Dads business finally improved. Unfortunately, fortune doesnt come in pairs, and misfortunes dont come alone. While dad was delivering the goods to a customer, I met bandits. My life was on the line, but dad was saved. The people who saved me were Concubine Shus parents." 

Recalling the past, Father Jiang had momentarily lost himself in the moment: "Dad is grateful to them, and promised to repay them with silver money afterwards. However, that night, the bandits found us. In order to protect me, they lost their lives under the bandits knife. With the death of my benefactor, dad could only repay the kindness with Concubine Shu. 

Jiang Zhe's eyes flashed and asked: "And then?"

Father Jiang: "Then, Concubine Shu was homeless, so dad took her in. Dad originally wanted to acknowledge her as my sworn sister, and take care of her. After she married, dad prepared a rich dowry for her to stand firm in her husbands house. If she had any grievances after marriage, dad was willing to stick up for her, taking over the responsibility of the Shu familys parents. 

Jiang Zhe coldly rebutted: But now, she has become your concubine. 

Father Jiangs face was a bit complex, and said at a loss: "Yes. Initially, I had already discussed with the grooms side and confirmed a day. However, in my happiness, I got drunk, and and did something wrong." 

Jiang Zhe:  

Jiang Zhe: "If I could be bold enough to ask, that wine was brought by Concubine Shu, and also Concubine Shu who encouraged dad to drink it? Let me think. The excuse was that she was going to marry out, and cannot often meet in the future, so she wanted to drink or something similar, as a farewell. Or maybe she brought up her deceased parents, dad must have felt too ashamed to refuse, right." 

Father Jiang, Mother Jiang, and Concubine Shus faces changed dramatically. 

Concubine Shu couldn't supress her anger: "Jiang Zhe, what rubbish are you talking about?" 

Jiang Zhe pretended not to hear her, continuing, "But I have one thing I dont understand. At that time, dad and mom should be living together right? Why was Concubine Shu, a single lady, going to find dad in the middle of the night to drink, yet mom wasnt there? 

Mother Jiang twisted her eyebrows and thought about it, It seems like that night, I was very tired, and fell asleep early. 

Jiang Zhes lens flashed, covering the light in his eyes, "Oh, such a coincidence. Concubine Shu missed dad, looked for dad to drink, and dad got drunk. Mom was just nice tired, and went to sleep early. The next day, dad woke up and found out that he had done something wrong." 

Jiang Zhes voice was dull, as if he was talking about a matter unrelated to him, even like it was a boring story. However, Concubine Shu who was listening was thunderstruck, her whole body freezing cold. 

On the other hand, Mother Jiangs body tremble, her eyes turning fiercely red, shedding two lines of clear tears, but she could only choke. Li Cai Wei quickly comforted her, lest her mother-in-law fell ill from crying.

Father Jiang looked at Concubine Shu in disbelief, staring at her until the other was soaked in sweat, stuttering: "Old, Old Master, listen to me, thats not what happened?" 

Jiang Zhe: "Then, why dont you tell us what happened?" " 

Concubine Shu: "I, I, I"

Concubine Shu "I" for half a day, but couldnt say anything. 

Facing Father Jiangs disappointed eyes, she suddenly screamed, seemingly crazy, she pointed to Father Jiang, saying: "This is what you owe me. If it wasnt for you, my father and mother would not have died." 

Jiang Zhe adjusted his glasses frame: "Towards the Shu familys esteemed parents, I feel very sorry, but you know, this is not my dads fault, he is also a victim." 

Concubine Shu: "What do you know? If it wasnt for Jiang Zheng Hua, if my parents didnt meet him, they wouldnt have saved him and attracted the revenge of the bandits. My parents wouldnt have died, this entire situation is his fault, he killed my parents." 

Jiang Zhe: "So you hate my dad, is that right?" 

Concubine Shu: "Yes, I hate him." 

Jiang Zhe: "If so, then why don't you just kill him? After he brought you home, you had many opportunities, didnt you? 

Father Jiang/Mother Jiang: Zheer 

Li Cai Wei: Jiang Zhe 

Others looked at him strangely. 

Jiang Zhe: "If you hate him so much, why did you hatch a plan to give yourself to him? To sleep with a man you hate, dont you feel disgusted?" 

Jiang Zhe: "Even so, you couldnt even be his wife, only a concubine. Dont you feel wronged? 

Jiang Zhe: "You have such a big hatred in your heart, why are you still willing to give birth to children for him, and feel aggrieved because your children cant enter his line of sight? Because he doesn't love you, doesn't care about you, to lose control of your emotions and fly into a rage?" 

Jiang Zhe asked three continuous questions, forcing Concubine Shu to retreat.

At the end, he sighed: "Actually, you know in your heart that the death of your parents cannot be pinned on my dad. But he does have some responsibility, so he will compensate you as much as possible. If you successfully married out back then, he would definitely treat you as his own sister. With his support, you could secure a happy life in your husbands house. More importantly, you will be a proper wife. But you gave it up, and chose another path, a path full of ups and downs. 

Jiang Zhe: Why? Because you fell in love with this man? Or did your discerning eye see through this mans enormous potential? Or maybe it was both. Can you tell me, Concubine Shu, I am really curious." 

Concubine Shu dazedly looked at pure, compelling youth opposite her, suddenly feeling a sense of strange familiarity. 

Once upon a time, she also saw this confident look on another man's body, but that man's eyes didnt see her. 

There was pindrop silence in the hall. The people present all bowed their heads and tried to reduce their presence. 

Jiang Chen, Jiang Yu, however, was wide-eyed, looking at their mother incredulously. 

Father Jiangs face drooped, his entire person wilting. 

Li Cai Wei was busy comforting Mother Jiang, who was crying nonstop. 

Jiang Zhe was the calmest, sitting on a chair. He even had the mood to drink a cup of tea, wetting his throat. 

Under such calm eyes, Concubine Shu only felt that she was stripped of all her clothes walking on the street, utterly humiliating, but hatefully, she couldnt refute. 

Jiang Zhe put down the teacup and looked at her: "Concubine Shu, your parents died because of my dad, this is what my dad owes you. Even if you killed him, and there is nothing to blame. But" Jiang Zhes face sank fiercely "Killing someone isnt a big deal. At the most, one could be a good man 18 years later. But you! Because of your calculations, you deeply buried an unmovable thorn between my dad and my mom, one touch would cause even the hardest heart to hurt, causing my mother to suffer from depression and its symptoms. Under many years of suffering such pain, she is already physically and mentally exhausted. Over the years, you have been taking advantage of this chip, enjoying the fortunes and power in the Jiang family, causing my dad and mom unspeakable pain."

Jiang Zhe: "Concubine Shu, how bad can a person be, to do such a disgusting deed." 

Jiang Zhe: "You ask yourself honestly, do you my dad for dragging your parents down, or do you use this as an excuse, to let my dad and mom give in step by step, and then satisfy your own personal desires." 

Concubine Shu, Concubine Shu had already turned speechless under the interrogation. 

Having hidden it for some many years, the day had come, for someone to heartlessly tear down her cover. It was not only painful, but also hard to bear. 

Jiang Zhe waited for a while, and suddenly said: "Let's separate the households." 

The moment this statement came out, the whole hall was silent. 

Jiang Zhe: "Two people's lives. Concubine Shu, you plotted against my dad in front of my mother, torturing my mothers heart for many years before and after, this can be considered as repaying you a life. Today's separation, I will give in. The existing familys asset, I will only take half. The rest will be given to Jiang Chen, this can be considered as repaying you another life, what do you think?" 

Father Jiang, Mother Jiang was shocked: "Zheer" 

Jiang Zhe looked directly at Concubine Shu: "You are right, the amount I wasted should be borne by me. Today, I only have half. According to the original amount of the familys assets, Jiang Chen should also be able to get half. Doing as such, are you satisfied? 

Concubine Shu: You 

Jiang Zhe: Shui Gen, bring a pen and paper.

Shui Gen was flustered and looked towards Father Jiang for help. Father Jiang, however, smiled relieved, Listen to Zheer, go.

TN: Longest chapter ever. Well, thats over now. THAT PLOT TWIST THOUGH and now maybe we feel a bit more for Concubine Shu? I still don't like her though. To me, loving someone isn't a good reason for wrecking the family of the man you love and causing him unhappiness.

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