Quick Transmigration The Prodigal Son

Chapter 27

Chapter 27

The Educated Youth Who Changed His Mind (7)

The news that Jiang Zhe was admitted to a good university spread quickly. Within a short period of time, there were some people on the team who were happy, and some who were worried. 

Most of them still praised Xu Zhi Hong's foresight, to have such an outstanding son-in-law. 

Xu Shou Ren and his wife had a smile on their faces, but were cursing in their hearts. 

But at least she could still smile. There were some who couldnt even pretend to smile. 

When Yao Yao heard the news, tears flowed without warning. If there was no Xu Qing, she was the one who should be a heaven-made pair with Jiang Zhe, the person to be envied now should also be her. 

Unfortunately, there was no if. 

She covered her mouth, shedding tears as she ran back to her own house, crying wuwuwu. As usual, the door was slammed as loud as thunder, showing the owners terrible mood. 

Only this time, no one in Zhi Qing courtyard went up to comfort her. Even Lin He couldnt stand her regular crying. 

As long as Jiang Zhe and Xu Qings interactions and love entered Yao Yaos ears, she would be heartbroken, she would be sad, she would cry. 

After a long time, Lin He was also numb. 


When it was time to be lively, the team was lively. 

That was a university student. Its said that studying university was currently free, that the government would subsidise it. 

The university that Jiang Zhe got into was also in the capital city. Not only did the Sha Hua University have subsidies, they would also receive an allowance of twenty or thirty a month, much better than eking out a living from the ground. 

After he graduated, the state would also assign him a job, maybe even a leadership position. 

Old Xus family sure is lucky. 

However, there were also some who were sour, saying that Jiang Zhe would no longer be interested in Xu Qing in the future. 

What? His son? Wait for Jiang Zhe to have money, women would queue up to birth him sons. 

However, when Jiang Zhe left home with his wife and children, everyone shut up.

Those who had secretly hoped that Xu Qing would be unlucky previously, now had their faces slapped swollen. 

The Xu parents smiled brightly. The happiest one was Xu Qing. 

Before they set off, Father Xu pulled Jiang Zhe to the side, expressionlessly passing him a cloth bag hesitantly, Its not easy for the two of you to get by outside. If you can use it, then just use it. Dont mistreat yourself. Dou Dou is still small, if he eats poorly, it could affect his whole life. 

Jiang Zhe nodded continuously, "I understand, Dad." 

Father Xu desperately kept a straight face, but the smile in his eyes still revealed his true feelings. 

Following Jiang Zhe and Xu Qing's family of three was also the old couple living in the cowshed. 

Jiang Zhe had previously guessed that the other party was not simple, but he didnt expect old Grandfather Ling to be a university professor. Coincidentally, it was also Jiang Zhes university. 

Now that the situation had stabilised, they could also return. 

Because their destinations were the same, they accompanied Jiang Zhe. Xu Qing naturally agreed immediately. 

Those who had insulted the old couple had long kept their distance, lest they remember and retaliate against them. 

The green train ran noisily. Jiang Zhe had brought along two elderlies and one child, but still needed to split his attention to look after Xu Qing. Even if he was considerate, it was still a little tiring. 

Especially since the trains of this era were not tolerable to the average person, with its extremely sour smell filling the place.

How could Dou Dou, a small one-year-old child, stand it? Shortly after getting on the train, he started crying. 

Xu Qing coaxed him for a long time, but didnt see any improvement. The surrounding people continually complained, causing her to be close to tears as well.

Jiang Zhe only went to get some hot water and buy things, but when he came back, he saw one adult and one child, both teary. 

Fortunately, the Ling old couple was around to help protect them a little, but the situation still wasnt any better. 

Grandfather Ling had a bad back. His leg was also lame and he couldnt stand for too long.

However, now that the national examinations has resumed, many educated youths were returning to the city. They had no power or authority, how could they buy seats? The only seated ticket was also bought with the help of the system, the others were all standing tickets. 

Jiang Zhe handed a small foldable stool to the two old people, also handing over the hot water and some food. With his hands empty, he could finally hold his child. 

He, an adult man, stood in front of Xu Qing, momentarily giving her some space to breathe. 

She looked at the man who was coaxing their child, and her anxious heart was also comforted. 

Jiang Zhe unbuttoned his coat, and hugged Dou Dou within, hiding him away from peoples eyes. He said to the system: Do me a favour. 

The system hummed. But Dou Dou was too cute, with his little hands and feet, whimpering uncomfortably. The system couldnt harden its heart. 

Thus, it secretly set up a transparent cover over Dou Dous head, replacing the dirty smell of the train with fresh air. 

Dou Dou was finally comfortable, and stopped fussing. 

The onlookers looked on in surprise. An old aunt sitting next to Xu Qing poked her and whispered enviously: "Your man is really good." 

Seeing his skilled movements in coaxing the child, she could tell that he had often done it at home. 

Xu Qings mouth curled on its own, and she lightly gave an En sound. 

Then a mint was offered in front of her.

Jiang Zhe: "The mints are cooling, youll feel better after eating it." 

Xu Qing: "What about you?" 

Jiang Zhe pushed it closer, "I still have some, quickly eat." 

The moment he said that, he gave the old Ling couple a mint each, before eating one himself.

It was not that he was stingy, but this era was just like that. If he took out more, others would take a second look.

Sure enough, others just looked at them with envy, but had no other thoughts. 

After a while, a woman holding a child around five or six years old came over, "Friend, do you still have a mint? My child really cant stand it anymore. Your kindness will be rewarded, give me one." 

She said to give, but not to buy. 

Even if someone handed money over to buy it, Jiang Zhe wouldnt sell. To ask for it so straightforwardly, even more so, he wouldnt give any. 

Because once he started it, there would be no end to it. 

So, he steeled his face, saying: "Sorry, Im all out." 

The woman was still pleading, "Friend, I beg you, you also have a child. My child is so pitiful. Give me one. Just one." 

Jiang Zhe's face didnt change: "I don't any." 

There were some in the crowd who couldnt turn a blind eye to the situation, "Friend, just help a little. After all, you both have children." 

"Yeah, just give her one." 


Xu Qing was a little nervous, clutching onto Jiang Zhe's sleeves. 

Jiang Zhe looked up and raised his voice: "Everyone, swearing to the heavens above, I really dont have anymore. If I do, I would definitely have given it. As a male comrade, would I really care about a piece of candy?" 

Others thought about it and found that he was right. Turning around to persuade the woman, "Since that friends doesnt have anymore, then forget about it." 

The woman forced a smile, leaving timidly with her child. Watching her, it was a bit pitiful.

Jiang Zhe looked on coldly. 

However, this woman also reminded Jiang Zhe. He became more cautious, other than this eras normal everyday items, he didnt expose anything else. 

The sun rose and fell, after quite a few days, they finally arrived in the capital. 

The capital train station was bustling with people. Jiang Zhe held his son in his arms, carrying a bag on his back, supporting the old grandpa Ling with his left hand, Xu Qing with his right hand, and Xu Qing supported the old grandma Ling, so as not to get lost. 

Jiang Zhe took them to an open space, and they breathed out a long breath. 

Grandmother Ling: "I have finally returned alive. This kind of experience, this old grandma, I, dont want to experience a second time in my life."

Whether she was referring to some unspeakable experience, or sitting on the green train, everyone had their own answer. 

Jiang Zhe asked Grandfather Ling: "What are your plans going forward?" 

Old man Ling shook his head. "I don't know."  

Their original family property had been confiscated, and those that werent had been completely taken away by their unfilial son. Now, their bodies were full of illnesses, but they didnt even have a place to stay. 

It was also a cold night. 

Jiang Zhe thought for a moment and said, "If the two of you don't mind, stay with us for a while. It wont be too late to move back when you have a place to live." 

"This" The two old people looked at each other, "It would trouble you too much." 

Jiang Zhe: "Its nothing." He knew they had agreed. 

Jiang Zhe: "Let's go, well first find a guest house to live in." 

They lived there for ten days. On the surface, Xu Qing had no change in expression. However her heart was more anxious than anyone. 

She pulled Jiang Zhe, secretly saying: "We don't have much money." 

Jiang Zhe stroked her face, smiling: "Qing Qing, Im sorry. Previously, due to some reasons, I didnt tell you. Actually, my family is quite rich." 

Xu Qing: "Ha?"

Jiang Zhe: "Lets go, were going home today." 

Xu Qing was confused. After an hour, Xu Qing and Ling couple stared at the courtyard surrounded by buildings on all four sides in front of them, their mouths open so wide a chicken egg could be stuffed down. 

Xu Qing stuttered. "You, you just said, this, this is our home?" 

Jiang Zhe nodded. "I bought it, naturally in the future it will be our home in the capital." 

He took the lead. Carrying his child, he picked up the luggage, pushed open the door and entered. 

There was a locust tree in the middle of the courtyard. When the wind blew, a light fragrance filled the courtyard. Next to it was a well, making it convenient to draw water in the future. 

Jiang Zhes gentle voice slowly sounded: The air in this yard is rather good, and its also spacious. After Dou Dou grows up, he can play in the courtyard. When it gets hot, you can sit in the shade of the tree to cool down. 

Jiang Zhe smiled towards Xu Qing: "Qing Qing, do you like it?" 

Xu Qings tears flowed as she nodded strongly. "Like, I like it very much."

TN: I changed my mind, Yao Yao is hateful too. She's crying over everything now, but in the original plot line when the original soul was being bullied, she was the primary cause but she just turned a cold shoulder to him, denying any relationship.

By the way, if you forgot, the money that Jiang Zhe is talking about came from his stash in the system! It's not from his actual family in this scenario. Sneaky hubby using it to surprise his wife this chapter!

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