Quick Transmigration The Prodigal Son

Chapter 30

Chapter 30

The Tyrant CEOs Small Delicate Wife (2)

Qin Qing: So she sold herself herself? QAQ 

The girl hung her head, depressed, looking quite pitiful. 

Jiang Zhe couldnt help but laugh, and asked her tentatively: "Where do you want to go to play tonight?" 

Qin Qing: "???" 

The woman's eyes widened, her face blank, looking very silly, very cute. 

Jiang Zhe almost couldn't resist teasing her, stroking her face: "Seeing how Qin Qing has suffered such a huge wrong, youll decide where to go tonight as compensation." 

Qin Qing: "Ah!!!" 

She didnt expect to have such an unexpected joy, wanting to jump in happiness. 

Jiang Zhe held her down in time. "Are you a kangaroo? Wanting to jump all the time." 

Qin Qing giggled and didn't talk. 

She carefully leaned into Jiang Zhe. Seeing that the other party didnt reject her, she boldly pulled on his hand. 

Qin Qing: Youll really listen to everything I say about where to go tonight?" 

Jiang Zhe: "En."

Getting a positive answer, Qin Qing suddenly became happy, a huge smile blooming on her face. 

Qin Qing: "Let's go to the amusement park tonight." Fearing Jiang Zhe would regret it, she quickly said: "You just promised me, you cant back out of it now." 

Jiang Zhe held her hands, lowly saying: "I wont back out of it. However, we should fill our stomachs before going out to play." 

Qin Qing nodded like a woodpecker. 

At night, the lights swayed and the black Mercedes Maybach drove by. 

Jiang Zhe looked forward, driving the car seriously. Qin Qing sat next to him, sneaking peeks at him from the corner of her eyes.

In the narrow space, the faint scent of cologne lingered around her nose. She secretly sniffed it, her every cell trembling in excitement..

Qin Qing: "Jiang, Jiang Zhe ah" 

Jiang Zhe continued looking at the road, replying: "En?" 

Qin Qing didnt know what to say, finding a random topic to talk about: "Which amusement park are we going to?" 

Jiang Zhe: "Hai Tian, the scenery there is beautiful." 

Qin Qings lips pressed together in secret happiness. Nodding, she smiled: "Oh."

The car was quiet again. 

After a while, Qin Qing said again: "Jiang Zhe?" 

Jiang Zhe: "?" 

Qin Qing: "I, Im a little bit thirsty." 

Jiang Zhe was helpless, handing over a bottle of water, and said thoughtfully: "Theres still twenty minutes to our destination. You can take a nap for a while, so that youll have the energy when we reach the amusement park." 

Qin Qing thought about it, and found it reasonable. Drinking two mouthfuls of the mineral water, her body tilted and she leaned the chair back and rested. 

Twenty minutes passed by in a flash. When Jiang Zhe stopped the car, Qin Qing woke up. 

Jiang Zhe raised his eyebrows and teased her: "You woke up at a really good time." 

Qin Qing slightly widened her eyes, looking confused. 

Jiang Zhe: Wow, shes really blur from sleeping. 

He pulled her hand, "Lets go in." 

Hai Tian Amusement Park had a lot of rides, but the more exciting rides werent open at night. 

Jiang Zhe didnt feel anything about it. To be honest, he didnt like those rides that were too exciting. 

On the other hand, Qin Qing was a bit disappointed. 

Jiang Zhe found it slightly strange. He couldnt tell that such a small and delicate girl would like such stimulating rides. 

Qin Qing looked away, her heart thinking: These were all such gentle activities, how could she take advantage of it and be more intimate in such a situation? 

But soon, she cheered herself up, "Jiang Zhe, let's go to the ferris wheel." 

Jiang Zhe didnt refuse.

The ferris wheel slowly turned, and two people sat opposite each other. Jiang Zhe clearly noticed Qin Qings nervousness, "Afraid of heights?" 

Qin Qing forced a ha-ha. "No, how could I be afraid of heights? I love exciting rides like these the most." 

Jiang Zhe: Well, it would be better if your smile wasnt so forced. 

He deliberately swayed, breaking the balance. The small carriage they were riding in also swayed together with him. 

Qin Qing: ( | | |)

Mom, she was so scared! 

Going to fall!!! 

Jiang Zhes eyes stared widely at the frozen person across him. He was woken up by the swaying of the carriage, subconsciously opening his arms and hugging her. 

A familiar scent lingered around her nose, and her stiff body was enveloped in warmth. Qin Qing moved her eyes and looked up at him. 

Their eyes meeting, Jiang Zhes eyes arched up, "I still thought you had a lot of courage." 

Qin Qing: "I" 

She wanted to get up, but her limbs had lost all strength. 

Jiang Zhe hugged her tightly, "Just remain like this. After all, Im also a little afraid." Laughter could be heard in the voice that sounded above her head. 

Qin Qing glared at him, silently complaining: Liar. 

Jiang Zhe patted her back, laughing lowly. 

The three long minutes finally passed, and Jiang Zhe helped her down. 

When her feet touched the ground, Qin Qing finally felt that she had survived.

Jiang Zhe looked at her pale face and felt a little sorry for her. "Let's take a break." 

Hai Tian Amusement Park used a ticketing system. Once they went out, they would have to buy another ticket to enter. 

To play longer, most people would choose to buy food inside, which also led to the prices of small snacks in the amusement park skyrocketing upwards. 

They walked into a high-priced beverage store. 

He casually looked at the price list. Tsk, a cup of milk tea costs more than 60, and adding a little more ingredient would raise the price to more than 90. 

To Jiang Zhe, this couldnt be counted as much, since he was a CEO. 

Its just that he had experienced the good quality and low price in the previous world. Compared to now, there would naturally be a feeling of being cheated. 

Jiang Zhe emotionlessly paid, silently complaining in his heart. 

The clerk was a young lady who had been secretly looking at Jiang Zhe, "Sir, this is your change." 

Jiang Zhe took it silently and kept it. 

Just nice, the milk tea was served at this moment. He smoothly picked up the tray and walked to Qin Qing. 

Qin Qing drank a mouthful, and was slightly surprised: "How did you know that I like vanilla-flavored ice milk tea." 

Jiang Zhe took a sip of coffee, especially aloof, "I guessed." 

"What?" Qin Qing was not satisfied with this answer, complaining quietly. 

The two people drank facing each other. After a while, she felt that something was wrong. When she turned her eyes, she immediately caught someone peeking at Jiang Zhe. 

Qin Qing: Getting angry. 

Jiang Zhe was clearly hers, they were childhood sweethearts, and both parents have already met. 

Its just Jiang Zhe who had never agreed. 

Qin Qing suddenly felt a sense of defeat. 

Jiang Zhe completely couldn't keep up with the thoughts of the girl sitting opposite her. One moment, she was laughing, the next moment she would be frowning. He didnt know what she was thinking about.

He was slightly troubled and wanted to light a cigarette, but recalled that he had left it in the car. 

Jiang Zhe knocked on the table, pulling Qin Qing's attention back, "What's wrong, you dont like it?" 

Qin Qing: "No, nothing, I like it very much." 

As if to prove her words, she gulped down the remaining half of the milk tea. 

Qin Qing: "See, I drank finish. Let's go." 

Jiang Zhe: "En." 

Out of the drink shop, the two people walked around aimlessly. 

The lights of the amusement park were very beautiful, and lighted decorations of various cartoon characters could be seen all over the roadside. Qin Qing ran forward in a few large steps and shouted: "Jiang Zhe, help me take some pictures. Remember to take it more beautifully." 

Jiang Zhe was stunned, his previous irritability miraculously disappearing." 

He took out his mobile phone and opened the camera. 

In the picture, the girl posed in a variety of cute postures. He casually took a few photos, and they were all beautiful. 

Ok, that was what he thought. 

Qin Qing ran over to check, and her mouth twisted for a moment. "You made me look so ugly in the photos." 

Jiang Zhe: "I think it's not bad." 

Qin Qing stared at him strangely. 

Jiang Zhe was baffled. In the end, the few photos were still deleted by the photos owner. 

Qin Qing had a bit of guilty conscience. Her eyes casually looked around, and saw a claw machine. 

Qin Qing: "Jiang Zhe, let's go play that." 

Jiang Zhe looked in the direction of her fingers and his face turned stiff. 

All around the claw machine were young couples. He, an old man, didnt want to join in. 

The original soul was already 28, while Qin Qing was only 22. For these two people to be childhood sweethearts, it was really amazing.

Still, it was rare to see Qin Qing so interested. Jiang Zhe hid the discomfort on his face and accompanied her, walking over. 

Qin Qing changed ten tokens and put one in. The colourful lights in the claw machine flashed. She controlled the joystick, and chose her target with a shining gaze. Pinpointing the timing, she pressed the button. 

The mechanical claw caught a little bear toy. Qin Qing was very happy. 

As the mechanical claw lifted midway, the little bear fell. Her happiness expectedly turned to sadness. 

How could this be, she clearly caught it, the machine is too much 

Qin Qing didnt believe in curses. Putting another token in, she gloriously repeated the previously failure. 

Qin Qing:  

"It doesn't matter, I still have tokens." She cheered herself on and subsequently succeeded in proving herself wrong. 

Qin Qing:  

She looked at Jiang Zhe, embarrassed. 

Jiang Zhe looked back at her. 

Then, he turned and left. 

Qin Qing: TAT 

Jiang Zhe exchanged more tokens and came back. Roughly calculating, there were more than twenty. 

Before Qin Qings dazed eyes, Jiang Zhe leaned over slightly to her ear, laughing softly: "Concentrate, otherwise if you don't get the prize, you wont be able to go home tonight." 

Qin Qing's face exploded in redness, "You" 

Jiang Zhe pulled her hand and held the joystick together. Qin Qing stared, focused on the claw machine in front of her, her mind already becoming the machine.

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