Raised in Dungeon

Chapter 282 The Unveiling Light

Chapter 282 The Unveiling Light

Compared to the archery demonstration, the demonstration of the use of other weapons was less conspicuous. The way to test the use of other weapons is through a small duel with a senior examiner. Senior examiners who are experts in certain fields will test the students. Rather than show their skill in public display, the assessment method involved individualized trials. Accomplished senior examiners, each a specialist in their respective weapon category, meticulously examined the students' proficiency.

During the students' demonstration, all the seniors abruptly halted as a sign of respect for the figures entering the room. This unexpected pause prompts the new students to also stop and turn their attention to the approaching figures.

"Welcome, Chairman Davis."

The incoming figure was none other than Davis Clayton, the executive chairman of the Faculty of Advanced Fighter. A demi-human lion with a mane of splendid golden fur, Davis's imposing figure stands out, almost twice the size of everyone else present. His presence exudes authority, making him look like both a teacher and an adult among the students even though he is the same student as everyone else.

"How did the meeting go? Is there an issue with our faculty?" inquired the vice chair. The meeting in question was the disciplinary commission meeting convened right after the opening ceremony, signalling the Davis chairman's dual role as a member of the SDC.

"No issues, really. It's just that Miss Loukia was upset because our four students disrupted her speech earlier," Davis explained.

The vice-chair breathed a sigh of relief. "Miss Loukia can be quite idealistic. I was worried our faculty might be disqualified from the festival just because of a disagreement involving four individuals."

"Talking about the Festival, how are the students this year?" inquired the vice-chair.

"Just normal," he quickly replied. "Some are talented, and some are not."

"Can you give me some examples?"

"So far, I can only identify three talented individuals

Starting from Other-worlder Akiyama Basilia Northam, according to the rumors in the secunda class, she already mastered archery, with skills possibly equal to or surpassing that of a third-year senior. I'm confident she doesn't need much more studying to outshine the others.

Next is the dark elf, Rasheeda el-Malakooti. Initially, I thought she was an archer, but she's not. She's mastered nearly all the weapons given to her, and her true expertise seems to lie in spear handling.

The last one..."

"What's wrong with the last one?"

"Allen Boldenville. Honestly, I'm not entirely sure about him. He possesses a robust physique, probably on par with the vice-chairman of the SDC."

"Comparable to that bear?"

"Indeed, but for some reason, he consistently attempts new things during the tests. In this particular assessment, he even observed and studied the movements of other students, so I can't make a definitive judgment."

"So, he's more focused on learning and studying than the actual test?"

The vice-chairman nodded in agreement.




The day's class concluded with the faculty skill test. Afterward, students received a piece of paper containing the subjects for selection.

"Allen, have you decided on any classes yet?" inquired Geirhild.

"No, I'll wait for Felicia. I want to be in the same class as her as much as possible," Allen responded.

"Oh, right. You have the same name as her. And you?" Geirhild turned to Sharik.

"I'll take the same class as Allen!" declared Sharik.

"You really bonded with him, didn't you? I might need to reconsider my class choices now. Asking you guys seems pointless. I've got plans for drinks with friends in the entertainment district, so see you later," Geirhild mentioned before leaving.

"Drinking? Aren't you underage?" Sharik questioned.

"Dwarves are allowed to drink alcohol at the age of 10," Geirhild explained, waving her hand and departing.

Allen and Sharik encountered Felicia right after Geirhild's departure. Allen noticed Felicia's downcast expression as she emerged from her faculty door.

"Felicia!" Allen called out, rushing towards her.

Upon hearing Allen's voice, relief washed over Felicia, and she ran towards him, embracing him tightly. Sharik's ears perked up in surprise, questioned, "Eeeh? What's going on?"

Felicia buried her head in Allen's chest, holding onto him with a trembling body, visibly frightened.

"What happened?" Allen asked.

In a shaky voice, Felicia replied, "I miss Rachel. I want to go home."

Curious gazes from onlookers surrounded them. Allen gently released Felicia and took her hand.

"Sharik, we'll discuss classes later. Right now, I'll take Felicia to her dorm," Allen said, leading Felicia towards the elevator.

"O-okay. Be careful," Sharik replied in a worried tone.

Grasping Felicia's hand with a mix of firmness and gentleness, Allen guided her away from the academy, seeking a quiet place where she could freely express her feelings.

"Girls don't like to show their sad faces in front of many people, so if you want to comfort her, it should be in a quiet place." was what Susan had said in the past when he needed to deal with a girl.

As he pulled Felicia along and peeked behind him, Felicia lowered her face and looked like she was about to cry. The hand he was holding was still trembling.

'What made her fall like this?' Allen wondered.

Allen finally decided to take Felicia to the riverbank beneath the comforting shade of trees. This was the same spot where Felicia had once brought him to witness the enchanting siren song. The area was less frequented, providing a serene escape from the bustling crowds on the other side of the river.

Once they arrived, Allen and Felicia settled onto one of the benches by the river, enveloped in a thoughtful silence. Allen patiently waited for Felicia to find the words to share her story.

"I thought I've changed," Felicia whispered, her voice audible enough for Allen to hear.

"I was ready for it to be like this, but I'm still scared of them. Those people's eyes," Felicia confessed, tightly clasping her hands together as if trying to restrain the tremors of fear coursing through her body. Then she began to tell Allen what happened.

In the first class of the Faculty of Enchanter,

Felicia faced relentless rejection. Not only from her classmates, but also from the seniors. As someone who entered Praeterea through money, it was a disgrace for them in the enchanter faculty. Moreover, some people worshipped talent, hating people who controlled everything with money.

She wasn't even given a chance to showcase her abilities. The senior in charge deliberately neglected to call her name.

"I'm a noble, the first daughter of the Boldenville family; I must uphold the honorable image of a noble in this kingdom. It's imperative not to appear weak in front of everyone.

I should always smile, to give my all and appear flawless among my peers. However, that alone wasn't sufficient. I had to expand my connections. My father enrolled me in the academy with the intention of fostering relationships with other noble children, so I made an effort to approach them.

But they didn't even want to talk to me. They were afraid that the others would alienate them too for getting along with me. Eventually, the effort took a toll on me, making my stomach churn, and forcing this smile made me nauseous. The eyes of those who looked at me, were not much different from those who saw me fall during that day's ball dance.

They all look at me with disappointment and look down on me."

For someone who had always strived to be perfect, being looked down upon would mean ruining all the effort she had put in.

'Rachel, you truly understand Felicia the best,' Allen reflected. 'Just as you once told me, Felicia is an awkward person, who can't form relationships with others because of her trauma. That's why you wanted me to be at the academy with her. She needs someone she knows by her side.


Allen couldn't shake the memory of Rachel's face that night. "What a murderer. I shouldn't have entrusted Lady Felicia to you." Rachel, who knew Felicia intimately, had already withdrawn her blessing. The resentment in Rachel's eyes that night felt genuine, and her regret resonated with Allen.

'Perhaps if I had left the academy and enlisted solely as Felicia's knight, things might have turned out differently. But is that the right course of action? Do I even have the right to make that decision? Rachel is already reluctant to entrust Felicia to me.'

Seeing Felicia in such a despondent state drained Allen of his resolve. The Felicia he knew was meant to be a resilient woman, always striving to attain what she desired. Witnessing her so disheartened left Allen hate himself more.

It was not the Felicia he wanted to see.

"Felicia," Allen called in a soft voice.

"I grew up in a dungeon, and I've killed a lot of people."

At that moment, Allen decided to lay bare everything about himself, carefully glossing over the part where he took Waldo's life. Felicia kept her head down, listening to Allen's story.

"I've traversed this land steeped in hatred, fueled by a desire for revenge. I've come to view all humans as fields of hatred, selfish creatures who snatch away others' happiness for their own gain. My disdain deepens with every encounter."

"My eyes always see the chinks in people's good behavior, so I could maintain my hatred.

like Isabelle who I once thought made me a slave just for her toys."

Allen stood up, moved his face out of Felicia's line of sight, and continued.

"Then there's you, the human whose the bad I can't find, and it used to piss me off."

Felicia raised her head, looking at Allen.

"I was upset because I couldn't believe a human like you truly existed—a person willing to sacrifice for others and consistently strive to save as many as possible. I devised numerous scenarios in my mind, searching for cracks in your goodness, but I found none. Stubborn, unwavering, tirelessly helping others. There were moments when I found your spirit and efforts annoying and seemingly futile, but..."

Allen turned around and looked at Felicia. Without realizing it, Allen smiled and said.

"That trait of yours is what made you the first human I liked."

Felicia's eyes widened in surprise at Allen's confession. At that moment, Felicia had a flashback.

"Useless noble,"

"Lady, you don't have to try so hard,"

"Her god's blessing is so ordinary, even though she's the only daughter of the Boldenville family."

"She fell at the dance? Is she not studying well?"

"She's always alone inside her room, so lazy."

"I'm disappointed in you; get out of my sight."

Those were all the remarks she faced. And again, everyone in his class seemed to echo similar sentiments.

But now, Allen in front of her, declared, "You are the most amazing human being I have ever met," with a gentle smile, a rarity for her to witness.

Tears that had been held inside her head welled up. She attempted to wipe them away with both hands.

"Ha-hah? What the heck..." she said in a trembling voice. "You're talking too much."

Her tears continued to flow.

"I-it's not that I'm crying because you praised me. For me, your word is just a tiny firefly light."

And that firefly light

could provide warmth to those lost in the dark of night.

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