Realm of the Night God

Chapter 439: Every Circle Has a Dark Side

Rescuing the other party, and then personally killing them, sloppy man's answer truly surprised Yang Haoran and Bai Xue greatly.

Yang Haoran is not someone who is easily surprised. Most of the time, even if he is surprised inwardly, he wouldn't show it on his face. However, in this short period, sloppy man's words have surprised him multiple times, almost every answer from sloppy man would make him feel astonished.

Of course, the most surprising was the answer sloppy man gave this time.

Rescuing her, and then personally killing her, this sentence is highly contradictory. However, after a brief thought, Yang Haoran understood that this matter is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

Yesterday, when discussing this deal with sloppy man, the urgency revealed in sloppy man's eyes was not put on, but absolutely from the heart.

From this point, it can be seen that the "her" sloppy man mentioned is very important to him, occupying a crucial position in his heart, so he wants to rescue her.

However, now sloppy man uttered such a blood-curdling remark, indicating that although this person occupies an extremely important position in sloppy man's heart, for some reason, sloppy man deeply hates this person and holds a deep grudge, so he wants to personally kill her.

Sloppy man said such an extremely contradictory sentence, showing that his heart is truly contradictory about this matter. As for why it would cause him to have such a contradictory psychology, there must be another story behind it.

As for what that story is, Yang Haoran cannot be certain, but he can roughly guess some of it.

However, Yang Haoran has no intention of digging deep into this matter, after all, it is sloppy man's private affair, unrelated to him.

His task is to rescue the other party. As for how sloppy man will deal with the other party after the rescue, that is sloppy man's business, none of his concern, and he doesn't want to know.

As for what grudges or enmity sloppy man and the other party have, he doesn't want to know and has no interest in knowing, so he doesn't want to inquire further about this issue.

Moreover, even if he asks, sloppy man may not tell him such things. What he wants to know now is another question.

"Since the target to be rescued is a demon, and she has fallen into the hands of demon hunters, how can you ensure that she is still alive?" Yang Haoran asked.

Before coming, he didn't ask sloppy man this question because he never thought that a demon hunter would choose to act against other demon hunters, just to rescue a demon.

Now that he knows about this matter, he feels it is necessary to inquire, perhaps he might discover something from it.

"Demons have the ability to transform, a unique ability bestowed upon them by the heavens. Freely changing their appearance, be it beautiful or ugly, is one of their transformation abilities."

"However, the appearance transformed in this way, no matter how real it looks, is not their true form after transforming into a human. Their true form after transforming into a human is fixed the first time they transform, whether beautiful or ugly, it is decided by the heavens, not something they can choose or change."

Sloppy man answered a different question, but Yang Haoran was not in a hurry, he followed behind sloppy man, quietly waiting for his continuation.

After a brief pause, sloppy man continued: "Some demon hunters, upon discovering traces of demons, do not consider the demon's looks, they use thunderous methods to exterminate them, whether it's for the sake of protecting the people or for profit, regardless, if a demon encounters them and is not skillful enough, the only path is death."

"However, there is another type of demon hunter whose approach is different. After capturing demons, they do not immediately kill them. They classify the demons into different ranks based on their true looks, with the ugly or average-looking demons being slaughtered to extract their demonic pills, extracting every bit of value from their bodies. Good-looking demons, regardless of gender, become their playthings for pleasure until they are tired of them, before disposing of them. If it is an exceptionally good-looking demon, then it becomes a prized gift in the eyes of these demon hunters, to be gifted to whomever they wish, reaping benefits from it."

Sloppy man's words taught Yang Haoran and Bai Xue a lesson. Although the two had some understanding of demon hunters, they were truly unaware of this aspect mentioned by sloppy man.

Yang Haoran's facial expression did not change much, but he was somewhat surprised inwardly.

As for Bai Xue, a demon herself, upon hearing sloppy man's words, her heart was not just surprised, but furious.

"You demon hunters wave the banner of exterminating demons for the sake of the world, those who don't know might think you're so noble and great, but the things you do in secret are truly disgusting," Bai Xue coldly said, unable to hold back.

"The demon hunter circle has a dark side, but the demon circle is no exception, every circle has its own dark side, the difference lies only in the depth of that darkness," sloppy man solemnly responded.

Yang Haoran was quite agreeable to sloppy man's words. Every circle has its own dark side, it's just that outsiders cannot see it because the dark side is hidden from sight, concealed well, so outsiders cannot perceive it.

But not seeing it does not mean it doesn't exist, experienced insiders are definitely well aware of it.

Bai Xue let out a cold snort. Although she knew sloppy man's words made sense, the anger in her heart did not dissipate because of that one sentence.

However, this time she did not speak again.

"The demon hunters I'm dealing with this time belong to the second type, and the demon I need to rescue is seen as a prized gift in their eyes. For such a rare gift, they would not slaughter her, because this gift holds even greater value."

Sloppy man's words addressed the question Yang Haoran had asked earlier.

Whether it was because he had suppressed too many things he wanted to say out loud, or because he wanted to let Yang Haoran, the expensive help he hired, understand more about the situation before taking action, sloppy man seemed to have opened the lid, continuing to speak.

"Lecheng is just a small city, there is no demon hunter branch there. But New Yang City is different, New Yang City has a demon hunter branch, and precisely because of this, the number of demon hunters in New Yang City is not small."

"In the demon hunter association, the branches have considerable power, responsible for managing the demon hunters in their branch. Those with great strength and high status can effortlessly manipulate ordinary demon hunters if they wish. It is precisely because they have such great power that many demon hunters are eager to flatter and curry favor with them, in order to obtain more benefits."

"The demon hunters we have to deal with this time have gathered together because of their shared foul stench, and the target I must rescue will be given as a gift to the New Yang City demon hunter branch. Tomorrow is the eve of the New Year, and this gift is their New Year's gift to the branch. According to the information I have obtained, they will personally deliver this gift as early as tonight or as late as tomorrow morning."

The sloppy man finished speaking, and Yang Haoran hesitated for a moment before continuing.

"I won't ask what kind of relationship you have with this demon for now, but I want to know if the others, especially the targets we're going after this time, are aware of your connection with this demon."

Yang Haoran asked this because he was considering the possibility of a trap. If the other party knew about the relationship between the sloppy man and this demon, and had deliberately set up this situation, then the matter would become more complicated. He had to consider carefully because he didn't want to foolishly follow the sloppy man into a trap set by the other party, which could not only harm himself but also cost Bai Xue her life.

"They won't know," the sloppy man replied.

"How can you be so sure?" Yang Haoran asked.

The sloppy man fell silent, as if hesitating whether to say something or not. After some consideration, he nodded and gave an affirmative answer, then continued speaking.

"Initially, I didn't know she was a demon. By the time I realized she was a demon, she had already disappeared from my world. I wanted to find her, but at that time, I was just an ordinary person with no ability to locate her. By a fortunate coincidence, an opportunity to become a demon hunter presented itself, and in order to find her, I became a demon hunter and joined the demon hunter association."

"If there is any profession in this world that knows demons better, it is undoubtedly us demon hunters. So I decisively chose to become a demon hunter, which gave me the power to slay demons. And the reason I joined the demon hunter association was that this organization could provide me with more information and resources about demons, making it easier for me to find her."

"But things didn't go as I wished. In the end, I had underestimated the situation. The New Genesis World is too vast, with too many demons. Trying to find one demon among the multitudes is like searching for a needle in the ocean."

"More than a decade passed in the blink of an eye. I've slain countless demons, and my strength has grown considerably, but I've never had any news about her. However, I never gave up and continued searching for her with all my efforts until two days ago when I finally received word about her."

"After verifying the authenticity of the information through various channels, I confirmed that she had resurfaced, but had been captured. I wanted to rescue her, but I had no friends to turn to. I know some demon hunters, but they would never help me with such a task."

"That's when I thought of you. Although we're not friends and even have a grudge against each other, I had gathered information about you and heard how others evaluate you – I won't repeat what they said, as I believe you know yourself better. After gaining some understanding of you through the information I gathered, I felt that approaching you for cooperation would be acceptable to you, which is why I took the risk to find you."

"Apart from the two of you, no one else knows about these matters, including the woman I intend to rescue. She is also unaware, as are the five demon hunters, so you don't need to worry about falling into a trap."

After listening to the sloppy man's explanation, Yang Haoran gained a deeper understanding of the situation, and many of his doubts were resolved.

As for the sloppy man's mention of how others evaluate Yang Haoran, he had no interest in that and didn't even consider asking about it.

Although Yang Haoran understood many things now, it didn't mean that Bai Xue had fully comprehended everything.

"If you've gone to such great lengths to find her and even risk rescuing her, why do you still want to kill her with your own hands? Are you a madman?" Bai Xue said coldly.

"I want to rescue her so that she doesn't die at the hands of others. I want to kill her because she deserves to die. Not just her, but all demons deserve to die!"

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