Rebirth and Second Chances

Chapter 186: A Coven of Twelve

Chapter 186: A Coven of Twelve

Council chambers were normally not restricted. I'd always ruled openly, but there were a few times when I called a forum that required discretion. Today was one of those times. Not because I wanted to hide what we did here, but in response to Irvin's request. He'd requested today's events not be broadcast.

Only the Twelve Houses, House Teigh, and those trained to present motions or argue legalities of the law were allowed entrance. This chamber was an important part of Tuatha de Danaan's governance. It was where discussions between the Houses took place, where laws were codified, and where sentences were made.

The five Houses that I had initially created, had expanded until a full quorum, a coven of twelve had been established. Twelve people that had proven over time that they could be trusted to rule well. They understood that their positions made them servants of the people, responsible for their lives and well-being.

Duchess Wynne had abdicated her House position even as she leveled up and became a Ranked: Princess. Her efforts and interests were too narrowly focused on vengeance. She would see those responsible for her daughter's death brought to justice. A justice she had every intention of gaining personally. Instead, Queen Wisteria of the Knocker's had sworn Benefice and assumed the House position that Wynne abdicated. It hadn't taken long for me to understand just how valued a friend she was going to become.

Duke Hawthorne had leveled up and become the Ranked: King for the Volar-Fey. They had continued to proliferate, spreading their unique protections and prodigy over the entire planet. They had evolved, specializing into elemental branches as they had done so, creating a sub-species of Volar-Fey that prospered well in the icy tundra, lava fields, and thin atmosphere of mountain tops. The only place they had been unable to infiltrate had been beneath the water's surface. Still, they managed to assimilate that element by breeding with Nymphs.

Princess Liotonis had yet to level. I think it more lack of interest than talent. She simply didn't care if she became a Ranked: Queen. As my first Benefice and member of Twelve, she enjoyed a certain gravity that belied Rank. Her power and control of her domain were absolute, so the title was superfluous in the scheme of things.

She had done an amazing job creating a city that supported and harvested the Level 8 dungeon that was centered in her territory. Surprisingly, she had assigned Earl Hugo to administer the city, and he had done an admirable job. I'm not sure if the humiliation of losing the fight with me, or the increased responsibilities of running a city had matured him, but I was impressed with the results.

Duke A'Daoine, on the other hand, had leveled up. As a Ranked: Prince, he was the first Seelie to gain that position by honing his own abilities and earning it with hard work. I had been elevated to the Rank of Prince during ascension; it had been gifted to me by System. I'd done none of the hard work required. Prince Illiad, Queen Mab's son, had been power-leveled, so I discounted his achievements and gave more significance to Prince A'Daoine's achievements.

Offering Benefice and a position to Queen Uie of the Slaugh had been a stroke of luck. Her inclusion had done much to soothe fears the Unseelie had concerning any bias and preference towards the Seelie I might have. Her inclusion as one of the Twelve had far-reaching results, results I'd hoped for. My inclusion of an Unseelie lesser-fey as part of the government structure of the Tuatha de Danaan, a creature of nightmare and horror, to my quorum of Houses had demonstrated my intentions in a practical and unassailable manner.

Just as important, her council was often remarkably astute. Slaugh did not play politics, they were direct and forthright in what their goals were. It was refreshing to hear her give her honest opinion, without that opinion being parsed through the lens of faction.

I had gradually added more Houses over the years. Spending the time to find people that were talented, dedicated, and that I thought would mesh well. Not people who would agree with everything I suggested, but people who might have differing points of view, and were capable of discussing these viewpoints logically. I looked for people that tended towards logic instead of emotion. Although I didn't want people to agree with everything I suggested, I also didn't want people who would disagree, who would form a faction that decried all policies as flawed.

I had managed to find people to fill the House positions, keeping to the requirements I'd set for racial distribution. Princess Liotonis, Duke Loiyd, and Duke Terius filled the three Unseelie House council seats. Prince A'Daoine, Duchess Minerva, and Earl Bartlett headed the three Seelie House seats. Queen Wisteria of the Knockers, King Hawthorne of the Volar-Fey, Queen Uie of the Slaugh, Goblin King Nkce, and Herd Patriarch Garr of the Kelpie were named to House positions and represented the lesser-fey. Finally, I selected Master-craftsman Tink, a Brownie that was skilled in more than one of the crafting professions to head the House that would represent those professions.

These people, a cross-section and true representation of the Sidhe became the Twelve, a coven of Power. There had been bumps along the way, growing pains as each new member was added and found a way to work with the other members, but the last House council seat had been filled over ten years ago and we had learned to work well together, smoothing over those growing pains that any new governing body would encounter.

We had learned each other's personalities, each other's strengths and weaknesses. We had learned how to govern a country, faction, and a world together. And now, we trusted each other, despite our differences and ideologies.

It was this knowledge and trust that I was counting on at the moment. The quorum would decide Irvin's fate today, and the looks of sympathy and empathy this decision was garnering for me made any attempt on my part to pretend that today's events were not personal were otherwise impossible.

Uron, Lohne, and Cedric stood behind me. My personal Vassals. People sworn to me, not King Teigh Mac de Beleros y Cyronax. It was hard, at times, distinguishing between the two identities, but these three people managed it. They were uniquely suited and qualified to give advice.

They had broached the idea of entering into a parental contract, the four of us contributing our essence to give birth to a child. I was in no rush. All but the first generation of Volar-Fey were conceived steeped in the magic of my power. They had used the time they had been cocooned within the Sithern, safely stored within my body, as I transported it from Earth to Talahm to filter the magics coursing through my body and create life.

The Volar-Fey the Sithern had allowed to Swarm when my Capital was formed were children of my magic. Not created from the seed of my body, for Fairy, there was no difference between the metaphysical and physical. Each Volar-Fey was a son or daughter of mine, and as they bred, those children became my grandchildren.

Unlike the multitude of Volar-Fey, intent and active participation would be needed for success, but the blessing of a child conceived with an Anam Cara pair was not something to dismiss. Still, there was no rush, the Sidhe were masters of Time. Although we could be lost to ennui, those of us that took the long view, worked to understand how ramifications and actions that were taken today may affect events a million years from now created barriers and protections against the boredom. With Danu's Blessing fertility restored, there was no need to rush. We could take our time. Time to allow me to consider the pros and cons, including the political ramifications of creating a child with my direct Vassals.

I knew that these thoughts were superfluous, just more stalling, a means of distraction as I ignored what would be done here today. I would be forced to listen as someone presented evidence of Irvin's actions. The moves he had taken in his quest for vengeance, and how out of control he had become. Good, bad, or indifferent, everything he had aspired to accomplish since I had rescued him from Mab's torture chamber would be presented as evidence.

And then I would have to entertain motions from each House seat on how we should act. Motions that would offer suggestions for penalties. My fear was that no one would remember the innocence that had been lost twenty years ago and suggest Death as the only solution. And if that were the case. I would comply with that judgment and act. It would destroy a part of me to do so, but I had extorted the doctrine of fairness and equal justice since I formed my Kingdom, I would not turn my back on those ideals now.

Irvin wouldn't expect me too, and the harm I would do, the loss of trust and respect might never be healed. Sidhe and Fairy had long memories. They never forgot a slight, and if I ignored the Twelve in this instant when it was personal, any future objective would be filtered through the memories of Sidhe that knew that I had wavered when events touched upon me and mine.

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