Rebirth of the Heavenly Demon

Chapter 35

Chapter 35 – Into the Summer (2)

Gal Saryang was staring blankly at the empty training ground bathed in sunlight through the small window of the room.
He was sitting in a cramped room of about five pyeong, with bookshelves full of books on all four walls. This was the office of a regular soldier. It was an incomparably smaller space than his former Commander-in-Chief’s office.

There were eight regular soldiers in the Righteous Thought Pavilion besides the Commander-in-Chief, and Gal Saryang had been demoted to one of them. But Gal Saryang accepted it willingly.

At that moment, someone entered the room without making a sound.

“What are you looking at so intently?”

Gal Saryang jumped to his feet.

“You’ve come.”

The person who entered was Sima Cheon , who had become the new Commander-in-Chief.

Sima Cheon walked over and looked out the small window Gal Saryang had been staring at. Only scorching heat filled the empty training ground.

“It’s getting hot now.”

“Yes, it seems this summer will be quite hot.”

“A person’s life is truly unpredictable, isn’t it? In the past, I used to wait for three hours in the waiting room to meet you. Do you remember how long I got to meet you after waiting that long?”

Gal Saryang didn’t answer.

“It was exactly half an incense stick’s time. You made me wait for three whole hours and then gave me only half an incense stick of your time.”

Although Gal Saryang remained silent, he vividly remembered that day.

At that time, Sima Cheon had visited him on behalf of the Heavenly Blade Sect. He had come to ask for approval of monopoly rights for a business the Heavenly Blade Sect was promoting.

Sima Cheon had hinted at offering a bribe. It was a large sum, enough to buy several large mansions. Even knowing that he wouldn’t accept bribes, to try such a trick? He must have believed that if the amount was large enough, he would accept. Anyway, he remembers feeling irritated and ending the meeting quickly.

“I apologize for that incident. I made a mistake because I was too busy at the time.”

Sima Cheon smiled, showing his yellowed teeth.

“I understand. Now that I’m sitting in your position, I see there really is a lot of work.”

“I’m touched by the Commander-in-Chief’s broad-mindedness.”

“When you expressed your intention to stay in the Righteous Thought Pavilion, do you know that if I had refused, you would have been kicked out?”

“Of course. I’m deeply grateful for that.”

“Why do you want to stay? Are you planning to take revenge on me, the new Commander-in-Chief?”

Sima Cheon ‘s cunning gaze shot sharply.

Gal Saryang showed an openly bewildered expression.

“How could that be? I…”

Gal Saryang, overcome with emotion, couldn’t continue speaking.

Soon, he opened his mouth with a voice tinged with moisture.

“I’ve lived my whole life in the Martial Righteous Alliance. I’ve never thought of a life outside this work. I’m happy to be able to work for the Righteous Thought Pavilion, even like this.”

Sima Cheon ‘s eyes narrowed, then the corners of his mouth curled up.

“I see, I understand. I would probably feel the same if I were in your position. I look forward to working with you.”

“Those are my words. I will serve with utmost loyalty.”

“Hahaha. Good, very good.”

Sima Cheon left.

Gal Saryang’s flushed expression calmed down. A cold sneer formed on his lips.

What nonsense.

He was sick of the Martial Righteous Alliance now. He wanted to leave this cramped place right away. He wanted to live his own life like Baek Pyo.

Yet there was one crucial reason why he didn’t leave.

‘The Alliance Leader must have been assassinated.’

There’s no way the leaders of the Bright Moon Regiment and Iron Cavalry Regiment from the Important Three Regiments would betray overnight. Those who recruited and persuaded them must have put in effort over a very long time.

It must have been the same for killing the Alliance Leader.

They probably used some method that even the divine doctors couldn’t detect. Or maybe even the Martial Righteous Alliance’s divine doctors were on their side.

He would find out. Who killed the Alliance Leader.

And he would take revenge.

He couldn’t forgive those who destroyed in a day what he had devoted his life to. He wouldn’t forgive those who killed the Alliance Leader who had dedicated his life to the martial arts world.

He knew Sima Cheon didn’t trust him. He must see him as a thorn in his side. After all, it would be more comfortable to remove the existence of the former Alliance Leader’s Commander-in-Chief.

But he must still think there’s value in using him. His network and information were enormous. Moreover, all the leaders of organizations who had opposed Ma Bonggi had been replaced. It was a situation where all wings and limbs had been cut off. He probably wouldn’t feel too threatened.

He must be thinking of sucking out even the marrow by inserting a straw.

Fine, let them suck for now.

He would take time, just as they had. He would find out who the assassins were and build up the strength to defeat them. No matter how long it took.

Until then, he would endure and persevere.

He looked around his office once more.

“…This isn’t too bad.”


After returning from the mission, Gwang-du changed.

He started paying a lot of attention to his appearance.

“Does this outfit suit me?”

“Isn’t it the martial uniform you chose?”

“I should have bought one in the same color as your uniform, Young Master.”

“You didn’t buy it out of respect for me, remember?”

“That was a mistake!”

The reason for the change was revealed.

During the Wild Beast Squad’s attack earlier, Gwang-du had killed four men. In the process, he had saved one of the squad members, who happened to be one of the two women who had recently joined.

Her name was Do Soon[1]. She was twenty-one years old. She was cute and petite.

The problem started when she gave him a small dagger and a whetstone for sharpening swords as gifts to show her gratitude. These were common gifts exchanged among martial artists.

“This isn’t just an ordinary gift.”

“Maybe she’s suggesting you commit suicide?”

“No joking, please. I’m serious.”

Indeed, Gwang-du was more serious than ever before.

“What kind of gift should I give her?”

“Why do you need to? She gave you those gifts to thank you for saving her life.”

“If I received a gift, I should give one back, right?”

“Are you using this as an excuse to talk to her?”

Gwang-du flinched.

“No, this is a matter of courtesy. It’s a matter of principle!”


“It’s not like that!”

Yeah, right. Your face is as red as a ripe persimmon right now.

Well, he’s twenty-five. How could his heart not flutter? Go for it, kid.

Thanks to her, Gwang-du was overcoming any potential side effects from his first kill that might have occurred.


The next day, Gwan Hwi and seven or eight squad members came to see me.

“We want to learn flying dagger techniques.”

They seemed to have been impressed by the flying dagger techniques I showed while dealing with the Wild Beast Squad.

The squad members who wanted to learn had gathered and come to me. Gwan Hwi was probably the one who led the initiative to come together and learn.

“I’m not an expert in flying dagger techniques, but I can teach you the basics.”

All martial arts are connected as one, and having reached the pinnacle of swordsmanship, I could easily learn other martial arts. Although not as much as swordsmanship, I was proficient in not only flying dagger techniques but also knife techniques, fist techniques, spear techniques, and most other martial arts. Therefore, saying “basics” was probably too modest.

I had the squad members bring practice daggers and targets from the warehouse.

After setting up targets on one side of the training ground, I stood before them.

“In the martial arts world, there are masters who specialize in flying dagger techniques. In fact, they are terrifying existences. Think about it. If a master who can accurately throw a dagger at a small point a hundred paces away throws three or four daggers simultaneously? If they throw at multiple vital points at once? If they anticipate where I’ll dodge and throw there?”

Everyone shook their heads, seemingly frightened just at the thought.

“Of course, to reach that level takes years of training. Naturally, flying dagger techniques have weaknesses too. They’re weakest in close combat. Moreover, if the opponent can unleash sword energy, you’re helpless against it.”

Of course, there are masters who can unleash energy with daggers. I’ve actually faced such masters.

Gwang Hu[2], one of the Four Great Guardians of the Blood Heavens Divine Cult, known as the Ten Daggers Without Soul[3].

He was truly one of the most difficult opponents I’ve faced. When he threw once, ten daggers would fly. Later, I couldn’t even understand where all those daggers were coming from. Moreover, he was a master who could imbue his daggers with energy.

Truly, the fight with him remains one of the unforgettable fierce battles in my memory. When I killed him, I had two daggers stuck in my body.

But becoming that level of master in flying dagger techniques is really difficult. Flying dagger techniques seem easy to learn at first, but become increasingly difficult as you progress.

“It will be enough for you to be able to overcome dangers in emergencies.”

“That’s right. That’s what we want.”

Gwan Hwi answered loudly, and everyone nodded.

I taught them the basics of flying dagger techniques. How to hold the dagger, how to breathe, and how to throw.

“Now, try throwing.”

The squad members lined up and threw daggers at the target. Most missed, but only Gwan Hwi hit the edge of the target.

“Concentrate. Concentration is the essence of flying dagger techniques.”


The squad members threw daggers again.

As they repeated throwing, the number hitting the target gradually increased.

Knowing how to handle daggers is quite advantageous for a martial artist.

“If you can hit the target three times in a row from thirty paces away, I’ll teach you how to throw daggers infused with inner energy.”

“Thank you, Master!”

“Don’t mention it. I like people who want to improve. If you want to learn something, come to me anytime.”


With a resounding response, the squad members began training. I stayed for about half an hour more, correcting their postures and teaching them.

Am I not annoyed by teaching someone?

Not at all.

Is it because it’s something I’ve never done before? Rather, I was feeling that I had a talent for teaching.

And it was also helping my martial arts. It’s like someone who had reached the peak starting over from the beginning, so it makes me think a lot. For example:

“This is how it is.”

After confidently teaching something, sometimes at night I would ponder:

‘Is it really like that?’

Parts that I had never thought about before suddenly raise doubts.

I don’t know. What impact these changes will have on me. I just believe that because my intention in teaching them was good, the results will be good too.


When Gwang-du hadn’t shown up by afternoon, I went to his room.

He was sitting at a desk, busily writing something.

“You know how to write too?”

“Hey, aren’t you underestimating me too much?”

“I’m impressed.”

Not only in our household, but most servants in most households didn’t know how to write.

“Do you think I came to serve you for no reason?”

“You were smart from a young age, huh?”

“Of course. I was the smartest.”

I thought that perhaps his talent for martial arts might stem from this intelligence.

“So what are you writing so intently?”

“I’m writing a letter to Miss Do.”

“Miss Do? You don’t mean Do Soon?”

“Do Soon? Don’t casually call another man’s woman by name, Master.”

“Another man’s woman? Is that man perhaps you?”

“It depends on this letter. Whether I’ll become that man, or truly become ‘another man’. Ah, I bought a gift, but I don’t know what to write in the letter!”

Gwang-du clutched his head.

“You’re giving her a letter too?”

“I can’t speak well when I’m in front of Miss Do. So I want to convey my gratitude like this at least.”

“What gift did you buy?”


The gift Gwang-du bought was a tassel to attach to a sword handle.

“I noticed Miss Do’s sword didn’t have one before. I bought a short one in case it might interfere with gripping the sword. How is it?”

“It’s cute.”


I nodded. The more skilled a master becomes, the less they attach such decorations to their swords. Even if it doesn’t interfere, it doesn’t help at all in fighting.

At least what Gwang-du bought was a short tassel that wouldn’t interfere with gripping the sword at all. She’s not skilled enough yet to feel discomfort in her swordsmanship because of it, so it can be seen as just a cute gesture.

“Now I just need to write the letter. If you could give me one piece of advice for my sake?”

“It’s all futile.”

“That’s such helpful advice. Don’t interfere and go over there!”

Before leaving the room, I gave him one last piece of advice.

“The essence of a love letter is…”

Though he pretended not to listen, I could feel Gwang-du’s ears perk up.

“I think it’s honesty. Convey your feelings as they are.”

His ears turned red.

I left the room with a smirk. I was curious how this midsummer love of Gwang-du’s would turn out.

Oh, come to think of it, is this rascal’s first love?

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