Rebirth of the Villainous Female Boss

Chapter 39 - 39: Midnight Hero Saves the Beauty

Chapter 39: Chapter 39: Midnight Hero Saves the Beauty

Translator: 549690339

Yu Minglang stood by the window, lost in thought.

His mother had just visited, her face full of heartache, unable to speak, and hesitated before leaving. Less than two hours later, she returned and discreetly handed him a pot of something she had made, but it had a strange taste.

The soup sat untouched on the windowsill.

In the morning, Mother Yu came by, hoping to “accidentally” meet her son’s girlfriend, but left empty-handed. When she thought about it, she was worried.

Adding to her concern was the report from her eldest daughter-in-law that the youngest had bought a bunch of gifts but didn’t directly give them to the girl. Instead, they were indirectly sent to Hai Zhao—although the third sister of the Yu family was a singer, she had a particularly effective network of information, and Hai Zhao was a spineless fellow who confessed without pressure.

With all this news swirling around, Mother Yu couldn’t stay calm.

Her son must be so exhausted from work that his health was suffering, leading his girlfriend to be disappointed in him. He could only humbly show his love, so the soup had to be nourishing.

Yu Minglang didn’t know his mother had misinterpreted the situation like this, so he stood by the window, looking at the moon.

The moon was full tonight. Was Xiao Qian looking at it too?

His home was only a half-hour drive from her house.

Space could change through movement, but could time?

By the time she graduated from university, he would be 28. With so many handsome young men in college, would she be interested in him, who would be approaching 30 by then?

Thinking of all those young eyes staring at “his” girl, Yu Minglang felt an indescribable annoyance.

At that moment, he felt that he couldn’t wait even one second longer.

A crazy thought gripped his heart.

Yu Minglang grabbed his car keys. He didn’t know why he had to do this, but he knew that if he didn’t see her before going back to work, he would feel very uncomfortable.

Even if he only stood downstairs without calling her out, just to get a glimpse of her silhouette under the lamplight, all he wanted was one look.

Outside the Baitaling Laundry, a few people sneaked around.

“Brother Fa, is this the place?”

Several people were carrying buckets of gasoline, with one person on lookout while the others looked around.

At this time, there were basically no people on the street, and there were no street lights in this area. The only sources of light came from the windows of houses where people hadn’t gone to bed yet, as well as the moonlight from the sky.

The man known as Brother Fa had his shirt off, revealing a shoddy dragon tattoo on his back. He was slightly overweight, and his appearance screamed local hoodlum.

“This is the place. Pour the gasoline quickly, and as soon as the fire starts, we run. Don’t let anyone see you.”

“We won’t cause any deaths, right?”

Brother Fa slapped the man’s head.

“In a two-story building like this, as soon as the fire starts, people will run out. No one will die! The person who gave us the money said that the people in this house have offended someone. We’re just here to scare them by burning their house, so do it quickly!”

The thugs began pouring gasoline.

Yu Minglang walked there, having parked his car at the entrance of the village.

Driving at night would make noise. If she saw him, it wouldn’t be good.

He just wanted to stand downstairs and take another look, then he could go back to work in peace.

Before he even approached Xiao Qian’s house, he saw a few shady figures. Yu Minglang instantly went on high alert.

Upon seeing their actions, Yu Minglang narrowed his eyes…

“Move quickly, light it up and run—oh shit!” The shirtless man with the dragon tattoo hadn’t finished speaking when his vision went black, and before he knew what was happening, someone came up from behind and chopped him on the neck.

How could these thugs possibly be a match for the highly skilled Yu Minglang? He knocked them unconscious with a single blow!

The other two underlings were lighting the fire; the newspaper was already burning. Hearing the noise, they turned around and, seeing their leader knocked out, quickly pulled out fruit knives and lunged at Yu Minglang from both sides!

Xiao Qian was standing on the attic, originally watching the stars, when she suddenly smelled gasoline and faintly heard someone shout, “Stab him!”

She opened the attic window, carefully stepped on the sloped roof, and looked down, just in time to see Yu Minglang knock down one of the bad guys while another came at him with a knife from behind!

“Watch out behind you!” She shouted, and before her words had even fallen, it was as if Yu Minglang had eyes in the back of his head. He kicked back, striking the hand of the would-be attacker, who dropped his knife in pain.

In an instant, he disabled three bad guys, but the burning newspaper was still on the ground, close to the gasoline, not yet extinguished.

This showed just how fast Yu Minglang was.

Xiao Qian, who was quick-witted, immediately grasped the situation.

Someone had come to harass her family and was thwarted by Yu Minglang.

Why was Yu Minglang downstairs in her house?

That was an intriguing question.

“Call the police.” Yu Minglang, now exposed, could only say this.

Xiao Qian’s eyes darted between the three unconscious thugs on the ground, and an idea suddenly struck her.

Chen Lin often owed gambling debts in her past life, but nothing like this had ever happened. So there was a good chance that these men were sent by either Ni Jianren or Li Zhen, and if that was the case…an opportunity had arisen!

“Mom, hurry downstairs and see, someone’s trying to set the house on fire!” Xiao Qian yelled, then leaped from the second-floor attic slope to the first-floor balcony, and then again, from the balcony to the flat slope by the front door.

Yu Minglang swore, he absolutely was not looking on purpose.

He needed to make a few serious points.

He hadn’t expected her to arrive in such a short amount of time and by this method.

Yu Minglang’s face instantly flushed. The thugs lying on the ground in pain, hearing voices from the upper floors, instinctively wanted to raise their heads.

Yu Minglang moved fast, stepping on their heads, making them eat dirt. How could these ordinary people dare to peek at the inner beauty of Zhou Zhiruo’s kind?!

Xiao Qian didn’t yet know that she had been thoroughly seen by Elder Brother in just a few seconds.

The smell of gasoline and the presence of the thugs on the ground gave Xiao Qian a great idea.

There was a two-meter-high door with a one-meter-long, half-meter-wide platform on top. Xiao Qian was standing on it, ready to jump down without hesitation.

Seeing her actions, Yu Minglang dashed over without thinking, spreading his arms wide, just in time to catch her.

“Why are you jumping when your foot isn’t healed yet!”

Soft jade and a fragrant aroma filled his arms as the girl was wearing only thin pajamas. Yu Minglang didn’t relish the pleasant feeling, but instead reproached her as soon as he opened his mouth.

If he hadn’t caught her, the girl would have certainly hurt herself. Although the door wasn’t very high, it was clear she had not received any formal training, as her movements were far from standard..

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