Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 15: Fight with him

Chapter 15: Fight with him

"I'm protecting you, you leave here first!"

Although I was a little unhappy with the mans disgust in my heart, she was always tired of him and protected him from leaving. She can also enter the space immediately, so that nothing will happen to both of them. If both of them are outside, you have to deal with it. It is certainly not easy to catch the four wolves.

She is still very weak. Although she has recovered some strength, she can barely deal with a wolf. No matter how powerful this man is, it is impossible to deal with three wolves.

Mo Yishen's gaze fell on Qin Tianyue again, his phoenix eyes flickered, and he did not listen to Qin Tianyue's words.

The four wolves all opened their mouths, and after making a fierce wolf cry, they attacked Mo Yishen and Qin Tianyue.

"Well behind me! Find a chance to leave by yourself!"

Mo sounded in a deep, low voice. Qin Tianyue raised his eyes to look at Mo Yishen in front of him. Suddenly he realized that this man was really tall, almost a head taller than her. She was already 1.65 meters tall. This man is estimated to be over 1.85 meters. .

Listening to his voice, Qin Tianyue's heart suddenly beats slightly, feeling unspeakable.

They didn't know each other, and he let her go by himself, leaving herself exposed to danger.

Mo Yishen kicked a wolf away, and the axe in the other hand slashed at the other wolf. The other two wolves fiercely attacked Mo Yishen. Because she was protected by him, no wolf attacked her at all.

Qin Tianyue gritted her teeth and filled her body with the spiritual energy in her body, instantly regaining a lot of strength in her body.

Seeing a wolf about to bite Mo Yishen, Qin Tianyue fisted over, and the wolf wailed in midair.

Hearing the scream of the wolf, Mo Yishen turned his head and saw Qin Tianyue swiping the wolf down. A dark light flashed across his phoenix eyes. He didn't expect her to be so powerful?

The moment Mo Yishen was looking at Qin Tianyue, another gray wolf bit towards Mo Yishen. Although Mo Yishen avoided the gray wolfs teeth, he did not avoid the gray wolfs claws. His arm was severely affected by the claws. Scratched.

He was careless, unexpectedly seeing a woman surprised!

Mo Yishen glanced at the bone wound in his arm. After frowning indifferently, he waved an axe and killed the two wolves attacking him. On the side, Qin Tianyue smelled blood after killing a wolf in front of him. When I turned around, I saw the deep bone wounds beside Mo Yi, "Are you injured?"

She clenched her lower lip and subconsciously grasped Mo Yishen's hand.

His eyes fell on her grasping own hand, this time he did not withdraw his hand.


His sturdy arms hugged her, kicked the wolf fiercely, and directly kicked the wolf to the tree and fell to the ground without a sound.

Qin Tianyue was hugged by him and pulled to his side. Her beautiful eyes kept looking at Mo Yishen, and she was slightly stunned when she looked at his delicate and handsome profile.

Suddenly her heart was a little confused!

In order to regain his senses, Qin Tianyue pinched himself fiercely, actively avoiding Mo Yishen.

Mo Yishen looked back at Qin Tianyue without speaking.

Qin Tianyue's eyes fell on his deeply visible arm, his arm was still bleeding, and she didn't seem to stop feeling, her eye sockets were slightly red.

"Are you OK?"


Mo Yishen's expression was cold, as if nothing happened, he glanced at Qin Tianyue and walked forward.

"your hands?"

Her gaze was still looking at Mo Yishen's arm. Seeing him as if she didn't care, Qin Tianyue hurriedly tore a piece of his shirt and grabbed Mo Yishen.

"I will help you bandage!"

She actually shouldn't care about him, thinking that he became like this because of herself, she couldn't ignore his wounds.

Some regret that she didn't refine some golden sore medicine, but even if she refines it, it is impossible to use it immediately.

Mo Yishen was grasped by Qin Tianyue. He could feel her hands were very soft, and the sweet and sweet scent of her body seemed to have been transmitted to the tip of his nose, making him a little irritable inexplicably. This was an emotion that he had never had before. .

"No, I will bandage myself!"

Mo Yishen rejected Qin Tianyue's kindness and wanted to withdraw his hand, but she was squeezed.

Qin Tianyue didn't care about him, grabbed Mo Yishen's arm, and gently bandaged the strip of shirt he had torn off. "Your hand can't help but bandage. I'm tired of you, so I should help you bandage."

Qin Tianyue's movements were fairly skillful, and he quickly bandaged Mo Yishen's hands, "If you don't bandage your hands, you will lose too much blood soon. Although this shirt is not very useful, it can at least help you stop first. Blood, wait for you to get rid of the poison and put on some medicine."

Qin Tianyue lowered his head slightly and muttered, ignoring that the deep ink gaze on top of his head had been falling on her body for a long time, and he had not moved away.

He watched her soft and white hand move on his arm, his phoenix eyes moved slightly and his expression was slightly tight.

"All right!"

Qin Tianyue let go of Mo Yishen's arm and saw that the shirt was stained red. She had the urge to enter the space to refine the gold sore medicine for him, but fortunately she was still sane.


Mo Yishen glanced at Qin Tianyue, and after meeting her crystal clear eyes, he turned and walked forward.

Qin Tianyue stood behind Mo Yishen, gritted his teeth tightly, and couldn't help but mutter in a low voice, "I won't say thank you? Can you not have such a cold expression?"

Not far away, Mo paused in deep footsteps, as if he didn't hear anything, and walked forward the next moment.

Qin Tianyue could only watch his footsteps walking forward, and sighed!

Today is really a thrilling day, and the blood in her hands reminded her that what happened just now is true!

Qin Tianyue glanced at the corpses of the four dead wolves on the ground, then retracted his gaze and walked forward.

After washing his hands in the stream at the foot of the mountain, took out the bamboo basket in his space, and grabbed the chicken out, Qin Tianyue walked towards home with satisfaction.

Before he got home, Xu Yao appeared in front of Qin Tianyue in a panic, "Yueyue, where have you been?"

"what happened?"

Qin Tianyue's eyes fell on Xu Yao and asked in a low voice.

"Yueyue, Uncle An... Uncle An is injured!"

Xu Yao said quickly, Qin Tianyue's complexion changed drastically, and she said coldly, "What did you say?"

" better go home and have a look!"

After Xu Yao finished speaking, she saw Qin Tianyue rushing to the front. She wanted to chase but couldn't catch up. She watched Qin Tianyue's slim figure quickly disappear in front of her.

"When did Yueyue run so fast?"

After Xu Yao murmured, she hurried to the direction of Qin Tianyue's house.

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