Rebirth Stockpiling: The Little Girl Sweeps Through the Apocalypse

Chapter 108

While the other party was speaking, Yun Xiaoxiao kept a close eye on their expression.0

It didn't seem like they were lying.0

A flicker of confusion passed through Yun Xiaoxiao's eyes.0

The Base Commander was the father of Zhao Rongyan and Ling Jing.0

Why would they look for someone so similar to her?0

Was it intentional, or just a coincidence?0

If it was a coincidence, it was far too coincidental.0

The age, gender, and even the supernatural ability were exactly the same.0

But if it was intentional...0

Could it be that they actually knew she was responsible for Zhao Rongyan's death?0

But how would they have found out?0

It seemed that to get to the bottom of this, she needed to meet the Commander of Rongsheng Base.0

She languidly looked at the man, "Uncle, I need you to do me a favor."0

Seeing the calculating look in Yun Xiaoxiao's eyes, Ling Jing slowly leaned back in his seat, a smile playing on his lips.0

He glanced towards the island in the middle of the lake, thinking it was about time to meet his 'dear' old dad.0

Of course, along with that wicked woman.0

He was now truly eager to send them to hell...0

At the entrance to the lake island.0

There were over twenty guards here, the security was extremely tight.0

"What's your business?" The lead guard sternly blocked the car.0

"I've found the person the Base Commander was looking for, I'm taking them to him now."0

The guard checked the man's identity card and peered into the car.0

Inside, Yun Xiaoxiao was bound with a 'rope'.0

It looked like a rope, but it was actually Yun Xiaoxiao's own vine.0

In the darkness of night, unless one looked very carefully, it was impossible to tell the difference.0

Ling Jing, meanwhile, was wearing the uniform of a city guard.0

The guard didn't notice anything amiss and cleared the way.0

"Go on through."0

And just like that, they slipped past and headed straight for the lake island.0

Upon reaching the island, the man repeated the same story, and under someone's guidance, they entered the villa's main hall.0

"Wait here for a moment, I'll go inform the Base Commander."0

After saying this, the person headed upstairs.0

Not long after, a middle-aged man in a Zhongshan suit came down from the second floor.0

He was clearly someone who had long been in a position of power.0

His entire demeanor was composed, commanding respect without even trying.0

Behind him followed a short man with a shrewd look and features reminiscent of a monkey.0

Zhao Huaimin casually glanced at Yun Xiaoxiao as he descended the stairs.0

He sat down on the sofa.0

"Is it her?" he suddenly spoke.0

Immediately, the short man behind him gave Yun Xiaoxiao a long, appraising look.0

"Yes, that's her."0

As soon as the words were spoken, Zhao Huaimin's gaze locked onto Yun Xiaoxiao like it was laced with poison, as if he wanted to tear her to pieces.0

"So you're the one who killed my son!" His voice was icy, his face slightly darkening.0

Hearing this, Ling Jing raised his eyebrows in surprise, but quickly lowered his head again, a mocking smile playing on his lips.0

Huh, clearly this 'son' wasn't him.0

It made sense, in their eyes, there had only ever been one son.0

He was nothing more than the bastard child of some cheap woman on the side.0

Yun Xiaoxiao didn't look at Zhao Huaimin, but instead at the short man beside him.0

She had wondered how Zhao Huaimin knew she was responsible for Zhao Rongyan's death, but now it was clear - he had a fortune-teller with supernatural abilities by his side.0

If that was the case, it wasn't strange at all.0

Zhao Huaimin's face darkened at being ignored, and he was about to lose his temper when suddenly, a beautiful woman walked in from outside.0

Although she was past fifty, she still retained her charm and had an exceptional air about her.0

To be dressed so luxuriously in this post-apocalyptic world, her status must be extraordinary.0

"Darling, have you found the culprit who killed our Yan'er?" Luo Qilan walked in anxiously, her high heels clicking.0

"Where is she? I want to kill her myself to avenge Yan'er!"0

Luo Qilan's usual facade of kindness and gentleness had completely vanished.0

All that remained was viciousness and madness.0

"Mind your status," Zhao Huaimin frowned slightly.0

"What status? My son is dead, what do I care about status?!" Luo Qilan shouted angrily, shattering her previous image of a calm and elegant lady, now resembling nothing more than a shrew.0

At this moment, she noticed the three people in the room.0

Her eyes immediately fell on Yun Xiaoxiao.0

In an instant, her face was filled with fury.0

She glared at Yun Xiaoxiao.0

"Is it you? You little bastard, you're the one who killed my son, aren't you?!"0

"Who are you calling an old bastard, you hag?" Yun Xiaoxiao raised her eyes, a dangerous glint flashing in their corners.0

"What did you call me?!" Luo Qilan's eyes bulged.0

She had never imagined anyone would dare to insult her to her face like this!0

"Heh, I've never met someone so deserving of insults before. Since you're so eager to be cursed at, I suppose I'll have to oblige you.0

Old bastard, old hag, old witch..."0

"Shut your mouth!" Luo Qilan was so angry she raised her hand to slap Yun Xiaoxiao.0

But in the next second, the 'rope' on Yun Xiaoxiao vanished, and her outstretched wrist was caught by a small hand.0

Yun Xiaoxiao pursed her lips, flashing an evil smile at Luo Qilan.0

"Old lady, it's not right to hit people, you know. No one taught you that at your age, so today I'll be a good person and teach you a lesson."0

As she spoke, she smirked wickedly, gripping the other's wrist and giving it a slight twist.0


The sound of dislocating bones echoed throughout the hall.0

So jarring, so loud.0

Luo Qilan's face contorted in pain.0

Her screams were unending.0

In a second, more than a dozen tall, armed men burst in from outside, surrounding Yun Xiaoxiao and the others.0

"You insolent child! First, you kill my son, and now you hurt my wife. Do you have no respect for me as the Base Commander?!" Zhao Huaimin shouted angrily, his face dark.0

Yun Xiaoxiao shrugged, putting on an innocent face.0

"Isn't it obvious? Clearly, I don't respect you at all.0

Hey, I've made it so obvious, and you still can't see it. How did you even become Base Commander? Do I really need to spell it out for you? Sigh..."0

Yun Xiaoxiao put on an exasperated expression.0

Ling Jing couldn't hold back anymore and let out a snort of laughter.0

To be able to anger his 'good father' like this, and publicly teach that arrogant, high-and-mighty poisonous woman a lesson, this little one was truly full of surprises.0

Previously, Zhao Huaimin and Luo Qilan's attention had been focused solely on Yun Xiaoxiao.0

But Ling Jing's laugh caught their attention.0

"You... you are..."0

The two looked at Ling Jing in disbelief, as if they had never expected to see him here.0

"Hello there, my dear father, and... dear mother..." Ling Jing raised his chin, looking at the two with a sardonic smile.0

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