Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 308: Requirements to Breakthrough to Level 1000 and Rank 10

Chapter 308: Requirements to Breakthrough to Level 1000 and Rank 10

As the news spread through the Nine Worlds.

Returning eight years in time, to the day that Liu Yang and the women entered the two doors. The four women entered one and Liu Yang entered the other.

The door the women entered led to a large training camp with straw dolls, weapons, armor, and many more. The world's energy was one hundred times as dense as the outside world, this was because Lu Mei kicked everyone out of the tower and took all the energy to the two training camps, one for the women and the other for Liu Yang.

Women began to use the passive power of absorbing the world at maximum strength, they wanted to get as much energy as possible and level not only the level but also the skills. Lu Mei gave them parts of their manual skills such as forging, craftsman, cooking and among others, except the construction, this ability went to Liu Yang.

The women's day-to-day workout was day and night training, Xillia Wolf's daughter was leveling faster because she had the innate talent that absorbed the energy of the world faster. In the ten thousand years that passed inside the tower, she grew and became much more beautiful, it seemed a younger and less bulky version than Xillia Wolf. She had the look of a 23-year-old girl.


At the other door, the moment Liu Yang came in, everything went dark, and he began to feel his body getting extremely heavy and powerless. After some time without moving, Lu Mei's voice is heard.

"Boy, this is a great opportunity for you, I realized that you control the nine elements, but the tenth is still missing and luckily I have something interesting for you"

"Miss Lu Mei, what is this place?" Liu Yang tried the best to lie with his chest up.

"This place contains a special element that I collected by luck during my travels, is the missing element to complete your class and create the element Yin and Yang." Lu Mei's words shocked Liu Yang, he never imagined he could find the element of the void in such a place. Joy began to emerge in his eyes.

"What do I need to do to learn about the void?" Liu Yang had doubts about acquiring the power of the void.

"Just concentrate and let the void enter your body, then feel the power of void." After she finished speaking, Lu Mei's voice disappeared.

Liu Yang followed Lu Mei's advice and closed his eyes to concentrate. Broadening his senses to feel the energy around him.

Little by little, Liu Yang began to feel a strange kind of energy coming into his body. He was not distracted by the sounds of systems that were appearing in his mind, and just focused on without feeling the energy of the world.

Seconds became minutes, minutes became hours, hours became days, days became years ...

The years were slowly passing inside the tower, the women and Liu Yang were leveling slowly but steadily. After several years of training, the women managed to level and break the next ranks, Xillia Wolf took a little longer because she was already at a level above 800 and rank 8. To reach level 900 and rank 9, it took five thousand years, despite the unbearable pain at the time of going through the tribulation, she was able to hold steady and advanced to rank 9.

At the end of ten thousand years, the daughter of Xillia Wolf and Aisha reached 880 level and rank 8, Zi Wu managed to break the 899 and rank 8, and Xillia Wolf reached 940 and rank 9. They managed to reach those levels after much effort and dedication.

With only a hundred years to go, they spent this time training their combat skills to the fullest within the gravity room. The women fought each other or against the dolls, their bodies were pushed to the limit due to their levels of gravity.

While in the room where Liu Yang was, he remained lying for nine thousand years. Having been immersed in the element of the void, he could not awaken, but that did not stop him from leveling. Over the years, his level has gradually increased and the skills have also increased.

After a thousand years, he managed to reach level 810 and rank 8, and another eight thousand years later he reached the 999 level and rank 9, this happened because of the fact that the energy in the place where Liu Yang was was several hundred times denser than the place where the women were.

Liu Yang had to suffer tribulation for the advancement of rank 8 while he was asleep, he felt no pain, but that did not prevent his body and soul from being damaged. If Lu Mei had not helped Liu Yang in tribulation, he could have died. To make the advance to rank 9, Liu Yang suffered the taxation of the ten elements, the void was already embedded in his body.

In this tribulation, Liu Yang suffered much more than in previous times, because of the new element, the pain he would feel would be hundreds of times greater than normal. Lu Mei helped again, without this help, he would have died.

When Lu Mei expelled everyone from the tower, she used the energy of all floors and joined in two points. The two rooms that the five were using, as Liu Yang needed more help, Lu Mei favored him.

Because of the size of each floor and the several billion years accumulating energy, when that energy was placed in only two places, one small and the other the size of a house. The condensed energy was extremely large.

When Liu Yang arrived in the year nineteen-fifteen hundred, Liu Yang finally woke up. Looking at his statistics, he was extremely shocked by what he saw, he did not know how much time had passed after he concentrated.

But when he looked at his level, Liu Yang realized that he had spent a great deal of time. Looking at the skills, Liu Yang was extremely happy with what he saw, he had learned about the element of the void.

Looking at the statistics, Liu Yang saw that there was something weird about the level and rank. There was a written sentence: Impossible to level, Impossible to advance.

These phrases left him shocked, Liu Yang did not understand why he could not level to the next level and move to the other rank. Realizing the strangeness of Liu Yang, Lu Mei's soul fragment appeared in front of him.

"Boy, what happened?" As Lu Mei could not see the information about Liu Yang, she had to ask about it.

"Miss Lu Mei, what does this phrase" Impossible to advance" mean? Is it written next to the level and rank? "

"Those words are written in rank and level? !!" Lu Mei was shocked by these words, she never imagined that Liu Yang would reach level 999 and rank 9 in almost ten thousand years inside the tower. She initially thought he was at level 500 or something, but it seems she was wrong.

"Yes, is there a problem with that?"

"See if something already is written after that"

Liu Yang tried to focus on the two information with the Eye of God and saw that there were some numbers: 2/32.

"There are some numbers written like 2 / 32. What does that mean?"

"These numbers are the requirements for advancement to the next level. Number two shows that you got it twice, and the thirty-two is the total number of times you have to do "

"That I understood, but what are these numbers?"

"These numbers represent the number of women who slept with you and number two is the number of children you have. In short, to reach level 1000 and rank 10, you need to have the number of children equal to the number of women who slept with you "

"WHAT??!!!" Liu Yang was shocked at this because he never imagined that there was such a requirement for advancement. Cold sweat began to fall on his body, if he had played with more women, he would have to impregnate many more women.

"This is a natural law, living beings are in this world to live and to have descendants. Whenever a man and a woman unite, they should beget a descendant, if they do not, the world could end. So to advance to the supreme realm of level 1000 and rank 10 it was necessary to follow this law "

"So you mean I have two kids?" There was an unknown emotion in Liu Yang's voice, he did not know what he was feeling since he had never had children in his past life.

"Yes, congratulations to you, there are now thirty children left to advance to the next level. But remember, the children you have, have to be with women who have slept with you, if you sleep with a different woman, the counter will increase in one"

"I see ... But if I have two children with the same woman, would that count as having two children in the accountant?"

"Yes, because you only have to have children, regardless of who the woman is, but if you sleep with a new woman, the accountant will increase by one. Understood?"

"So ... I just need to have more than one child with my women to be able to complete this requirement?"


"I see ... By the way, Miss Lu Mei, where are my partners?"

"They're in the other room training, you should do the same. There are still five hundred years left, you should take this time to get accustomed to your new powers, enter this place "

Waving her hand, a door opened. Liu Yang entered without hesitation as he knew that Lu Mei would not hurt him. Liu Yang wanted to do activities with the women and see if they wanted to get pregnant, but this will be left for another time.

By the time Liu Yang entered the room, his body became extremely heavy, the gravity in place was several thousands of times larger than normal. To improve the skills of Liu Yang in a short time, Lu Mei resorted to this method.

If Liu Yang could master his powers in less than five hundred years, he might have a chance to impregnate the three women if they agreed, of course.

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