Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 326: Cemetery of the Forgotten Souls

Chapter 326: Cemetery of the Forgotten Souls

Zhong Ling was shocked by Liu Yang's casual manner in speaking to him, even more so by the fact that Liu Yang had introduced himself as the man of his daughter. This made the situation even stranger. Zhong Ling lingered a little before he could return to normal.

"Nice to meet you too ..." Zhong Ling did not know how to deal with Liu Yang, even though this was the first time the two met, he had the feeling that the young man in front of him was extremely shameless and that your precious daughter must have suffered much in his hands.

Aisha pinched Liu Yang's waist because of it, she had a red face as she lowered her head, she was too embarrassed to look at her father. And Liu Yang just had a casual smile on his face as he stared at Zhong Ling.

"Uncle, can we know the reason you're trapped in this graveyard?" Liu Yang asked to break the strange mood. Aisha was also curious to know why Zhong Ling was here.

"I also do not know for sure, after that girl exterminates our clan, our souls were all sucked into some kind of vessel. When during the thousands of years of war, I and these people who are buried here had their souls tortured in the worst possible way. Zac was experimenting with people's souls.

After thousands of years of torture, we were arrested there. This is just a fragment of my soul, a good part of it is gone for a long time, as I left the tomb, that soul rest will also disappear. But I'm glad to find out that my dear daughter is still fine. How are your mother and the sisters? "

Zhong Ling did not know what had happened after he was killed and his soul torn out and tortured.

Aisha was extremely sad to know that her father's soul would disappear shortly after she had left to see them. Hearing Zhong Ling's question, Aisha frozen, because she did not know how to respond, she shook Liu Yang's hand and shook a little.

"Uncle, you do not have to worry about the aunt, she and your other daughters are fine, but they could not come here" Liu Yang confidently said, Aisha thanked internment Liu Yang for this, but the strange attitude of his daughter did not escape the eyes of Zhong Ling, he realized that the situation was not good, but his family was still alive at least. That made him less anxious.

"If they are well, I can rest in peace now. Knowing about you was the only thing I wanted all these years, "Zhong Ling sighed with relief.

Hearing the words of her father, Aisha knew he did not have much time, at that moment, Liu Yang made a sign for her. Aisha understood what Liu Yang meant by the signal, Zhong Ling also noticed the gestures that were made.

"Uncle, before you can leave, we have something to show." Zhong Ling had a look of curiosity when he heard Liu Yag's words.

A light shone and a greenish-colored baby with light clothes appeared, Aisha held the baby and used a spell to create a barrier to protect her. Zhong Ling was shocked when he saw the baby, and when he looked at his daughter, he saw that she had a loving look while looking at the baby, he remembered the scene when the Empress looked at her daughters. It was the same kind of look.

Zhong Ling understood that the baby was his granddaughter, that made him extremely happy and sad at the same time. Happy to know that her daughter found a good man and managed to build a family. And sad that he could not meet his wife and other daughters, and also see his grandchildren grow up.

Even with these regrets, Zhong Ling was happy in the last moments of his life, for he saw that his daughter had the same look like his wife when she cared for her daughters.

"Aisha ... You look like your mother when you were like this. Young man, take good care of my daughter, I leave her in your care. "After Zhong Ling finished speaking, his soul began to become transparent and disappear. It was time for him.

"Uncle, do not worry, I'll do my best to take care of her and make her happy," Liu Yang said with a resolute tone.

"Father ..." Tears began to fall from her beautiful eyes when she saw this scene.

"My dear daughter, do not cry, daddy wants to see your smile." A beautiful smile appeared on Zhong Ling's face. He was glad to know that his daughter was well and could leave. He felt that his wife and daughters would also be well, so he could leave without hard feelings.

"Yes, father." Aisha made a beautiful smile as she watched her father become more and more transparent. Seconds later, it turned to dust of light and disappeared.

Liu Yang hugged the beautiful young woman who was holding a baby and let her cry in his embrace. The baby was looking at the two with sad looks because she saw her mother crying, she held Aisha's finger and smiled at her.

Seeing this scene, Aisha felt a great heat in her heart, she had her man and her daughter now, she had to stand firm.

The hug did not last long, Liu Yang and Aisha prostrated and prayed to Zhong Ling's grave, the two hugged each other a bit before Aisha and the baby returned to the tower, but before she left, Liu Yang hugged and play a little with the baby.

After bowing one last time, Liu Yang left the scene and began to look for a way out of the graveyard. A few hours after Liu Yang left the scene, several people started arriving at the cemetery.

No one knew why there was a cemetery in such a place, and as they thought that the tombs had great treasures, they began to dig and plunder the tombs. But that was the worst decision they ever made in their lives.

When the first person dug the first tomb, an accountant appeared in the sky, the more people appeared, the more the accountant increased. To complete the accountant it took a billion people, for it was one-tenth of the total number of tombs.

As people arrived, more tombs were excavated, but there was one thing that intrigued everyone, was that there was nothing inside the tombs, not even dust. After realizing that there was nothing in the tombs, many began to leave the place, but one surprising thing happened, no one was able to leave.

This scene left them all stunned, but when they saw that the accountant was not yet full, many realized that it would be necessary to wait until a billion people entered the graveyard. But another shocking scene happened, some people managed to leave the cemetery, while others were barred by an invisible barrier.

As there were a lot of people and no one was paying attention to others, no one could tell what the difference was between those who can and can not leave the graveyard.

The longer time went by, fewer and fewer people appeared in the graveyard. For the struggle on the other side of the secret realm was still taking place, as there were fewer people there, the fighting would take many more. Mainly because of the fact that there were three creatures at level 999.

After some time, the people who entered the cemetery were heavily injured due to the fighting at the other site.

It took a few months for a billion people to enter the graveyard. In the midst of waiting, several people found tombs of their ancestors, but the tomb had been turned upside down. This was an affront to them, battles began to come about because of it.

Even though there was nothing inside the tombs, there were still millions of people trying to excavate these tombs in an attempt to see if there were any tombs with any items inside. But to their misfortune, even after several months of digging, nothing was found.

The moment a billion people entered the cemetery, an ancient voice began to echo around.

"Welcome to the Cemetery of Forgotten Souls, this is the resting place of those who were killed in the war. Your souls are still trapped in these tombs so that you can leave this place, you must find a tomb and prostrate before it until the owner's soul leaves. The goal is to convince the soul to rest in peace.

Those who can do this can leave the graveyard, if not, you will stay here forever. Those who broke the tombs to try to steal will be punished for this blasphemy unless it kills the number of people multiplied by a hundred the number of tombs that you have excavated.

Good luck and good killing for you "

After the old voice disappeared, a new accountant appeared, the total of one billion people began to decline gradually. This showed that someone was killing the others because them had dug a few graves.

Thousands of battles began to emerge through the cemetery, as the site was gigantic, there were still several billions of graves that were not turned upside down. Many began to try to prostrate in the attempt to invoke the soul in the tomb, while others were killing all those who were looking ahead.

Some managed to summon the soul, but they did not have a chance to talk to it before they were killed.

A bloody battle began inside the graveyard.

While many were fighting at the entrance of the secret realm against the skeletons and others killing inside the graveyard.

Liu Yang spent several months traveling through the secret realm, he had arrived in another location. In the middle of the way, Liu Yang could not find anything of value, he began to doubt if there really was anything of value within that secret realm.

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