Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 393: Elementor

Chapter 393: Elementor

The group looked worriedly at Little Silver because they did not know if something had gone wrong with her or not. Little Silver felt warm inside when she saw everyone's worried looks.

"Has something happened?" Xillia Wolf asked her precious daughter.

"Mom, I'm fine, that old monkey really has a lot of good things stored in his secret realm, he gave me everything, even the ways to get into the place. He said it was a small gift "Little Silver was very happy with the harvest she had, she won an extremely powerful class and also many treasures.

"Silly girl, do not worry about it for now. Rascal, check if there's something wrong with my precious daughter first "

"She's fine, I checked. Little girl, did that old monkey say anything? "

"He told you to be careful about certain places you plan to go, because even when the old monkey was at level 1000 and rank 10, he almost died." Little Silver was frightened when she said those words, since it was unimaginable that someone who was in the top of the world could die in some places.

These words frightened Liu Yang and the women, but soon realized that in the Nine Worlds there were places that even those who were at level 1000 and rank 10 could easily die.

"It's all right. Little girl, you should train a little now, since you have achieved an extremely powerful class. I'll try to go to the next world. "

"It's all right"

After Liu Yang and the women discussed about a few things. Xillia Wolf, Aisha and Zi Wu did activities with Liu Yang for some time before returning to the tower, Little Silver also got more intimate with Liu Yang this time as it was like a kind of reward for him after the help he gave the her.

Now, Little Silver can help your mother more with her goal. The two did not do activities, but they did not just kiss, for the first time, Liu Yang removed Little Silver's clothes and played with her breasts and the wet cave, the same thing happened to Little Silver, she took off his clothes and served him with her hands and mouth.

Little Silver felt extremely embarrassed about the things she had done, despite having seen Liu Yang do this with women, doing it personally was extremely embarrassing to her.

After the two finished playing, Little Silver returned to the tower and Liu Yang tried to enter the portal that led to the next world. But it was not possible, Liu Yang had to feed the baby again with the juice drops, it took tens of years for the baby to digest the energy and grow a little bit again.


Liu Yang continued to move through the worlds quickly, he just needed was to test his strength on the test machine. He only needed to strike at eighty percent of his strength that the meter would come first.

The worlds were similar to the previous ones, the only thing that changed was the challenge and the people. For there were worlds dominated only by women, others only by men, and there were also those that were dominated by beasts in human form.

In those ninety-nine worlds there were also extra challenges with women possessed by a Banshee, liu Yang just needed to do activities with them tens of thousands of times to complete the challenge.

How to complete the main challenge was simple, but what took time to do the activities, another thing that took time was the baby, because at each stage, Liu Yang had to feed her with a drop of juice, but for the baby to wake up , took several tens or even hundreds of years.

But Liu Yang did not care about these things, because he was able to make the most of the things he could do in each world, especially at the time of group activities with the women who wanted to be his maids.

After thousands of years, Liu Yang finally arrived on the floor of number four hundred, the site was another fighting coliseum. The format of the coliseum was the same, the only thing that changed was the opponent of Liu Yang.

A light shone on one side of the arena and Liu Yang who was holding the baby appeared, seconds later a message from the system echoes in his mind.

"Congratulations on reaching the Battle Coliseum Number Four, to complete the challenge you will need to beat your opponent. Good luck"

After the voice ended, a timer appeared.





Liu Yang towards his opponent he saw that this time was not a person, but a strange creature that looked like a giant lizard, but with the scales that were spiked up, it was sitting cross-legged and there were five crystals in it body, one on the forehead, one on each arm and one on each leg. The creature's name was Elementor.

Using the Eye of God, Liu Yang saw that the Elementor statistics, he was at level 930, but it stats was from someone who was at level 970. One thing that surprised Liu Yang was that Elementor could change the element of the body according to its will, there were five elements in total, fire, water, earth, wind and thunder.




At the moment the timer reaches zero, the Elementor opened the eyes slowly, a light of penetrating coldness could be felt from its gaze.

"Human, congratulations on getting here, but that's the end of the line for you." Elementor's voice was hoarse and rough, but it was also possible to sense heavy murderous intent.

Peng !!!!!!

Finishing to speak, the Elementor stomps heavily on the ground and charged toward Liu Yang like an arrow coming out of the bow. Liu Yang was taken aback, for he never imagined that Elementor would attack at the moment the timer reaches zero, he immediately prepared himself.

The baby looked like a child of three years after all those years after ingesting a hundred drops of juice, she was sleeping in Liu Yang's arms like a little baby. Liu Yang created a barrier and took out a small bed so the baby could have a good sleep.

After that, Liu Yang stepped on the floor and two steel gloves appeared in his hands.

Pang !!!!!!!!!!!!

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