Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 398: Knowledge Challenge (2 in 1)

Chapter 398: Knowledge Challenge (2 in 1)

In a covered place that looked like a great sea of crystalline waters, a glow appeared on the water and a young man appeared, the young man had a common appearance and wore ordinary clothes. The young man was Liu Yang who managed to reach the next world.

"Ah !!!!!" When Liu Yang appeared in the world, he fell into the water. Using the ability to fly and create flames, Liu Yang flew and dried up.

Seconds later, a voice echoes in his mind.

"Congratulations on reaching the floor number five hundred and one, the challenge this time is a challenge of knowledge, go to the city for more information. Good luck"

Liu Yang was surprised by this message as it was the first time he had to go to the city to get more information about the challenge.

While he was flying, Liu Yang used the Divine Sense and seeing that he was in the middle of a great ocean with no island or piece of land nearby. Looking at the bottom of the sea, Liu Yang saw a majestic and ancient city, but there were only five thousand people inside, all belonging to the Abyssal race and each of them was between levels 500-600.

Using the Space Distortion, Liu Yang appeared inside the city, the nearest people were shocked to see a human inside the city, this was shocking news as it was the first time this happened after millions of years. The news spread like wildfire through the city, in a matter of seconds, the place where Liu Yang was surrounded by a crowd of onlookers.

"The Emperor is here !!!!" Someone shouted in the crowd, after the scream, a passage was opened and a group of people wearing majestic clothes appeared.

The person in front was a middle-aged man, besides his was a beautiful mature woman and in the back, there were four beautiful young women. They were the emperor's family.

The group that appeared looked at Liu Yang with a strange glow in his eyes then disappeared, but Liu Yang could see that glow.

"Young man, my name Zander, Emperor of the North Seas, and she is my wife and my daughters, nice to meet you." Zander and his family bowed after greeting Liu Yang.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Liu Yang, a traveler." Liu Yang introduced himself casually. This attitude did not infuriate the emperor or anything, he seemed to be aware of some things.

"Young man, what are you looking for in this world?" Despite knowing what Liu Yang was looking for, the emperor still asked.

"Emperor, I'm looking for the challenge of knowledge." Liu Yang knew that the quickest way to achieve his goal was to get right to the point.

"I see ... Follow me." The emperor and his family led the way while Liu Yang and the crowd followed in the back.

The group arrived in a large arena, on the site there was a large stone block with five thousand names written and next to it were several numbers. This block of stone was the leaderboard.

"Young man, this is the place of the challenge, do you intend to challenge now, or rest a little earlier?" The emperor asked suggestively, his daughters had a faint blush on their faces when they heard this.

"I'll get some rest before I challenge the challenge, if I can get there first, you will have a great surprise." Liu Yang agreed to the emperor's suggestion and responded in a mysterious tone.

"All right, my dear daughters, can you lead young Liu Yang to the palace?" The emperor spoke in an ambiguous tone.

"Yes, emperor father." The four princesses bowed and gestured for Liu Yang to follow them.

The beautiful virgins and the older generation were jealous and jealous of this situation, for they also had the purpose of forming a good connection with Liu Yang. Already the hot-blooded youths were jealous and envious of Liu Yang for the fact that he would get intimate with the four goddesses of their hearts.

"Emperor, do not you think this is a bit unfair to us?" An old man with gray hair appeared.

"Why unjust?" The emperor spoke as if he knew nothing.

"Stop pretending, you know what I'm talking about." The old man was not angry at the emperor's shameless words, for they had known each other long before they were arrested in this world.

"Okay, I know what you old crafty people want, but they'll have to wait, and besides, that young man named Liu Yang is really an extremely perverted young man. He could defy the challenge without needing rest, but when I said my suggestion, he accepted it immediately, it seemed he was waiting for it "

"I also realized this, but that does not change the fact that your daughters are advantageous because they are the first. Even if we do not know what can happen between them, it does not change that fact that they are advantageous"

"Okay ... After my daughters finish their affairs, you can do what you want, okay with that?"

"It's all right"

The group discussed who would be the next group to send their youth women to Liu Yang, as they also wanted to form a good connection with him.


Inside one of the palace rooms, Liu Yang and the four princesses were lying on the bed, all five were naked, after a long session of activities that lasted several, the four princesses were panting, they had a smile of satisfaction on their faces. This showed that the activities were quite enjoyable.

Liu Yang was in the middle, while the princesses were by his side, the five had their eyes closed.

Knock ... Knock ... Knock ... Knock ...

Suddenly someone knocked on the door, using the Eye of God, Liu Yang saw who the people were outside, he just smiled, as he imagined something like that would happen.

Waving his hands, the door was opened and a group of hundreds of beautiful virgins appeared, each one of them wearing fine silk dresses that could see all its seductive curves. Waving his hand again, the women were pulled into the room, and a long, hot, passionate activity session began.

The bed and the floor had several marks of blood, this showed that each of the young girls lost their innocence that day.

A week later...

Liu Yang and the group of women did not leave the room for a whole week, the group was doing all kinds of perverted things inside the room.

When the group appeared in the arena of the challenge, everyone saw that women had fur and renewed hair, their beauties that had diminished due to stress and many other factors returned, and they became much more beautiful than before. This actually showed that Liu Yang took virginity from each of them.

The elders were happy about this, while the younger ones were jealous and envious of Liu Yang, as he managed to do activities with the women.

The changes in the bodies of the girls were a surprise to all, for they never imagined that they could lose their virginity. This showed one thing, Liu Yang was not restricted by the rules of this world. So he could have the ability to release them, many began to think about the surprise that Liu Yang spoke a few days ago.

Liu Yang used the spatial distortion and appeared in front of the arena, the moment he entered the arena, a message echoed in his mind.

"Congratulations on accepting the challenge, the challenge objective is simple, the challenger will have to analyze a large number of items and try to identify its properties. To each correct property will win a point, when hit all common properties will be twenty points win and hit the special properties will be one hundred points. Good luck"

After the voice ended, a glow appeared in the arena and thousands of tables appeared. Liu Yang did not go looking at the items that were on the tables, he preferred to look at the large stone tablet with people's punctuation. Looking at those numbers, Liu Yang realized that there were some extremely wise people about this kind of subject.

The first place had five thousand points, the second had four thousand and nine hundred, the third had three thousand and nine hundred, and the room had only a thousand, from the fourth-placed, the numbers began to fall exponentially. The last place had only one point.

Finishing to see the score, Liu Yang decided to go to one of the tables, the item he saw was a common stone. Using the Eye of God, Liu Yang saw all the information related to stone.

Common Stone - A common stone.

Composition: 90% earth, 7% iron ore, 1% gold, 2% crystal

Weight: 100 grams

After looking at the information, Liu Yang took the paper that was on the table and wrote the information he saw. Putting the paperback on the table, a system sound echoed in his mind.

"Congratulations on hitting all the common information and special properties, you have won a hundred points." Hearing these words, Liu Yang just smiled with a winning smile, the person who created this challenge never imagined that someone like him would appear to challenge the secret realm.

Liu Yang quickly began to go to the other tables and see the items, using the Eye of God, Liu Yang managed to complete this challenge quickly and very easily, as he could see all the information of each of the items. This was cheating.

Since Zac never imagined that someone like Liu Yang would appear in the Nine Worlds, he did not bother to create methods to try to hinder people like Liu Yang. So it was extremely easy for Liu Yang to complete the challenge.

Whenever Liu Yang finished analyzing table information, items would disappear and new items would pop into place. Even the new items were seen by the power of Liu Yang's Eye of God, no information escaped his eyes.

Six months later

With each item Liu Yang looked at, he hit all the information about the item, so he was able to accumulate points quickly. As Liu Yang did not want to score a few points, he decided to stay in the challenge for six months, the number of points he achieved was absurd. Liu Yang made a total of one hundred thousand points, which made everyone else in the rank look like idiots.

After Liu Yang finished the challenge, a system sound echoed in the minds of the people of this world. The message said that all the inhabitants had become his slaves and that they were also free.

The people in the town began to celebrate this fact, but they were also a little saddened by the fact that they became slaves to another. But at least they could die now, that's what many thought, after millions of years of living, their thoughts about eternal life changed.

When Liu Yang left the arena and appeared before the crowd outside, he saw that many were kneeling before him as faithful servants, while others stood with submissive glances.

Liu Yang talked about his rules and other things that he always talked about when he completed a challenge. After talking to the people of this world about his rules, Liu Yang sent everyone to the tower except for his maids, and the imperial couple, Liu Yang asked the emperor if he knew anything about the calamity.

In previous worlds, Liu Yang encountered some worlds that were ruled by the abyssals, but the rulers of those worlds were only rulers of small territories before being trapped inside the box, they did not know much about the great calamity that would affect the whole race of the abyssals.

But Zander was different, he was the emperor of the northern seas, so the territories he ruled were extremely vast. During the activity breaks, Liu Yang asked the women about this, they answered various vague things about the subject and that the people who knew most about it were the emperor and the Empress.

As a reward for the information, Liu Yang caused the group of women to climax until they fainted from exhaustion that day.

The emperor and the empress knew that Liu Yang would ask this question because their daughters told them about it. Contrary to Liu Yang's expectations, the words of the imperial couple were the same as in the previous worlds, vague information, even if it was similar or equal information, was still quite vague.

But one thing surprised Liu Yang, this was the fact that in some world inside the box there was another emperor of the seas, but this emperor was someone who had a daughter, this girl had the power to predict the calamities of the people. Zander said that if Liu Yang wanted to find out more about the calamity of the abyssal race, he would have to go to the other worlds and find this emperor.

After Liu Yang finished talking to the imperial couple, he sent them to the tower, before going to his room, because the beautiful young people were waiting for him. The group of women were already naked and wet, they were already ready to do activities.


After two months of activity, Liu Yang finished satisfying these beautiful girls of the abyssal race, after sending them to the tower, the four women and the four children arrived, although the baby still could not speak, Liu Yang realized that the baby could understand his words by the expressions she made.

The little family had fun for some almost five hundred years before the women and children could return to the tower, and Liu Yang continues his journey to the next world, as it was the time it took for the baby to digest the energy of the drop of juice.

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