Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 409: Leaving the Secret Realm

Chapter 409: Leaving the Secret Realm

After talking to the five women and sending them to the tower, Liu Yang knew that women would have many things to talk and solve.

Before he got up, he saw that a small wooden chest appeared in the bed and there was a common space ring inside. But when Liu Yang saw the items inside, he was extremely shocked, as there were only rare and precious items, each of them could incite greed to anyone in the Nine Worlds. Liu Yang understood that this was Zac's gift of engagement to both of them.

Liu Yang just sighed at that, the present was too heavy for him to carry, the amount of treasure he had inside the space ring was so much he could fill one of the floors of his tower.

When Zac passed his memoirs to Liu Yang, he showed all things to him from the day he was thrown into a near-dead forest along with his bride who had been raped.

What surprised Liu Yang was the fact that Zac had removed his bride's soul from her body and putting it into a bottle, after thousands of years, Zac managed to make a new one for her and the two had a daughter, Lily. Despite the bad things that Zac did during his life, his wife never blamed him and cared for him in the best way possible.

But it was a pity that the heavens were unjust, Zac's wife could only live for fifty years since her soul was already very weak after many years. When the woman gave birth to Lily, she died a few minutes later, but Zac would never forget the beautiful smile that his wife made when she held Lily in her arms.

After that, Zac took care of Lily as his little princess and trained her to stay strong enough not to have the same fate as his wife. Even though the training was extremely hard, Lily never backed down and persisted, because of her innate talent and class she got, Lily leveled quickly with Zac's help.

What shocked he was the fact that Lily managed to reach 1000 and rank 10 without having to have the requirements, that was one of the main reasons for the war began. Many powerful clans also wanted to know how Lily had managed to do this, if they could find it, many ancestors who were nearing the end of their lives could level and gain new years of life.

But in the end, something strange happened that nobody knew, a supreme master who was a user of poison that was at level 1000 and rank 10 attacked Lily and poison her with an extremely powerful poison that forced her to be sealed by Zac.

In a fit of madness and fury, Zac sent all his troops and massacred the Nine Worlds, he killed all those who were related to this poison master, and in the end, the poison master was killed a few years later.

After these massacres, many high clans said they would act in the name of justice and defeat Zac, but their goals were only the treasures stolen by Zac and the secrets of his daughter. In the end, Zac was defeated and his soul was broken up into pieces and sealed by the great clans, these fragments of soul were tortured in every possible way, but Zac never let out a sound, for he was the one who had the most knowledge about the souls in all Nine Worlds, so any kind of torture was useless to him. The clans could only give up sealing that soul fragment forever.

After arranging the information, Liu Yang heard from Xillia Wolf that Lily was telling her story to the women. Liu Yang was not surprised by this, as he imagined Lily would do something like that and in addition, Lily also apologized for the things that happened.

The women were surprised when they heard this story, for they never imagined that there was such a thing behind all these events involving Zac.

While the women were talking, Liu Yang was getting ready to leave the chest. After seeing the tower information in Zac's memories, Liu Yang was extremely shocked, as this item was something that defied the heavens.

The name of this chest was called the Space Chest of Infinite Time, the miracle effect of this chest was to stop the time in the interior, but the sensation in the mind of the people was that the time was still passing. That is, people or things would never grow old or dead even if they suffer damage.

Zac found this chest while exploring some ancient ruins with his daughter, at first he did not know what this item was, because he could not open, after he reached 1000 and rank 10, Zac finally managed to open the chest and discover his miraculous effects.


After arranging everything, Liu Yang was ready to leave, with a thought, a portal opened. Entering the portal, his body disappeared.

Outside, where the four chests were, a portal appeared and Liu Yang emerged from it.

Looking sideways, he realized that the other three had not yet left, but seconds later, the other three appeared, each one of them was completely dirty with torn and burnt clothes. This showed that each of them had a difficult time.

The four of them looked at each other, the three older ones realized that there was another chest in the place, they understood that Liu Yang had discovered a secret chest and jealousy filled their hearts, as they thought that the treasures contained in the fourth chest were better than the other three.

Despite the envy they felt, the three of them were satisfied with the treasures they found, for each one of them got many extremely rare items within those three chests. As Liu Yang had Zac's memories, he knew the things inside those chests.

Liu Yang would never exchange what he got into the fourth chest by the treasures of the other three chests, for him, what was in the fourth chest something priceless, people's lives, for he was able to gather an army of hundreds of millions of people, and at least forty percent was at levels above 500. What kind of treasure could be compared to that?

For Liu Yang, nothing was more precious than these people, he would make the Nine Worlds know the power of the Faction of the Explorers in the near future.

Sometime after the four came out, a voice echoed throughout the secret realm. Everyone in the room could hear that voice.

"Congratulations on completing the first level of the secret realm, the second level will open in six months. Good luck to all who try the second level "

After Zac's voice stopped, the secret realm went into an uproar, for they never imagined that the secret realm had more than one level and that the first level had been completed by Liu Yang and three more people.

Liu Yang had no interest in continuing because he already achieved the greatest treasure of this secret realm, the people inside the Infinite Time Chest and all the treasures of Zac. According to Zac's memoirs, the secret realm had three levels, and three chests in the last realm, these chests were the same as the three people of the older generation entered, but the inside had different treasures.

But there was one thing in common, which was the fourth chest, for this chest was not just one person to complete, for it was theoretically impossible. But Zac never expected someone like Liu Yang to appear and be able to win a thousand worlds.

So, after a thousand worlds were completed, there would not be a fourth box, only three. That way, Liu Yang had no interest in continuing this journey, he wanted to leave this secret realm and visit his wives and daughters in the Xiao clan.

After the announcement was made, the secret realm began to tremble and everyone began to be teleported out. Those in the hall of the four boxes were the last to be teleported.

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