Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 3: : To be fair to you

Chapter 3: : To be fair to you

"You can help me mention it."

Xia Xiaolan stuffed the bag into Liu Fen's arms, and Liu Fen's face was full of tears:

"Xiaolan, how can you go out...what if your dad comes back..."

Liu Fen didn't know how things turned out to be like this. Although her daughter hadn't been made trouble, it was equivalent to being sent out for singles. Driven out of the house, how will a teenage girl live in the future? She wanted to ask Xia Xiaolan to admit a mistake, but she was afraid of irritating Xia Xiaolan.

"You go out and live with me, and wait until my dad comes back. I don't know how to cook. I will starve to death by myself!"

Xia Xiaolan didn't plan to leave Liu Fen alone. When she left, the Xia family wouldn't bully Liu Fen hard? She also decided that Liu Fen would be soft-hearted and tough, and she wanted Liu Fen to go with her.

The Xia family did not stop Liu Fen. It is estimated that they will wait for Xia Xiaolans father Xia Dajuns return to clean up the mother and daughter. Even with the heavy rain, the county is worried that the flood will wash down the river embankment in the neighboring township. They all went to repair the embankment.

Liu Fen had no opinion at all, so he followed with a bag of sweet potatoes in a muddle.

Xia Xiaolan stepped out and turned back to take the enamel cup containing the steamed eggs. The young grandson of the Xia family had been staring at the steamed eggs and swallowed. He didn't expect to be taken away by Xia Xiaolan, and she cried all of a sudden.

A room of people, scolding Xia Xiaolan, coaxing the children, are in a group.

As soon as I left the house, fresh air came over.

There is no smog, no pollution, and people who have returned 30 years later know how precious clean air is, and Xia Xiaolan's spirits suddenly shocked.

The Xia family broke out in the middle of the day, and I don't know how many people listened to the excitement with their ears erected.

Seeing Xia Xiaolan's mother and daughter, those people didn't hide, and pointed and pointed at them. Of course, Liu Fen was ignored. They mainly said Xia Xiaolan:

"Kicked out of the house?"

"Bah, deserve it, even brother-in-law will not let it go!"

"Rolling in the haystack with the Erliu from the neighboring village, the Xia family is so embarrassed..."

"Everyone is surnamed Xia, so her sister was admitted to college, see if she has trouble."

"Dajun Xia will definitely be beaten to death when he comes back."

"Having beaten and scolded, she just doesn't change her mind... Look at her walking, her **** twisted..."

Xia Xiaolan really wanted to beat up all these long-tongued village women, is she twisting her ass, she's so hungry and weak! These eight wives destroyed the good mood brought by the fresh air, Xia Xiaolan looked at the surrounding environment-the pastoral scenery is good? That's also the feeling of appreciation only when the material life is rich.

In 1983, the countryside was praised by the "local literature" scholars.

From a glance, there are many mud houses and few red brick houses. The low houses have mud brick walls painted with white lime, and the slogan from 10 years ago is written in red paint.

It is a remote Dahe village that is trapped in the hinterland of the motherland and cannot be blown by the spring breeze of reform and opening up.

Only reading can break free of this environment.

Cousin Xia Xiaolan took the right path. Xia Ziyu was the only college student in Dahe Village in the 30 years since the founding of the Peoples Republic of China and the restoration of the college entrance examination. It is conceivable that if Xia Xiaolan hadn't changed her core, since Xia Ziyu was admitted to college, Xia Xiaolan's life and the other party had already been a huge gap!

Even if she is scammed by Xia Ziyu, what can she do?

One is a female college student in the 1980s with a bright future. No wonder the whole family regards her as a golden phoenix. One has ruined her reputation and has no skill.

The difference between cloud and mud.

It's no wonder that the Xia family is snobbish and realistic... human nature.

For the benefit, the Xia family would stand on Xia Ziyu's side. "Xia Xiaolan" really didn't understand until the end. It was obviously the men and women who broke the window paper when you came, and she encouraged the man to take the college entrance examination.

She also bowed her head and borrowed books from her cousin Xia Ziyu to study hard for the man, and personally sent him to the county for examinations.

After the exam, there was no abnormality. Why did he become Xia Ziyu's official public object after the admission notice arrived?

Is it because she is not worthy of Wang Jianhua?

Choosing a cousin is correct in the long run. College students and college students are a match made in heaven.

But before you leave, why do you still step on "Xia Xiaolan"?

How did the rumors that killed people spread all over the country?'Xia Xiaolan' went to Wang Jianhua for verification, only to find that only Xia Ziyu was in Wang Jianhua's room. Xia Ziyu was more reasonable than'Xia Xiaolan', not soft or hard. In other words, let'Xia Xiaolan' turn around and leave.

On the road, I ran into a second-rate son in the next village. This person had been entangled with'Xia Xiaolan' before. This time he was even bolder and directly tore the sleeve of'Xia Xiaolan'... Wang Jianhua and Xia Ziyu appeared together. Wang Jianhua seemed to be disappointed with'Xia Xiaolan'. Not only did he not listen to Xia Xiaolan's excuse, but he also took Xia Ziyu's hand directly.

Are the rumors released by the second-liuer in the neighboring village? This year is the year of the crackdown. You can send second-rate men to death every minute!

It doesn't matter, since she was reborn on this body with the same name and surname, she will figure it out and seek justice for the original owner.

By the river beach, the old dilapidated house appeared in sight.

The fence door fell crookedly, there was no chain on the door, and there were holes in the wall and roof. Liu Fen was at a loss with the sweet potato in his arms.

This is not a place to shelter from wind and rain at all.

"Xiaolan, listen to your mother's advice"

Xia Xiaolan covered her head, "Mom, my wound hurts again!"

She called more and more smoothly, and Liu Fen really diverted her attention, "The wound is cracked? Let mom have a look."

The door was unlocked, the room was messy, and there were only shelves left in the bed. Liu Fen asked Xia Xiaolan to eat the steamed eggs quickly. The eggs were cold and smelly, and Xia Xiaolan didn't want to eat alone, and said that she was full after only eating half of it:

"You can eat the rest, and it will be broken tomorrow."

Liu Fen held the enamel tank in a mixed mood. This kind of thing has never happened before, and her daughter smashed her head, as if she knew how to feel sorry for others.

Liu Fen is both gratified and sad:

"Your dad will be back in two days."

Speaking of her husband, Liu Fen couldn't help but shrank his shoulders, and he was scared in his bones.

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