Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Vol 2 Chapter 199: : The waste material is promising (1 more)

Vol 2 Chapter 199: : The waste material is promising (1 more)

More than a year passed, and there was no argument between Kang Wei and Shan Yujun. Shan Yujun stayed in the northwest, and Kang Wei ran there for a few days after a month.

As for the reunion, it has not been announced. Even Xia Xiaolan can't understand whether the two people are lovers or friends.

But looking at Kang Wei's mentality of getting younger and younger, Xia Xiaolan felt that everything should be developing towards the good... That's enough, as a friend, just watch Kang Wei change from decadence to happy life.

Both of them are grown-ups. If you want to make peace, you really don't need other people's interference!

In addition to business partners attending the wedding of White Pearl and Pan Baohua, many Pan Baohuas old subordinates rushed over. These people have already left the confidential unit and turned to work in all walks of life. It's not quite satisfactory at first glance. But in front of Pan Baohua, the rich and the not are equal, and they are desperately filling Pan Baohua with wine.

Zhou Cheng took Kang Wei, Pan Baohua's protector, and the two of them drank a lot of their own, and finally kept Pan Baohua's clarity.

In Zhou Cheng's words, the third brother is all too old, and finally got married with a daughter-in-law. He still has a bridal chamber tonight!

"Brother, are you okay?"

Zhou Cheng and Kang Wei supported him from left to right, and handed Pan Baohua into Bai Pearl's hands.

Pan Baohua couldn't stand up straight, his eyes were dizzy, and he nodded indiscriminately.

Zhou Cheng gritted his teeth, "Sister-in-law, Pearl Sister, take your third brother away first, and leave the rest to me and Kang Wei."

White Pearl also drank a lot of wine.

At the wedding, there are three groups of people who are pouring Pan Baohua wine, her business partners, the brothers of the Baijia Wuguan, and Pan Baohua's old subordinates... Such a mighty wine-pouring army, White Pearl is also a bit embarrassed.

"You two drink less."

Bai Zhenzhu helped Pan Baohua walk two steps, and Pan Baohua blinked at her.

Ah, what happened to the third brother... Bai Zhenzhu almost broke her work, but her own man hurts herself, so she hurriedly helped Pan Baohua, who was "drunk", and ran away.

The wedding is very lively, and the wedding is very warm.

In the end, Xia Xiaolan was left with a week of drunk care.

Drunk Zhou is still very proud, mumbling that he is loyal:

"I can see that the third brother is pretending to be drunk... he is the groom..."

"Yes, yes, you are the smartest, and you are still loyal!"

Xia Xiaolan was like coaxing a child.

The drunk Zhou Cheng and the sober Zhou Cheng look like two people. In the past two years, Zhou Cheng has become more and more mature and stable. When he is drunk, he is particularly stubborn. He is clearly slurred and has to chat with Xia Xiaolan forcibly.

Xia Xiaolan can only chat with this drunk.

Zhou Zuigui had no desire to survive when he was awake, so he took the initiative to talk about Jiang Yan with Xia Xiaolan.

Jiang Yan also came to the wedding scene today, still with a young gay.

"That, that is from a new unit, it is a technical path, which is different from ours..."

Xia Xiaolan looked at Zhou Cheng suspiciously, is this person really drunk or fake?

This means that the **** men Jiang Yan liked is not the same as Zhou Cheng. Jiang Yan has completely walked out of her unrequited love. She doesn't have to worry about Jiang Yan anymore?

Xia Xiaolan lowered her head to look at Zhou Cheng carefully.

The two of their faces were too close to each other, Zhou Cheng's eyelashes were itchy on her face, and the drunk kissed her, Xia Xiaolan's heart was soft and messed up.

"Forget it, you pretend to be drunk and I will admit it. You took the initiative to mention Jiang Yan, just to make me feel at ease. I have always felt at ease. I doubted whether we two are suitable for living together, but I never doubted that you were right. My feelings, when you look at me, there is only me in your eyes...Don't doubt my feelings for you, because I can only see you."

Xia Xiaolan chatted with a drunkard.

After talking for a long time, the drunkard did not respond to her, only a soft snoring sound.

Actually fell asleep?

Xia Xiaolan couldn't help but kissed the drunk secretly.


In the summer of 1990, shortly after Bai Zhenzhu and Pan Baohua got married, there was a good news back to China.

Zhou Yi in the United States was finally admitted to law school!

In the summer of 1986, Zhou Yi went to the United States. It took four full years to complete the counterattack from waste materials to academic tyrants. It's a bit short to say that Xueba is a bit short, and it won't take four years to really learn to be a master. But Zhou Yi is definitely not a waste. The law school is very difficult to pass. It is not easy for her to be admitted as a Chinese. Many Americans have to take the exam for several years.

As far as Zhou Yi is concerned, she finally has the face of returning to China.

She had done a very embarrassing thing, which made the whole Zhou family lose face, and Zhou Yi also wished to wear it back to the idiot herself who was hammered to death a few years ago.

But she can't escape all her life, people always have to stand up on their own.

It took her four years to start again, and she thanked every family member who did not give up on her.

How many four years can life be?

If you waste your time, countless four years will rumbling past like a hot wheel, and they will run away in the blink of an eye, leaving a place of chagrin.

But if you are struggling fully, you will not be afraid of the passage of time!

Zhou Yi had a whole new life.

Now she suddenly appeared in front of Tong Lili's group of people, and those people might not recognize Zhou Yi immediately.

Although she was admitted to law school only this year, she has actually been an assistant in the law firm for more than two years. Her temperament is changing according to her living environment and life experience. Zhou Yi's temperament is quite capable now.

The hair was combed meticulously and tied into a ponytail, and no professional suit was worn, but the dressing style was also very simple and capable. Gray, white and black were the eternal basic colors. Walking in the airport with a suitcase, there was something strangers would not enter. Momentum-In fact, the scumbag picked someone to start. If Zhou Yi was like this a few years ago, Yuan Han would probably stay away from her. Such a woman would be very easy to deceive.

Jiang Hong and Zhou Wenbang were waiting at the airport.

Now there are direct flights between the United States and China, and it is not necessary to turn around from HK.

Jiang Hong and Zhou Wenbang came to pick up the plane with Zhou Ke. Zhou Ke is 4 years old, because he is often taught by Mr. Zhou. The four-year-old Zhou Ke has a calmness that children of the same age dont... Be obedient and obedient in front of her.

In the words of Mr. Zhou, Zhou Ke is many times stronger than her mother Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi didn't know what her grandfather said of her. She dragged the suitcase, thinking that she was about to see her parents and daughter, and her footsteps were very brisk.

She passed a passenger and collided with her shoulders.


The other party wore large sunglasses and covered half of his face, and he was dragging his suitcase.

Zhou Yi was stunned, this is--

"Zhou Yi! Zhou Yi!"

Jiang Hong had already seen her, yelling her name and waving.

When Zhou Yi turned around, the passenger had dragged his suitcase and walked into the crowd.

So did she make a mistake?

Zhou Yi quickly came back to her senses, whether it had anything to do with that person, she had already started a new life, and what was the point of holding on to the people and things in the past!

She dragged the suitcase to her family.

First, he hugged Jiang Hong and then Zhou Wenbang. Naturally, Zhou Wenbang was not used to Zhou Yi's closeness.

What's wrong with this all in the United States!

Zhou Wenbang's face was stern...not very majestic.

Zhou Yi let go of her father, and then looked down at the little one.

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