Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Vol 2 Chapter 206: : Avalanche (4 more)

Vol 2 Chapter 206: : Avalanche (4 more)

Yang Yonghong felt that what Xia Xiaolan said was reasonable, and then she laughed.

She likes this statement for those who are capable.

As for the **** men in the literature department, she really doesnt like it. A big man spit out bitterness at her all day long with sadness and sadness. He was unforgettable with his ex-girlfriend, but he did not dare to resist the family. Yang Yonghong didnt touch him at all. Affectionate", but uncomfortable.

Xiaolan said she was capable, and Yang Yonghong was full of confidence:

"Then I have to make it clear to the leader when I return to my work unit. His son and I are really inappropriate. I didn't think about feelings before I was 30, so I just put it down first."

No career, so what kind of feelings are you talking about?

Yang Yonghong was admitted to Huaqing University after three repeated studies. Xia Xiaolan was only 19 years old in his freshman year, and Yang Yonghong was 22 years old.

The Department of Civil Engineering and the Department of Architecture have a five-year undergraduate degree. Yang Yonghong is 27 years old after graduating from university, and he has risen by one year this year.

Yang Yonghong has never worried that she will be difficult to marry at her old age. She feels that she wasted two or three years when she repeats her studies. She is too old for the same graduate. In the past two years, she must hurry up and lay a solid foundation for her career. It is too troublesome to find a partner. Time, let's talk about it after the age of 30.

Of course, Yang Yonghong's unit leader wants her to be a daughter-in-law, not only because she has the ability, but also because of her personality.

When Yang Yonghong's family used to be very poor, Yang Yonghong didn't feel inferior when interacting with people, and he was enthusiastic and generous and loved to help others. Such a personality would not be too bad anywhere, and naturally it was also very likable!

Xia Xiaolan doesn't worry about Yang Yonghong at all. What if you think about emotional issues at the age of 30, even at the age of 40, there will still be people who will pursue the good work of "Yang Gong"?

Oh, by the time he is 40 years old, it may not be Mr. Yang, but Mr. Yang.

After Su Jing and Gong Yang got married, it was the end of 1990 in a blink of an eye.

Xia Xiaolan and Zhou Cheng have been pregnant for half a year and haven't moved. Xia Xiaolan is not in a hurry for the time being.

There is another thing that is more urgent.

At the end of 1990, the land price of Coconut City, Qiongdao skyrocketed, with the average price approaching 900,000 per acre. Xia Xiaolan couldn't sit still and decided to start selling the land under the name of Qihang.

From 1987 to 1990, Qihang developed a total of three projects on Qiongdao. Riding on the ride of Qiongdao real estate boom, the three projects became explosives without much effort.

Qihang Real Estate made a profit of nearly 50 million from the three projects. The first commercial housing project "Haitian Summer Palace" was not particularly profitable, and the latter two projects did not make much money.

After the last project was liquidated, Xia Xiaolan began to sell the land.

When Qihang first started selling the land, the market still didnt react, because Xia Xiaolan sold most of the land under Qihangs name to the'Hung Rong Group'. She and Du Zhaohui had a deep friendship. I can't understand what Xia Xiaolan is doing.

In fact, Xia Xiaolan just turned a hand from Du Zhaohui, because too many people were staring at her movements.

Du Zhaohui first bought the land from Xia Xiaolan, and he remained silent for a month. It was not until February 1991 that he began to sell the land. At this time, the number of residential land in Yecheng has exceeded one million acres, and the entire market is crazy. The total number of real estate companies is tens of thousands. Du Zhaohui made a fortune when he released the land he bought from Qihang.

The market will eat as much land as he releases, and there is no worries about selling it.

When Xia Xiaolan sold the land, Tang Yuan didn't move. He thought that Xia Xiaolan and Du Zhaohui had negotiated privately, and the two of them reversed the ownership of the land to make the land price rise faster.

How can we fry land if there is no market price?

But waiting for Du Zhaohui to sell the land, even if it is very low-key to start selling small plots, Tang Yuanyue feels bad.

This is not to raise land prices together, but Xia Xiaolan retreats first, and Du Zhaohui retreats later!

Tang Yuanyue secretly scolded Du Zhaohui for not talking about loyalty, and without considering it for too long, he immediately began to sell land.

The land market sold by Du Zhaohui can still be eaten, and what Tang Yuanyue sold was a bit reluctant. The large-scale sales in a short period of time affected the land price of Yecheng. The land price once dropped to an average price of 900,000 per mu, and quickly climbed again. Million.

The entire market is irrational, and it does not seem to be vigilant.

Wealth is right in front of us. How many people can keep their senses?

Meng Guanchao's original sale of the land at a price of 260,000/mu has become a well-known joke.

Seeing the land price hitting millions, Meng Guanchao must have regretted it, but Comrade Lao Meng did what he said. Before the land price on Qiongdao rose, Meng Guanchao turned around and left.

Only by not listening or not paying attention can the urge to re-enter the market be controlled.

There are not many people like Meng Guanchao.

Xia Xiaolan retreated first, and Du Zhaohui retreated. Both of them did not make much money. Tang Yuanyue retreated halfway. The land in his hand had not been finished yet. Zhu Suizhou just noticed that it was not good. In March 1991, the state came out unexpectedly. Article 16" regulations.

Two years earlier than Xia Xiaolan's memory.

Xia Xiaolan was not surprised at all. These "Sixteen Articles" were influenced by her. As early as November last year, seeing that the land price was approaching 900,000 per mu, Xia Xiaolan handed in his economic research report on Qiongdao. A detailed analysis of the current situation and future of Qiongdao real estate.

If you hand it in, I'm not sure if the above will pay attention to her, but the money made on Qiongdao has exceeded Xia Xiaolan's psychological expectations.

The development of three projects has made nearly 50 million yuan, and selling the land in hand at a price of 900,000 yuan/mu is really the big profit.

It's too greedy if you don't retreat if you exceed your psychological expectations.

Xia Xiaolan handed in the report and began to retreat. She evacuated first, and Du Zhaohui then evacuated, but Tang Yuanyue only halfway through, the "Sixteen Articles" suddenly fell, making Qiongdao all the tens of thousands of real estate companies dumbfounded.

The state has begun to control the land price of Qiongdao!

Nonsense, isn't state regulation normal? When the "Sixteen Articles" were introduced, the land price in Yecheng had risen to 1.2 million per mu.

"Article 16" first stopped bank loans and required the bank to conduct self-examination.

From the silent fall of the first snowflake to the avalanche of the entire market, I can't control it at all!

Tang Yuanyue couldnt sell half of the land in his hands. The entire market began to panic. Only the sellers market had no buyers, just like a stock market crash... Tang Yuanyue calculated the profits earned on Qiongdao, even if half of the land was not sold. Yuhua had already recovered the cost and still made a profit, so he didn't panic at all.

If you can't sell it, just put it there.

Anyway, the money is also made. From short-term operations to long-term operations, the land can be reserved for Yuhua to develop slowly in the future.

Qiongdao has no other economic pillar industries, but the scenery is good. The land that Tang Yuanyue didn't sell was all near the sea.

He doesn't panic.

Others are panicked.

The capital chain was broken, the bank was forced to repay the loan, and all construction sites that were still lively before were all suspended within a month or two.

Dingding banging became absolutely quiet, the busy office building people went to the empty building, some people were dead, jumped down from the top of the building, fell in front of Sheng Xuan, scared Sheng Xuan back screaming

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