Rebooting the Arena

Chapter 17: Early Rounds

Chapter 17: Early Rounds

The day of the Thaloria Cup had arrived. For Phoenix Reborn, the weeks of practice, scrimmages, and preparation had led to this moment. Kai could feel the nervous energy buzzing through the team as they loaded into the tournament lobby, waiting for their first match. But it wasn't just nerves. There was also a quiet confidence that had come from countless hours of drilling, learning each other's playstyles, and trusting that they were ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.

"Everyone ready?" Kai asked, their voice steady over the voice chat.

Tariq's voice came through, as eager as ever. "I've been ready. Let's do this."

Lena sounded more focused than anxious. "This is what we trained for. Let's stay calm and execute."

Alex, though usually nervous, had grown more confident in his role. "I'll keep you all alive. Just don't get reckless."

Nina, as always, was quiet and composed. "We're ready."

Kai smiled, feeling the unity in their team. This was their moment. Phoenix Reborn was about to face their first tournament opponents. The early rounds wouldn't be against elite teams, but that didn't mean they could afford to be complacent.

"Alright," Kai said, keeping their tone calm and collected. "Stick to the plan. We take it one round at a time. We've practiced for this. Let's show them what Phoenix Reborn is made of."

The first match was set in The Ashen Hollow, a small, hazard-filled map with lava pools and narrow pathways. It was perfect for testing their teamwork and communication. Their opponents, a team called The Crimson Blades, were low-ranked amateurs—a newer team still finding their footing in the competitive scene.

Kai quickly assessed the situation as they dropped into the map, scanning the enemy team's composition. Crimson Blades had a standard setup: a tank, healer, and three DPS. They weren't particularly well-coordinated, judging by their movements, which were scattered and disjointed.

"Same plan as usual," Kai said. "Tariq, you engage. Lena, stay behind him and get ready to zone them with your AoE. Nina, you and I will flank once the chaos starts. Alex, keep Tariq alive."

Tariq moved into position, his hulking avatar, Ironclad, marching toward the enemy team with his shield raised high. "I'm going in," he said, his voice full of energy. "Let's roll."

Tariq's shield slam sent a shockwave through the enemy team, stunning their tank and creating an opening. Lena immediately followed up, her chain lightning arcing between the stunned players, dealing heavy damage. The enemy team scrambled, clearly unprepared for the speed and coordination of Phoenix Reborn's attack.

Kai and Nina flanked around the side, both slipping into stealth before launching a surprise ambush on the enemy healer. The moment the healer fell, the rest of the fight was over in seconds. With no support, the Crimson Blades crumbled under Phoenix Reborn's relentless pressure.


The match ended almost as quickly as it began. The Crimson Blades barely put up a fight.

Tariq laughed, the adrenaline of the quick win evident in his voice. "That was almost too easy. Are these guys even trying?"

Lena chuckled, though she remained focused. "Don't get cocky. We'll get tougher opponents soon enough."

Alex smiled, his voice more relaxed. "At least we didn't have to sweat too much in the first round."

Kai nodded, pleased with the team's performance. "Good work, everyone. But like Lena said, let's not get overconfident. The early rounds are going to be easier, but it'll get tougher the further we go. Stay sharp."

Nina, ever the calm presence, simply said, "We're ready for the next."

The second round took place in The Abyssal Dunes, a sprawling desert arena with shifting sands and limited cover. Their opponents, Storm Chasers, were another low-ranked amateur team—slightly more organized than the Crimson Blades, but still lacking the coordination that Phoenix Reborn had honed through hours of practice.

This match followed a similar pattern. Tariq led the charge, his tanking abilities forcing the enemy to react to his movements. Lena controlled the battlefield with her powerful lightning spells, locking down the enemy DPS, while Alex kept everyone's health bars topped up. Meanwhile, Kai and Nina moved silently through the sands, picking off key targets at the perfect moment.

It didn't take long for the Storm Chasers to falter under the relentless assault. Their lack of coordination made them vulnerable to Phoenix Reborn's well-timed team combos, and once again, the match ended in a decisive victory.

"Another clean win," Lena said as the team gathered in the lobby, their voices full of confidence. "We're on a roll."

"Two down, but the real challenge is ahead," Kai reminded them. "These early teams aren't on our level, but that's going to change soon. We need to keep playing like we've been practicing."

"Yeah, yeah," Tariq said, still riding the adrenaline. "Bring on the next team."

The third match was in The Celestial Peaks, an arena built high in the clouds, with floating platforms and wide-open spaces that forced teams to be cautious about positioning. Their opponents, Frostclaw Guild, were another low-tier team, though they were known for using clever traps and environmental hazards to throw off their enemies.

But Phoenix Reborn didn't let their tricks work.

Tariq and Lena held the center of the map, pushing forward with overwhelming force while Kai and Nina avoided the traps, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. Frostclaw Guild tried to use the environment to their advantage, but Alex's timely heals kept Tariq standing strong, and Lena's AoE damage forced the enemy DPS to scatter.

Once again, Kai and Nina executed their flank perfectly, taking down the enemy healer and securing another easy victory.

"Three wins in a row," Alex said, sounding more confident than ever. "I think we're doing better than I expected."

"We're finally starting to play like a real team," Lena added, a note of pride in her voice.

Kai smiled, feeling the same sense of accomplishment. "We've worked hard to get here, and it's showing. But we're about to hit the tougher rounds. The teams we face next won't be as easy to take down."

"Good," Nina said, her voice calm. "I'm ready for a real fight."

As Phoenix Reborn prepared for the next round, Kai couldn't help but feel a surge of pride for how far they had come. They had breezed through the early rounds, taking down low-level teams with ease, but they knew the real challenges were still ahead.

The first three rounds had tested their coordination and teamwork, but soon they would face teams with real experience—teams that wouldn't fall apart so easily under pressure. This was just the warm-up. Phoenix Reborn had proven they could dominate the early rounds, but now came the true test of their skill, synergy, and mental fortitude.

"We've done well so far," Kai said as they gathered for one last pep talk before the next round. "But the next matches are going to be tougher. Stick to what we've practiced. Trust each other, and we'll make it through."

Tariq grinned, cracking his knuckles. "Let's bring it on. I'm ready for whatever comes next."

Lena nodded, her expression determined. "We've got this. We're just getting started."

Alex smiled, a bit of his earlier nerves gone. "I'm feeling good. Let's keep it going."

Nina's voice was as steady as ever. "We're ready."

Kai took a deep breath, feeling the anticipation building. This tournament was only the beginning, but Phoenix Reborn was on the rise. They had the foundation, the skills, and the teamwork to go far.

"Alright, team," Kai said, a confident smile spreading across their face. "Let's show them what we're made of."

As they moved into the next round, the excitement grew. Phoenix Reborn was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead—and no matter what happened next, they were prepared to fight their way through it.

This was just the beginning of their journey.

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