Reborn as the Enemy Prince

Chapter 101

Chapter 20. This time,

Calian sneered, his hand holding the (3) note hanging down.

“Should I thank you?”

We found out that Chase remembered Verne. Nevertheless, all I could say was ‘It’s really good.’

Even a moment of time could not be broken.

Isn’t there someone who is constantly chasing Kalian right now? As if he was holding me back from being caught up in thoughts about Chase and things from the past.

Therefore, Calian thought that this situation was like Randel’s horse walking towards him.

Now you are the third prince of Kairis.

I’m not the king of Bern who just needs to carefreely protect my brother, so I’m telling him to come to his senses.

Otherwise, you will be pushed out by my hand right away.

“You took such great care in telling me not to worry… I am just grateful for your deep concern.”

So Calian said his thanks mixed with a sigh and sarcasm to his empty room where no one would hear. After that, after spending a while standing in the middle of the room, I was able to put off my feelings for Chase a little longer.

Calian, who had barely returned to his original state, read the note in his hand once again.

– Among the priests who entered Kairisis, there is no ‘Malcolm Chetish’.

When I returned to the room, the magic book delivered by Melfir Fallun had arrived. It was something Kalyan did not order. Instead of sending it back, I opened the second book with a familiar hand, and Euria’s note was hidden there.

That was the method Euria used when she had something to convey to Calian through Melphyr.

I told her that there was no need to do that and that I could just send someone to inform her, but Euria seemed to be quite absorbed in being an informant. Thanks to this, Calian’s bookshelf was filled with magic books of unknown meaning.

Anyway, the content of the note was a response to Calian’s request from Euria to find out the day before.

It is about the priest who Kalian saved from Latran territory and who caused Margrave Gray Brisen’s dantian to become irreparable. Among the priests, the only one I knew was Malcolm, so I wanted to meet him, but I was told that he was not in the delegation.

However, Tensil said it would send 30 priests, including the priests it had returned. He definitely said that.

Calian sat down on the sofa and muttered to himself.

“It’s a bit different. I don’t know if all the priests except Malcolm came in or not.”

Soon Calian was lost in thought, tapping his knee with his head tilted askew.

After some time had passed, Jan came in and set down a cup of tea with dried strawberries and mint. Then, after looking at Calian’s face for a moment, he opened his mouth.

“Count Manasil didn’t come to the banquet hall. Would you like me to call him? He looks worried all day.”

Since I didn’t manage my facial expression in front of Yan, Yan couldn’t even ask what was going on and would have been worried for two whole days.

Come to think of it, I mostly discussed things with Yan when I was ‘outside’, but after returning to the palace after the coming-of-age ceremony, I didn’t say much to Yan. Thinking that he might have been disappointed, Kalian pointed to the seat across from him.

“Jan, sit down for a moment. I’ll tell you.”

Yan blushed and sat in front of him.

“Listen to me.”

“Yes, my prince.”

“Tencil sent thirty priests. I think Brother Randel is probably involved.”

There must be a purpose, but first of all, there is a separate cause. It seems like Brother Randel called Gray as well, but Gray can’t come because he’s worried about your father. And Brother Randell suddenly asked me today about the whereabouts of Viscount Lennon Brissen.

I think the most important thing Brother Randel is planning right now is related to the priests. It’s so strange that you asked me to tell you the location of Viscount Briesen. Even on a day like this.

So here are my thoughts.

Actually, Brother Randel initially tried to divert my attention by calling Margrave Gray Brisen. But since the margrave couldn’t come, they hastily threw another bait.

So that I don’t have to worry about the priests.

“So my question is: Why did the priests come?”

Jan looked at Calian blankly and said.

“…… hmm.”

baby elephant.

I don’t think I understood.

In fact, since he wasn’t expecting a specific answer, Calian smiled slightly and nodded. After all, this is Calian’s job.

But Jan, who was sitting still and looking at Kalian, said.

“I can’t send 30 people.”

It wasn’t that Jan didn’t understand.

Moreover, Jan’s answer touched on something more fundamental.

“You say you can’t send it?”

“There was an illness in Kairis this spring, right?”

What Kalian said just now was a fact he knew well. Didn’t Calian send quite a bit of support because one of the knight families that followed Calian was hit by an epidemic?

Calian, who was thinking about that, raised his head slightly.

It was because something suddenly popped into my head.

Calian finally opened his mouth as if talking to himself with a slightly straightened face.

“If there had been a flood, of course the disease would have spread.”

Wet food rots.

Wet roofs and wet wooden walls become moldy and eventually rot.

The days are getting warmer and the entire environment is rotting, and the infectious diseases that have emerged do not subside easily. Even in a normal state, an epidemic broke out as the weather warmed up, and needless to say, the entire kingdom was submerged in water.

“We are sending priests because they really need priests. In a country that was already struggling due to a lack of priests, that’s 30 people… People in my own country are dying, but I am sending 30 priests to celebrate the birthday of the king of the next country. “Sending it is something you really can’t do without going crazy.”

“Yes. That’s right.”

“Why couldn’t I have guessed that?”

This time Kalian’s thoughts were short.

“He may not be a real priest.”

If they were all fake priests, or excluding some for trickery, it was understandable that Malcolm was not there.

“Then why did they send fake priests?”

Calian asked again to Yan, who seemed to have collected all the smart things he had for his entire life and now used them. Then Jan answered with a face that seemed to ask why he was asking himself such a thing.

“I don’t know either.”

“Ah… I guess so.”

I just wrote down all the smart things I have collected for the rest of my life.

* * *

Eisen Aprin, who gave Calian rye cookies as a gift, was a count, but he was not known to many people. In fact, most of the heads of knightly families who did not join hands with the Marquis of Brisen were like that.

‘What should I do about this?’

Because of this, Aizen was now looking around with a somewhat embarrassed look on his face. Although he attended a local nobleman’s tea time, there were no nobles around him that he was familiar with.

Of course, I wasn’t embarrassed because I didn’t have anyone to talk to during tea time. It was because there was no one to ask Aizen about what he wanted to know.

– Does anyone know why the 3rd Prince is not coming?

This is the question.

At first I thought it was a little late.

However, even though the other two princes and King Lemaine entered, Calian did not come, so he was very embarrassed. Seeing that Lemain occasionally praised Calian, it seemed that he could not come because of something bad, such as falling out of favor with Lemain.

So, I was worried for no reason that something might have happened to Calian.

I kept glancing at the door and was about to leave after tea time when an attendant approached me. Then, he said a very short word in passing and immediately walked away.

“Be the last to come out.”

As soon as Aizen heard those words, he untied his shoelaces.

It was clear that the servant’s words were Calian’s message.

The servant who came with him quickly tried to tie his shoelaces, but Aizen refused and told him to leave the banquet hall first.

By the time I was bent over and concentrating on tying my shoe laces.

Someone’s voice followed the sound of footsteps.


Aizen’s head twitched.

That low voice that seems to say that it is lonely under the sky.

It wasn’t Calian’s.

Aizen was startled and stood up. Just as I heard, Planz was standing in front of me with an expression that seemed like he had no choice but to die right away.

‘After all, Prince Planz.’

While I was waiting for Kalian, I met Plantz. After all, isn’t this the same second prince who betrayed Calian, who saved my life?

Aizen, who could not bring himself to mention that he was waiting for Prince Calian, gave an appropriate answer.

“I was delayed because I wasn’t used to tying my shoe laces, prince.”

When Plantz heard those words, one corner of his mouth twitched up.

Plantz looked down at Aizen’s shoes without even lowering his head, and then looked straight into Aizen’s eyes again.

“Stop talking nonsense.”

Aizen was a little more surprised when he saw that.

It wasn’t because of his rude manner of speaking. A little while ago, he had an expression that seemed like he had no regrets about anything in the world, but now his eyes had turned into those of a wolf about to go hunting, and he was looking at Aizen.

Plantz’s voice pierced Aizen’s ears again.

“My brother. Why are you looking for me?”

Aizen was not a dull person either.

Because of this, Aizen was able to realize a few things at that moment.

The message the servant delivered a moment ago was from Plantz, not Calian. And now, Plantz realized exactly that he was looking for Calian.

Also maybe.

It is also possible that Calian and Plantz may not have an antagonistic relationship.

Anyway, as Aizen, who was deep in thought, continued to refrain from speaking, Plantz spoke again with a drowsy expression on his face.

“You don’t trust me.”

Prince Planz is said to be good at speaking without thinking, and that was perfect.

Now, Plantz did not explain how he knew he was looking for Calian, nor did he tell him what his relationship with Calian was, but he simply asked why he was looking for Calian, and then reprimanded him for not trusting him.

Where else in the world can you find such nasty language?

He couldn’t even get used to meeting Plantz, who was completely different from the gentle charismatic Calian, but Plantz didn’t even wait and kept talking.

“There is a crazy wizard in Balkan who likes fighting, so it would be nice to have a fight with you tomorrow.”

Then, as if there was nothing more to see, he moved towards the door of the banquet hall and said his last words.

“By any chance, my brother said he would come and see the sights tomorrow.”

Originally, I had plans to spend tomorrow with the messengers.

So there was no way Kalian would attend that schedule. Lemaine, conscious of Taillan, the knight who accompanies Chase, will definitely exclude Calian from joining him.

So, Plantz, who thought it would be a good idea for Calian and Aizen to meet at that time, prepared this event.

Only then did Aizen properly understand Planz’s intentions and bowed his head towards the second prince as he walked away.

“Thank you so much, Prince Planz.”

Of course, Plantz was not the type to respond to such a thing.

* * *

There was only a short time until dinner.

Because of this, Planz returned to Chermil Palace with a tired face.

Since there was a meeting with the servants about tomorrow’s schedule, Planz had sent Reric away and had come to the room. And then I saw a silver-haired maid pacing in front of the door.

Hina turned her head when she heard the footsteps and bowed to Plantz.

Plantz saw that and let out a short sigh.

It looked like it had probably gone in again.

‘I am Prince Calian’s cat.’

The cat is in Planz’s room.

The cat grew and the gap in the door did not widen, but he was still able to come and go freely. Isn’t this a truly amazing people?

“You’re back again?”

– sorry.


What can you do with cats coming and going?

So Plantz gave a cursory reply and opened the door.

– Boom!

And just closed it.

There was something inside.

Hina looked at me with a puzzled face, and Plantz took a moment to confirm that this was the 4th floor. Then he looked at Hina and said.

“Leave it behind, cat.”

Since I was busy with work at the palace, I was grateful that he offered to take care of the cat. Therefore, Hina smiled and said hello again.

– yes. Thank you, good prince.

Planz still hadn’t learned the word ‘good’. It’s not told at all.

Hina, who had no intention of teaching this time, quickly said hello and turned around.

Planz, who watched the scene for a moment, entered the room.

Then he frowned slightly and opened his mouth.

“I’m here.”

On the sofa in the room was written, ‘I am Prince Calian’s cat.’ There was a cat. And between the sofa and the cat was Calian.

“… I thought it was my room.”

Usually, if there is a cat and the cat owner in a room, isn’t that room the cat owner’s room?

Plantz made an annoyed noise as he saw one person and one animal arbitrarily entering an unoccupied room, and Calian grinned.

Then he pointed to the brightly lit Siegfried coffin in the distance, like a jewel shining alone under the setting sun, and said something out of the blue.

“Please join me for dinner today.”

Isn’t this a message to announce that the two princes have joined hands again?

“What else is my brother planning?”

“It’s nothing special. I think Brother Randel wants to send as many as 30 fake priests.”

Randel used a shallow trick to keep Calian from worrying about the thirty priests, so Calian was planning to repay him in the same way.

“But that’s because I hate being manipulated.”

It doesn’t matter what the 30 fake priests do.

Because I am concerned about the alliance between Calian and Plantz, it will prevent me from pursuing it properly.

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