Reborn in 2000: Reuniting with the School Belle

Chapter 108

Chapter 108

“Teacher Huang really has a wide network, even getting items that are exclusively supplied, impressive indeed.” Yi Feng praised him, then took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and handed one to him.

After Huang He accepted it, Yi Feng lit it for him with both hands.

Huang He lit the cigarette and gently patted Yi Feng’s hand, showing his appreciation for the gesture.

“Ah, I’m just an old man, nothing impressive about me. But you, Little Feng, you are the top scorer of Guangdong province, with a boundless future ahead!” Huang He smiled in admiration.

“From the first time I met you, I felt you would make a big impact in the future, achieving no small feats!” Huang He praised.

Yi Feng lit a cigarette for himself, blowing a smoke ring, modestly saying, “Teacher Huang, being the top scorer is just a title. I have much to learn from you in the future.”

Huang He smiled, his eyes filled with even more admiration for Yi Feng.

This young man has a good temperament, not arrogant or rash, a person capable of achieving great things!

Cooperating with such a clever person would be more than ideal.

In the world of business, success largely depends on who your partners are.

If your partner is a pig, then expect to lose money.

If your partner is talented, then communication is barrier-free, leading to instant agreement and swift success.

He personally poured a cup of tea for Yi Feng and handed it to him.

“It’s good that you have this mindset. If there’s anything you don’t understand or need help with, feel free to come to me. Although I’m a bit older, I will definitely help you if I can.” Huang He said, squinting at Yi Feng.

This meant it was time for Yi Feng to state his intentions.

After sipping the tea, Yi Feng smiled and said, “Teacher Huang, to be honest, I have indeed encountered some difficulties recently.”

“As you know, I opened a computer repair shop. The business is not bad, but I’m the only one who can do the work. If the business wants to expand, it needs more talent.”

“However, it’s very difficult to find skilled computer repair technicians in the market.”

“I’ve thought it over, and I’m afraid only you could give me some advice on this matter.”

Huang He had roughly guessed Yi Feng’s purpose for the visit, as they had discussed quite a bit over the phone before.

The initial dinner invitation from Zhao Xingye was to talk about computer repair business.

Zhao Xingye had talked to him about wanting Yi Feng to provide the technical expertise, guide and train the repair personnel, while Zhao Xingye would invest to expand the business, aiming to open computer repair chain stores across Guangxi City. He would provide the talent, using the employment office’s function to supply the company with suitable technical personnel who, after certain training, could start working immediately.

Huang He found the proposal feasible at the time.

But after that dinner, he realized that Yi Feng and Zhao Xingye would eventually part ways.

Their goals and philosophies did not align, making cooperation impossible.

So, he had intentionally distanced himself from Zhao Xingye in this period.

Compared to Zhao Xingye, he preferred to cooperate with Yi Feng.

Yi Feng, young yet possessing such great technical skills, considerate, smooth in his dealings, meticulous in his actions, and mature in his approach, was much better than Zhao Xingye.

“It’s surprising that you, just having finished your college entrance exams, have made your business flourish to the point of worrying about not finding people. That’s a wonderful problem to have.”

“With graduation season upon us, this issue… isn’t really that difficult.” Huang He refilled Yi Feng’s tea, leaving his statement half-finished.

Meaning, this wasn’t a difficult mission for him to manage, but… he was waiting to see what Yi Feng would propose.

So, he left the rest for Yi Feng to say.

Yi Feng inwardly called Huang He a sly fox!

But he had already prepared a plan, just waiting to see if Huang He would agree.

If Huang He asked for too much and did not agree to this win-win proposal, then Yi Feng would have to look elsewhere.

After a moment of thought, Yi Feng passed another cigarette to Huang He.

“If you could help me with this, it would be great. I believe this matter wouldn’t be too difficult for you, Teacher Huang.”

“We are businessmen, and businessmen are those who constantly come up with ideas. If Teacher has any ideas, I would definitely need to express my gratitude properly.”

Yi Feng took out a piece of paper from his bag and handed it to Huang He.

Upon seeing the contents of the paper, Huang He first showed a look of surprise, then calmed down.

He thought for a while, put down the paper, and shook his head with a wry smile, “Little Feng, you’re really generous, aren’t you?”

“Is this your proposal?”

He was shocked at the proposal’s details.

Yi Feng smiled, realizing his conditions indeed exceeded Huang He’s expectations, showing that Huang He, the cunning old fox, didn’t intend to be too greedy.

Sometimes, those who are insatiable are the most foolish.

“Yes, it’s my proposal.” Yi Feng took a sip of tea and nodded.

“Offering ten percent of my salary is already a lot, and… you’re also giving me ten percent of the business’s profits?” Huang He asked in astonishment.

Yi Feng stood up, bowed slightly, and said earnestly, “Teacher Huang, my business philosophy is about steady growth, rarely engaging in one-off deals. If I do something, I aim for longevity.”

“The same principle applies to dealings with people; steady growth ensures a long and stable journey.”

“Moreover, I consider Teacher Huang a highly trustworthy elder whom I greatly respect. This condition… is not too high.”

Yi Feng’s words were noble, but in reality… he just wanted to bind Huang He to a long-term interest.

Only through deep interest alignment would they truly be on the same boat.

More precisely, he aimed to pull Huang He onto his ship and tie him down securely.

This was Yi Feng’s tactic, and also a strategy.

After finishing, Yi Feng continued to drink his tea, quietly observing Huang He’s reaction.

Huang He appeared calm, tapping the table gently, seemingly considering Yi Feng’s proposal seriously.

He understood what the proposal meant.

Once agreed, their interests would be tied together, with the business’s success or failure affecting both parties.

After a while, Huang He stopped tapping, poured more tea for Yi Feng, and smiled.

“You really put thought into this.”

“Here, this time, I’ll toast you with tea instead of alcohol.”

“From now on, we need to communicate more, huh!”

“I believe that by working together, we can overcome difficulties and succeed!”

Yi Feng felt assured.


Huang He, the cunning old fox, had agreed to the proposal!

Suppressing his joy, Yi Feng raised his tea cup and gently clinked it with Huang He’s.

“Teacher Huang is right; we should communicate more. I’ll definitely come to consult with you often!”

“Don’t get annoyed with me then! Ha ha!”

Huang He squinted and laughed, “Not at all, how could I be annoyed? I’d be happy!”

“Here’s to wishing your business prosperity!”


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