Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson

Chapter 130: 126. Attack On Kiri Part-1

Chapter 130: 126. Attack On Kiri Part-1

Huff... Huff...


Huff... Huff...


Huff... Huff...

'KILL... KILL...'

'KILL... KILL... KILL...'

A pale-skin kid in purple yukata is running away from his pursuer.

"He is the last one. Hurry and capture him. We have suffered many casualties in this fight, we can't allow our enemy to escape. Even if it is a kid!"

"Kill him."

The kid continues to run as he avoids one attack after another from his pursuer.

'KILL... KILL... KILL... KILL...'

Various voices continue to haunt him as he continues to run away.

One of the pursuing ninjas throws a chained metal bola towards the kid.

Whoosh... whoosh...

The metal bola spins in the air and hits the legs of the kid and ties around them.

Bang... Slid... Bam...

The kid loses his balance and topple. The momentum of the dash causes him to slide.


He skids over and stops in front of a red flower.


He weakly stretches his hand and grabs the flower.

"You are just like me... a stray flower with no home. Blooming in the middle of this winter with no place to belong.

The darkness was where I was brought up..."

He weakly mutters to himself as the enemy ninja closes on him.

"Is there really a God...? God, if you are real then save me! Save me from this darkness and relieve me from my sufferings."

The kid closes his eyes.

"You have quite the legs, kid. You made us run quite a distance just to chase you down."

One of the enemy ninjas takes out a kunai from his holster.

"It's time to end this farce. He had given us enough trouble during this time. Let's kill and bring his body to the village."

"Be careful! We don't know what kind of abilities this kid is hiding. He could survive all on his own during this war, he must have aces up his sleeves." Another ninja reminds his teammate.

The ninja carefully treads towards the kid, taking one step at a time.

'Hurry up! Reveal your final trump card. So, I can kill you quickly. I have to return to the village.'

'KILL... KILL... KILL... KILL... KILL...'

Various loud yells erupt in the kid's mind as he clutches his forehead. A tendency to slaughter and murder starts to slowly take him over.

'I must kill. I must survive. I don't want to die here.'

The urge to survive takes over him.

The kid raises his head and looks at his pursuers. He raises his fingers and points them towards the enemies.

"Finger Drilling Bullet"

The skin from his fingertips parts away to reveal an opening. The exposed holes reveal hardened finger bones that start to spin rapidly.

'I won't die here. I will find meaning in my life. Even I die I will die fighting.'

Whoosh... Whoosh...

A spatial disturbance occurs in between them and a figure pops out of nowhere.

"Damn! It seems like I still can't control the direct teleportation. My understanding of 'Space' is still lacking.'

A figure clad in black clothes, spiky black hairs with a blue tint to them appears in between them and are tied in a ponytail. His bangs parted down the center of his face to frame both sides to it.

He wore a high collared black shirt with a fan shape crest on his upper back and black pants. Some bandages are wrapped around his arms and a belt is tied around his waist holding a sheathed sword in place.

The figure looks around and notices the Ninjas with their guard up.

"It seems like I am in the right place."

He notices the Kiri headband on their head.

"He is..."

The Kumo Ninja warily looks at the newcomer.

"RUN! We are no match for him. He is the 'Shinigami'." One of the Kiri ninjas recognizes Izuna.

"What?... He is 'Shinigami'. RUN!!" The Kiri Ninjas panics and retreats.

"Now! Now! It won't be much of infiltration if I revealed myself."

'Genjutsu: Sharingan'

Izuna cast a genjutsu on the Kiri ninjas to erase their memory.

He turns towards the kid and inspects him. The kid stares at Izuna and passes out.

'I am saved.'

--------Flashback- No- Jutsu----------

Inside a dark prison room,

Scratch... Scratch...

A kid is carving something on the wall with a bone.

"Why? Why... am I in a place like this?"

Scratch... Scratch...

"Why I have to suffer in this hell?"

Scratch... Scratch...

"Why?... Why... no one cares about me? Why?"


"This darkness haunts me. These noises they are... they are... Aaaah!"

He clutches his ears to block the noises.


The noises continue to haunt him.

"God! If there is a God, then save me!"

Knock... Knock... Creak...

The door creak opens, and a figure enters the prison room.

"The time has come to put you to some use..."


"Yes, you have to fight. For our sake, for the sake of our clan. Fight!"

The man drags out the kid from the prison.

"Fight!... Fight!... Fight!"

A group of people is gathered in front of a cavern as they yell in delight.

"Let us make them realize the ferocity of our Kaguya Clan." The clan leader raises his hand in the air.




The Kaguya clan members continue to shout as they yell frantically.

"We will show Kirigakure how powerful our Kaguya clan is."

"Let's go!"

"KILL!... KILL!..."

The Kaguya clan members dashes in direction of Kirigakure. The clan leader turns towards the kid and speaks.

"Show them your power, Kimimaro!"

He taps Kimimaro's shoulder.

"Show them your worth as a weapon. Show them how ferocious our Kaguya clan is. We are the most powerful clan of the entire Shinobi World. Haha!!..."

The Clan leader yells and follows the rest of the group. Kimimaro silently stares at the back of the clan leader and follows him.

"So, I am just a tool, a weapon born for fighting."

He chases after his clansmen and disappears into the forest.


At the borders of Kirigakure,

A bunch of Shinobis is guarding the border while talking among themselves.

"I heard the elder of one of the noble clan is opposing the Mizukage-sama. Apparently, he isn't satisfied with the current ruling of Tsuchikage-sama." One of the ninja mutter to another.

"Those nobles and their power struggle. Middle caste people like us are dumped at borders and are forced to guard the asses of those nobles." Another ninja shakes his head.

"No matter, who becomes the leader; we will be forced to serve them. We have to pass the brutal training of the academy and serve those nobles." Another ninja joins their conversation.

"You bunch! Be grateful for what you have? Can't you see the miserable state the Low Caste people are in? They are forced to slaughter each other during the academy to lower their number.

And if somehow they miraculously survive, then they are cast out of the village to deal with the most dangerous mission where the mortality rate is as high as ninety percent." A large bearded man rebukes them.


The bunch of shinobis stands up and salutes to captain.

"Now get back to your patrol duty. I don't want those nobles to grab my neck again."

"Hai! Captain!"

They quickly disperse and returns to their duty.

"This bunch..." The Captain shakes his head and returns to camp.


"KILL!... KILL!... KILL!"

The patrol guard shinobis are startled by a loud yell.

"What's going on?" One of the patrol guard questions his partner.

"Let me check." The ninja makes some hand signs.

"Water Release: Water Mirror Magnification"

The shinobis generate a small water mirror in his hand and use various puddles of water to generate an image in the mirror.

"These are... wait a sec! They are Kaguya clan members. What are they doing there?" The sensor ninja frowns.

"What, those bunch of maniacs? What are they doing at Kiri borders?" His partner frowns.

"Quick! Inform the Captain. We can't allow them to approach the village."

The ninja makes some hand signs and his body turns into a puddle of water.


The sensor ninja continues to monitor the Kaguya clan.

"I don't have a good feeling about this. The Kaguya clan seems a bit more aggressive than usual."

He gulps his saliva and takes out a picture from his pocket.

"Yui! If I survived this, then we will move away from Kirigakure. I can't stay in this bloody village any longer."

He gently caresses the picture of a girl and puts it back in his pocket.

"KILL!... KILL!... KILL!"

The Kaguya clan members arrive near the border of Kirigakure.

"Show them the power of our Kaguya clan."


Crack... crack... snap...

The Kaguya clan members snap their legs and draw the large thigh bone from their legs.

They form a spear from the bone and throws it towards the Kirigakure ninjas.

"Let the slaughter begin."

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