Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 34: Eliminating The Yellow Turbans at Yangzhai and Xihua

Chapter 34: Eliminating The Yellow Turbans at Yangzhai and Xihua

Huangfu Song's Army began to regroup separating themselves from Zhu Jun's Army and after everything is done they head southwest while Zhu Jun's army headed toward Changshe first

Lie Fan punished the Cavalry Soldiers from Imperial Army first before heading towards Changshe for disobeying orders causing the unit to lose the rhythm of the battle, he caned every single one of them 10 times on his own but he controlled the strength of his swing to reduce the chance of injury cause he still needs them

Changshe Soldiers were still elated by the fact that the Yellow Turbans retreated and their city was safe when they approached the Changshe, Zhu Jun raised the banner of the Han army and wished to talk to their administrator or perfect to let his army stay the night outside the city

The Administrator of Hangshe named Yang Bao answered from atop the wall and says his gratitude for saving them while ordering his soldiers to open the gate and let their benefactors enter the city

Zhu Jun orders his army to raise their tents and take rest for today as tomorrow they will pursue the running yellow turbans at the same time tells the Quartermaster that the soldiers will have a fest for today, Zhu Jun then takes his generals with him and enter the city to be received by Yang Bao as he expected a feast will be done to welcome them

Lie Fan: "General, Can I excuse Myself from joining the banquet? I need to make plans for our battle tomorrow with Sun Qian"

Zhu Jun: "Little Lie working too hard is not good but since that's what you want then fine you can do it considering your merit from the start until now is too great Haha!"

Lie Fan: "Thank you, General! Sun Qian, Xu Kai, and Liu Pi come follow me"

Lie Fan and his retinue separated from the group and entered a restaurant where they requested a private room and order some dishes along the way when they were led by a servant toward the room

While heading toward the room, Lie Fan used the Erlang Shen eyes again to look at the three retinues he hadn't checked yet

•Sun Qian

INT: 300 -> 413 WIS: 80 VIT: 70 CHR: 92

•Xu Kai

STR: 100 VIT: 85 AGI: 267 INT: 132

•Liu Pi

STR: 265 VIT: 75 AGI: 75 INT: 69

Sun Qian: "My Lord, what plan do you want to discuss with us?"

Lie Fan: "I wanted to recruit that yellow turban leader today to join our side as I do with Liu Pi, what do you think?'

Sun Qian: "Hmm, what does My Lord reason to recruit him? As this will be a heavy task to do because we need the Yellow Turban leader head to be presented to the Imperial Court"

Lie Fan: "I feel that his strength is just like Liu Pi and he has an aptitude to lead troops unlike Liu Pi so he will be a perfect addition to my Guard Battalion"

Sun Qian: "I see, what do Xu Kai and Liu Pi think of the Lord's intention?"

Xu Kai: "I think whatever Big Brother thinks is the right way so let's do it! I will help Big Brother by replacing the yellow turbans commander with another body when you managed to capture him"

Liu Pi: "If my Lord wants to save another astray commander from the wrong path like me then I will follow him;"

Sun Qian: "I think that even though it will be a heavy task, My Lord can do it as another general under the lord's banner is a great addition, and with General Zhu Jun on our side a chance for us to be held accountable of what happened is small"

Lie Fan hearing all of their opinions feels satisfied as he remembers that the Yellow Turbans general that lead this troop fighting against Zhu Jun is Bo Cai one of the best Yellow Turbans generals as he has one of the biggest armies in the Yellow Turbans

After eating and talking about strategies for tomorrow, they return to the Army Camp and take a rest to prepare their body for tomorrow

The next day, Under Zhu Jun's supervision the Army began to move out after collecting their tents and eating breakfast to pursue the Yellow Turbans that run towards the west

Zhu Jun informed Lie Fan that the administrator of Changshe Yang Bao said that the west of them is two cities named Yangzhai and Xihua, the two cities are connected through a bridge because they were separated by a river that runs through

Having 1 perfect same as they are a special condition, Zhu Jun advised using the rivers as a natural barrier to be used against The Yellow Turbans and Lie Fan agrees with it using archer attacking from the other side and pushing the Yellow Turbans toward the river

They spend 4 days before they catch up with The Yellow Turbans and they saw 30.000 Yellow Turbans encircle one city while the other city across is not attacked, Zhu Jun ordered the archers to cross the river using man-made rafts that were made when they were on the way here

Zhu Jun then orders the infantries and cavalries to assume their position and attack under his order waiting for half of the archers have crossed the river

Lie Fan thinks that it will be too long to wait for half of the archers to cross the river, so he asked Zhu Jun to send him with the cavalries under him to harass the Yellow Turbans and capture the Yellow Turbans commander if they can as they were positioned right behind their rear

Zhu Jun pondered what Lie Fan suggested to him and after a couple of minutes to think he support Lie Fan to do it, Lie Fan led 4.000 cavalries to harass the Yellow Turbans and capture Bo Cai if he can completing his objective and lowering the Yellow Turban's morale

The Yellow Turbans under Bo Cai don't know of the Han Army behind them until it's too late, Lie Fan and his cavalry managed to penetrate them from their rear killing many Yellow Turbans while Lie Fan led them towards the big tent where he assumed Bo Cai will be there

Panic and shouts were heard across the Yellow Turbans' rear, Bo Cai who was inside the tent heard that, and when he stepped outside to check what happened what greeted him was Lie Fan's halberd pommel right in his skull knocking him out

Lie Fan was surprised when he saw Bo Cai walk out and feels lucky as he hit Bo Cai in the skull and then got off his horse to take Bo Cai putting him in his horse while Liu Pi told him to take a random yellow turban soldier

Finishing what they were doing, Lie Fan then led his cavalry back to the way they came from. The Yellow Turbans who were beginning to fight back realize their commander was taken and try to save him but were too late as Lie Fan managed to breakthrough heading back to the Main army

While the Yellow Turbans were confused don't know what to do, rains of arrows suddenly came from the other side of the river killing many in the process

Zhu Jun saw that the Archers have all crossed the rivers and attacking the Yellow Turbans he send the Infantries to strike the Yellow Turbans

Lie Fan saw that the main battle will begin, and orders the Cavalry to attack as reinforcement for the Yellow Turban handing command to Zang Ba

Lie Fan and Liu Pi arrived back at the temporal headquarters, get off their horse and take Bo Cai alongside the random YT soldiers inside Sun Qian's tent

In there, they began to do an act where Lie Fan is torturing both Bo Cai and the random YT soldier asking who between them is the commander and where is the rest of the Yellow Turbans

Bo Cai who was awakened was angry and talked smack toward all of them, Lie Fan who had enough smacked him and intimidated him where are the other Yellow turbans he answered that they are the last big group in Yu Province with the other remnants or small group doing their own thing

After spending a couple of minutes, Xu Kai entered the tent and brought the dead body of the YT soldier when no one was looking to cut the head alongside the other random YT soldier's heads to be brought toward Zhu Jun while Bo Cai will be tied and gagged while being put inside Lie Fan's army personal wagon

Lie Fan brought the head toward Zhu Jun and presented it to him, saying that he managed to extract some information beforehand repeating what Bo Cai said beforehand.

Zhu Jun doesn't believe that Yu Province they were the last big Yellow Turban group so he decides to split the troops 15.000 will be led by Lie Fan to head south toward the border commandery between Yu and Jing Province Nanyang while 25.000 will be led by him to explore Yu Province

Every general there including Lie Fan was shocked by the decision he make and some of the senior generals was protesting but it was dismissed by Zhu Jun saying that if they can lead and strategize better than Lie Fan they can succeed in Lie Fan's place

Lie Fan was ecstatic at the thought of leading 15.000 men with him as the main general and feels thankful to Zhu Jun as he chooses him showing his trust and affection for him

Lie Fan: "Lie Fan thanks General Zhu Jun for his trust, I will repay it by defeating more Yellow Turbans!"

Zhu Jun: "You're the only General that I can trust and competent enough with this responsibility even though you're young by age, don't fail me Little Lie!"

Lie Fan: "I will not betray the trust you put in me, General!"

The other generals see that this will happen whether they like it or not and began to flatter Lie Fan so that they can be chosen to follow him as they think it will be easier than following Zhu Jun touring across Yu Province searching for Yellow Turbans


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Bandit Vanquisher

Age: 16 Years Old

Level: 11

Next Level: 512.000

Renown: 40 -> 45

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 7)

SP: 151.700


STR: 290

VIT: 95

AGI: 88

INT: 104

CHR: 88

WIS: 74

Will: 40

ATR Points: 0

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