Reborn Master vs. School Beauty

Chapter 132 Start Action

Li Qiang asked, "What’s going on? Why do you think it’s funny? Shouldn’t the meetings organized by the assassins be filled with killing intent? "

She Ziyan laughed: "Listen to me, that time our organization lost five high-level killers in a month, this made the upper echelons tremble, and they wanted to hold a meeting to study the strategy, but when all of us appeared on the screen, the organization’s leader actually opened a door, from inside ..."

She stopped talking here and just picked up the cup to drink some water. Li Qiang asked, "Stop being suspenseful, what did you walk out of that door for?"

He Ziyan said: "We were also trying to guess what would come out of the door. In the end, a group of monks came out. Around a dozen of them."

Li Qiang laughed involuntarily, "How could it be like this? Why did the hitman organization hold a video conference to invite so many monks? Could it be that those monks are assassins too? "

He Ziyan said: "Of course not, those Buddhist monks are genuine Buddhist disciples, and all of them have been shaved, even the fragrant scars on their heads are real."

Li Qiang asked, "Then what did they come here for?"

He Ziyan laughed, "They were invited by Boss Long to help the dead. Because too many people died in that month’s organization, Boss was a little worried, so he sent a bunch of monks to settle the matter for us."

Li Qiang laughed out loud and said, "I didn’t expect the boss of the assassination association to be so superstitious!"

"Of course, our industry is unorthodox after all, and not every assassin can escape unscathed after killing their target. There must be a lot of sacrifices involved, and that month was the month where our organization had the most casualties in the history. That’s why our boss invited the monk over. Although it looks funny, it also shows that he cares about us."

Li Qiang said snappily, "Of course he would care about you guys. If you guys all die, who would he rely on to earn money? This is the most basic capitalist exploitation theory. You should have learned it in high school. "

He Ziyan said, "But our boss didn’t set up this organization for money. He has his own reasons."

Seeing that she seemed to have revealed a very important clue, Li Qiang hurriedly asked, "What is his goal? Can you tell me? "If you can tell me that, I will be very grateful, and I will be willing to go through fire and water for you in the future."

She Ziyan shook her head: "I have nothing to say about the Black Cloaked Society. I hope you can understand."

Li Qiang sighed and said, "You always keep your mouth shut at critical moments, but this is good. Since you’re so loyal to the organization, they probably won’t cause you any trouble."

She Ziyan shook her head helplessly: "It’s hard to change one’s nature. I feel that if I leave the organization so rashly, they will definitely retaliate against me on a large scale. They will definitely not let me off easy."

Li Qiang said, "Don’t you worry. If you really encounter such unfair treatment, I will do my best to send people to protect you."

She Ziyan snorted: "Bullsh * t again. You only have so little pocket money every month, what money do you have to hire people to protect me?"

Li Qiang said, "You better not expose me. Besides, I’m doing this for your own good. If something were to happen to you, I would definitely be very sad and I won’t be able to continue living on."

She Ziyan made a strange expression and said: "You always exaggerate so much. From what I can see, you already have over a dozen beauties yourself, do you still need me to give examples?"

Li Qiang repeatedly shook his head and said, "No need, this is a misunderstanding. Although those girls and I have a good relationship, it’s definitely not what you think."

She Ziyan said, "You, ah, are really strange. At the beginning, you were extremely self-abased, but now you are bursting with self-confidence. I really don’t know what kind of person you are."

Li Qiang said, "Thank you for the reminder. I’ll just pay more attention to it from now on. Oh right, are we really here? Why do I feel like this plane has been flying in the sky for a long time already?"

He Ziyan said: "You still don’t know, right? After our plane enters the Black Area, we naturally have to fly according to their time scale. Outside, this plane probably only flew for a few hours, but for us in the Black Region, we have actually flown for a longer time in the sky. "

Li Qiang turned pale with fright, "Aiya, don’t tell me we’ve already flown for more than 10 years? "What should we do?"

She Ziyan laughed: "It’s not as exaggerated as you say. The place where we’ll land is a little deeper into the Black Area. Although that location will be slowed down by the time scale, it’s still nothing compared to the time we’ll be able to enter the Black Area. However, the central region of the Black Region is the true battlefield! "

As expected, the plane flew in the air for half an hour before a flat airport appeared on the ground. The aircraft then stopped on the runway of the airport in a very smooth manner.

Wang Hua walked over and said: "We’re here, are you ready?"

Li Qiang nodded and said, "Of course, I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time. Right now, I’m finally going to rescue our brothers!"

Everyone got off the plane, changed vehicles, and headed straight for the depths of the Black Forest.

The convoy proceeded another thirty or forty kilometers, and a few peaks appeared before their eyes. These peaks were almost all connected, forming an almost complete ring, and the prison was situated in the middle of the ring of peaks. Looking up from the ground, the castle was the size of a peanut bean.

Li Qiang said, "We’ve already arrived. Why don’t we set up camp and rest first?"

After a suggestion from a small soldier, Wang Hua told everyone to build their house on a tree. This was because the wooden house was waterproof and could protect them from insects and wild beasts, so it was safer to sleep on it.

Because Wang Hua brought a lot of engineers on the plane this time, this sort of thing was nothing to them, so they quickly built the house and invited a few people in.

Arriving at the biggest tree house, due to flying fatigue for a long time, Li Qiang suddenly fell onto the wooden bed, panting heavily. She Ziyan laughed: "Why is your physique so weak, I’m fine even as a girl."

Wang Hua agreed. "My plane is the best airplane in the entire game. It’s very comfortable and safe, but even so, you’re still tired?"

Li Qiang said, "I want to sleep. Do what you guys can do? "Can you do it?"

Wang Hua said, "Okay then, I still need to divide the camp and wait for the arrival of the main force so we can set up camp. I won’t disturb you, you rest first." As he spoke, he walked out of the wooden house.

He Ziyan said: "He’s gone, you don’t need to pretend anymore."

Li Qiang sat up and asked while grinning, "How do you know I’m pretending?"

She Ziyan said: "You are a weird guy with a belly full of twisted ideas, but I know one thing. Your body is very good, you don’t get tired like this just by sitting on the plane. And you also expressed your desire to go to the prison as a spy, so I guessed that you were pretending."

Li Qiang clapped his hands and said, "What a great analysis. In your eyes, I won’t be able to escape your eyes no matter what I do, right?"

She Ziyan laughed: "It shouldn’t be that exaggerated right? The main thing is that after staying by your side for a long time, I can see what you are trying to do."

Li Qiang asked, "Then why don’t you follow me to the prison?"

She Ziyan said: "I’m a girl, how can I go to prison with you? "How about this, I will escort you to the prison and see if you have any way to sneak in. If you succeed, I will come back to report to Wang Hua and reassure him."

Li Qiang said, "What a good idea. Let’s move out immediately."

He Ziyan said, "Don’t be in such a rush. Let’s pack up before we go. At least bring some water and dry rations."

They packed their bags, left a note in their room, and then left without saying a word. Because Li Qiang’s status was quite high, no one in the camp dared to stop him.

Although they could see the outline of the prison, it was definitely a long walk. At the end, Li Qiang could no longer hold on. He simply stopped and panted.

She Ziyan turned her head and looked at Li Qiang. Finally, she helplessly stopped and sat on a rock. She took off her boots and poured out the sand within.

Li Qiang gasped for breath and said, "Isn’t this too far? He clearly looked very close, but he actually walked so far."

She Ziyan put on her boots and said: "If you can’t hold on any longer, just say it, we can turn back immediately."

Li Qiang said, "A good horse doesn’t eat straw. If I just give up halfway, I’ll be laughed to death. I absolutely can’t do that."

She Ziyan sighed and said: "Then I will risk my life to accompany you. You can come on my back; I will carry you on my back."

Li Qiang angrily said, "I’m a man, yet I’m being carried by a woman. If this gets out, I won’t have to live anymore!"

She Ziyan said: "What’s wrong, anyway we are in the primeval forest and there is no one around. I have enough strength to carry you, how about it? "Can you go up?"

Li Qiang refused to die. He stood up and said, "Let’s go, I’m not tired at all."

He Ziyan snorted: "You just want to live with your face."

At that time, bell-like laughter suddenly came from the forest, causing the two people to hurriedly yell: "Who is it?!"

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