Reborn Master vs. School Beauty

Chapter 138 union

Li Qiang continued, "Now I have a chance, I’ll tell you guys, if you guys are willing, you guys can come with me, but if you’re not willing, we can stay, but I have two brothers, these two are powerful people outside, as long as we save them, then their army outside will come to support us, we will work with them, we will break the prison, and everyone will be freed, I want to ask you guys, are you willing to fight for such a good opportunity?"

Everyone shouted out, "We are willing to serve you. We will do whatever it takes. Long live our leader Zhuo!"

Li Qiang snickered in his heart, "These people actually shouted their slogans in order to regain their freedom, isn’t that too funny?"

However, his incitement caused Wang Feng to frown, and he said to Li Qiang in the dark, "You are still very dangerous to do this. If you can’t bring these people out in the end, they will definitely suffer a backlash. When that time comes, your life will be in danger.

Li Qiang nodded his head and said, "You are right, but living a life of grass and grass is best for one to live through the autumn. One must not only eat and drink to their heart’s content and have fun, but also pursue something. Furthermore, you only need to stay here. Regardless of whether you succeed or fail in this matter, it will not harm you. If we win, we go out together. If we lose, the responsibility will be mine. What do you think? "

Wang Feng laughed, "Since you have thought about it so thoroughly, what else do I have to say? If young people dare to do it, I will support you. "

Li Qiang gathered his men, a total of 800 people were actually willing to participate in the battle. Among them, there were a few dozen old men who said, "Anyway, it’s meaningless to wait here for a lifetime.

Wang Feng suggested, "Through the fifth and sixth blocks, we might as well use the negotiation method first to show our determination not to fight against them, and then express our determination to fight against the fourth block. That way, they should let us go."

Li Qiang nodded and said, "That’s a good idea. I agree."

Wang Feng continued, "You must be careful. The leaders of these two sectors are all cunning and scheming people. They are not that easy to deal with. You must be careful."

Li Qiang said, "I understand. I will definitely listen to your teachings."

Wang Feng was very satisfied with Li Qiang’s respect towards him, so he taught him a lot of combat experience, which made him feel relieved.

Li Qiang led 800 people to eat a full meal and set off towards Block Six.

After walking for about an hour, they finally reached the border. There were about a hundred people defending the border of the 6th city. They immediately became nervous as they held their weapons and shouted: "All of you stop and don’t move. Explain why you are here."

Li Qiang walked at the front and said in a clear voice, "My friend, there is no need to misunderstand. I am the new leader of Block 7 and I want to go to Area 4 to do something. I hope to pass by and make things easier for you."

The people in Block Six were moved. They knew something big was happening as they saw so many people move together in Block Seven. Someone rushed to the back and reported. Soon a big man walked out from the crowd and asked in a low voice: "Are you the new leader of Block Seven?"

Li Qiang nodded and cupped his fist and said, "I am Li Qiang, may I ask who you are?"

The man said, "I’m the leader here, Zhu Tao. We don’t interfere in every area. Why are you bringing so many people here?"

Li Qiang said, "I only want to use this road to settle some matters with area no 4."

Zhu Tao said, "District 4 is very powerful. It has more than three thousand people. You’ve only brought less than a thousand men. Are you going to throw your life away?"

Li Qiang smiled and said, "There’s no need for Big Brother Zhu to worry. We’re just passing by and won’t disturb any of the people on your side. There’s just a little bit of sincerity in this place." With that, he waved his hand and someone behind him took out 10 bags of rations and said, "There is some dry food here. Although it is not much, it is enough for hundreds of people to eat for a few days and give it to Brother Zhu as a toll. What do you think?"

When Zhu Tao saw Li Qiang bringing in the food, he immediately beamed with joy and said, "So little brother only wants to pass by me, no problem, I will let you pass. But please understand that we must guard against people, even though we will let you pass, we will have to disarm you all the way to the border of area no 5."

Li Qiang nodded and said, "Let’s do it that way. Everyone is well-informed and doesn’t drag things out. I believe Big Brother Zhu will never take advantage of someone when they are in danger."

Zhu Tao nodded. "You are a straightforward person, I am impressed by you." As he said this, he waved his hand. Someone carried away the rations, then came to remove the weapons of Li Qiang and the others.

Li Qiang’s actions were actually a bit risky. If Zhu Tao went back on his word and made a move, then Li Qiang’s side might be completely wiped out. However, he had previously heard from Wang Feng that Zhu Tao was a man of his word, so he trusted Zhu Tao and passed his weapon over to him.

Zhu Tao was indeed someone who kept his word. He only sent them off on their way and did not continue their conversation. Furthermore, they even chatted with Li Qiang.

Li Qiang recounted what had happened and said, "Could it be that Big Brother Zhu wants to stay in this dark and gloomy place for the rest of his life?"

Zhu Tao sighed, "Who doesn’t want to go out? To tell you the truth, we have a strange race here that’s filled with women. Those women actually have ways to get us out of here, but the conditions are very harsh, and after all these years, other than a person called Zhang Jiu, no one else has been able to escape. "

Li Qiang thought to himself, "Looks like Zhang Xuemei is very famous in the prison. That’s right, if it was another person who could escape from this devil’s lair, he would also be famous."

Zhu Tao said, "Bro, I can see that you’re a kind person, that’s why I’m confiding in you. Here, everyone uses numbers to address each other, you’re 9527, I’m 3876, but you told me your name from the beginning, that’s why I wanted to help you."

Li Qiang asked curiously, "Why do you have to give me your number and not your name?"

Zhu Tao laughed, "This is a game, after all. Would you like to say your real name in the game? Moreover, going to jail was not a glorious thing. If people found out about it, it would greatly affect their reputation in real life. Even if there was a chance to escape in the future, it would be troublesome. As for Zhang Jiu Jiu, his original number was 2248, because the people from the Pang family were tricked by him. "

Li Qiang nodded and said, "So that’s how it is. I feel that communication between people should be frank, so without Lin Yu directly saying our names, we brothers are in the same boat and can be friends."

Zhu Tao said, "Actually, after hearing your thoughts, I also feel that this matter should be put at stake. I would like to ask, how many soldiers and horses did you guys set up outside the prison?"

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