Reborn Master vs. School Beauty

Chapter 97 Accounts

He first gave Lin Hu a call, and Lin Hu quickly drove over to pick him up.

When Li Qiang saw Lin Hu he was shocked, as it turned out his head was bandaged.

Lin Hu started to complain when he saw Li Qiang. It turned out that when he was hiding in the dark to observe, he suffered a heavy blow to the back of his head before fainting. When he woke up, Li Qiang was already gone.

Li Qiang nodded and said, "Looks like those robbers knew that you were hiding there. They were afraid that you would come out and help them, so they hit you until you fainted. Their methods are quite sharp."

Lin Hu hatefully said: "I have been in the two cities for so many years but I have never seen anyone who doesn’t follow the rules like this. I am simply mad with rage as there were even people from the police station looking for you but they were still unable to find me."

Li Qiang said, "The place where I was locked up is about an hour away from here. I think it’s outside the city. Where did you find it? Bro, you’ve already done your best, thank you."

Lin Hu said: "My anger is mainly a matter of face, and what happened right under my nose, moreover those robbers took you away, no one in the underworld of Yan Jing would dare to tease me like this, if I find those people, then there will be a bloody scene." After which, he glared at Zhang Xuan furiously.

Li Qiang said, "Let’s not worry about that for now. Let’s go home. I don’t want to stay here any longer."

Lin Hu asked: "Is there any news from Teacher Liang?" Li Qiang shook his head and did not say anything. Lin Hu did not dare to ask and could only drive towards the villa in the lake.

As expected, after returning to the Lin Family residence, Lin Ya Shi was already there waiting for him. However, he did not display any signs of missing him, and only asked indifferently: "Are you alright? "When I first heard that you were kidnapped, I had already prepared a large amount of cash to redeem you. I didn’t expect that you would actually come back by yourself."

Li Qiang nodded and said, "It’s fine, those people aren’t after the money. They have other plans."

Lin Ya Shi curiously asked, "What do they want?"

Li Qiang said, "About this, let’s talk about it in the bedroom. It’s best if it’s the one on the top floor."

Lin Ya Shi said doubtfully, "Even I haven’t slept in that room, what are we going there for?"

Li Qiang forced out a smile and said, "There’s no other way. I think that place is the safest there, so ..."

Lin Ya Shi did not refuse and brought him to the top floor bedroom.

The two of them went to the bedroom on the top floor. Lin Ya Shi asked, "Hurry up and tell me. Being so suspenseful is really hard to bear."

Li Qiang said, "It’s not that I’m suspenseful, but that the matter is extremely important right now. I can’t let anyone else know about this."

Lin Ya Shi rolled her eyes at him and said: "Whatever it is, it’s a small matter in the eyes of my Lin Family. Tell me and I’ll settle it for you."

Li Qiang thought, "This Miss Lin’s tone is really amazing. Of course, she has a strong back, so it’s understandable why she speaks so arrogantly." Therefore, he said, "The robbers who caught me didn’t come for the money. They wanted the account book in the safe, and even threatened Teacher Liang’s life. Although I am very worried about Liang Qiuying’s safety, I feel that I can’t hide it from you."

If he forced himself to steal the account book, even if he could save Liang Qiuying’s life, he would also become the Lin Clan’s greatest enemy. With the Lin Clan’s strength that was as powerful as the heavens, doing this would be equivalent to bringing down his own life. It would be better to tell Lin Ya Shi about the entire matter, and perhaps with the Lin Clan’s ability, they could take care of that group of robbers, and also save Liang Qiuying’s life.

When Lin Ya Shi heard that, his expression changed. He frowned and said, "There is indeed such an account book in the family, but it has already been moved away by my father. If you don’t believe me, come and see." She turned to a bookshelf and moved a thick dictionary away. Behind it was the door to a safe. She pressed the password and opened the door. Other than a cheque book and a few documents, there were no other books.

Li Qiang’s heart turned cold as he asked, "Then can you take the account book back?" Lin Ya Shi shook his head and said, "The account book was moved away by father. Only he knows the whereabouts of the account book. Where do you want me to find it for you?"

Seeing Li Qiang’s unsightly expression, she immediately consoled him, "Don’t be too sad. I am very grateful that you can tell me the truth about this matter. Don’t worry, I will do my best to save Teacher Liang’s life."

Li Qiang’s face turned red as he said, "Thank you. I rarely ask anyone in my life. I really have to thank you this time."

Lin Ya Shi smiled coquettishly, "Same here."

Li Qiang helplessly shook his head and said, "But now that there’s no account book, how are you going to save Teacher Liang?"

Lin Ya Shi smiled sweetly and said, "Isn’t it just an account book? We can copy it."

Li Qiang was stunned. "What did you say?" Imitation of a book? "Isn’t that easier said than done?"

Even if they saw it, they wouldn’t be able to understand it. The words in the account book are written in long-lost ancient script, and there are also some unique symbols. Those who know how to decipher the words are very few, so even if we randomly make up a book, it would be fine.

Li Qiang started sweating and thought, "Isn’t this just playing with Liang Qiuying’s life? But I have no choice, the original account book has already been moved away by Lin Zhe, now I can only forge one." Thus, he nodded and said, "Alright then, but those robbers are really pressing on us. We’d better hurry up and produce the account books."

Lin Ya Shi said, "That’s easy to handle. I’ll do it now." He made a phone call and then said, "You can rest assured that we have a craftsman specializing in this matter."

Li Qiang asked curiously, "What does a large corporation like you need these kind of craftsmen for?" Lin Ya Shi said with a smile, "You don’t need to worry about that. I’ll explain the reason to you in the future."

Lin Ya Shi went to the other room to change into his pajamas and got into bed. He patted the spot beside his and said, "You should come up too. It’s been hard on you after all this time."

Seeing Li Qiang’s stupefied expression, she added, "Don’t think wrongly, I don’t have that intention. It’s just that the Black Cloaked Society is too rampant recently, I heard that they frequently break into the bedroom of the young miss of a big family to kidnap hostages. I need you to always be by my side, so let’s put down the guard."

At this moment, Li Qiang was still dumbstruck. This was because Lin Ya Shi had never shown this kind of attitude before, yet he actually took the initiative to make this request. Now that he had a request from her, he naturally did not dare to be negligent. After changing his clothes, he entered his quilt. A sweet fragrance wafted from his side, but he did not dare to act out indiscriminately. It was truly depressing.

This time, Lin Ya Shi did not read the book. Instead, he asked, "Although Teacher Liang is extremely worth saving, judging from your concerned expression, there should be more than that, right?"

Li Qiang smiled bitterly, "Other than being my teacher, what else could she be? "Even if I’m interested in her, it’s hard to say if she’ll agree."

Lin Ya Shi smiled and said, "That’s exactly the case. I’ve heard that she is the girlfriend of Shou Peng and that she is not someone to be trifled with. You must be careful."

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