Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 593 Danger! [2]

Chapter 593 Danger! [2]

Nico Guaguam grinned. "Legolas is the perfect body that I need".

"…!" Legolas felt his head freeze on hearing that.

His danger instincts tingled like mad.

He was in danger!

Emperor Nico Guaguam made his move!

Legolas felt suffocated instantly.


[You have accessed Inventory!]

[WARNING! Unable to take out weapon out of inventory!]

[You are being affected by a domain that is far more powerful than your current level of power!]

You have activated active ability: Doppelganger Substitution!

You have activated active ability: Raptor Speed!

You have activated active ability: Beast Plane Summoning!

You have activated Special Bloodline Ability: Temporal Control; Pause!


Legolas tried to struggle but he could not.

The mental power of the World Controller Emperor formed a hand out of telekinesis that grabbed him by the neck and brought him closer.

Legolas struggled to no avail.

At this moment, he seemed like a hen that was grabbed by the neck by an aggressive human whose strong grip was slowly suffocating him.

The telekinesis hand was literally strangling him at this moment.

Legolas felt lightheaded.

His thoughts started turning chaotic.

In his last moments, a lot of thoughts went through his mind.

He experienced a lot of feelings.

He felt indignant at his circumstances.

He felt anger, he felt frustration.

He felt regret.

'I couldn't even fulfill my full potential'.

'As a reincarnator, I always thought I was the protagonist'.

'Am I just one cog in the giant mechanic wheel of the universe?'

'Am I not the protagonist?'

'When I was so close to realizing my Calamity path!'

'Why?' He felt unwilling.

'Why?!' He felt indignant.

Just before he arrived at the face of the Titan Emperor's corpse, Legolas directed one last glance at the dying consciousness of the Titan Emperor for help.

The corpse flicked a hand the next moment, and…


Emperor Gustacus Dodomaniac's consciousness was erased from existence.


Legolas lost all hope.

He fell into despair as he finally looked into the eyes of this corpse.

Looking into the abyss-like gray and black eyes of this corpse, Legolas fell into what felt like an illusion and the next moment, his soul was jerked out of his body.

Everything turned black.

He saw nothing, just darkness.



Legolas suddenly saw light return.

He was not saved though, instead, Legolas saw himself appear inside what seemed like the throne of an emperor.

One glance told him that this was the soul plane.

The only problem was that, this was Nico Guaguam's domain.

At this moment, the World Controller Emperor sat on a chair that was almost 10,000 kilometers tall to his estimate, Legolas could not see its end.

The Emperor towered up, covering half of this chair's size.

This Emperor looked down curiously at the tiny soul before him.

Standing before this Emperor, Legolas felt like an insignificant ant.

Despite only retaining less than 10% of its power at this moment, this was still the soul of the greatest World Controller that ever lived.

In Legolas' terms, it was the soul of the greatest Telekinesis expert ever.

Legolas was overpowered, overwhelmed, and oppressed by the sheer pressure being emanated by this soul. He felt inconsequential.

Emperor Nico Guaguam looked down curiously at this soul.

"Legolas Baron, I am impressed".

"Your talent is an unnatural one".

"Your Calamity path is one that I never envisioned possible for any race, but thank the universe for your existence".

"You have fulfilled your purpose of existing".

"Your purpose was to train your body and present it to me as an offering to support the reincarnation of the greatest World Controller alive".

"Be proud, with your body, I shall achieve wonders".

"I shall grow and exceed my peak with your body".

"I shall fulfill your true potential that you could never fulfill".

"I gave you these few seconds to observe to appreciate the last moments of your life, now die proudly".

The gigantic Emperor raised his giant hand to crush this tiny soul to pieces.

Throughout, Legolas said nothing.

He already accepted his fate; he could do nothing.


The giant hand of this Emperor finally started slamming down.

Legolas did not resist.

Then mere meters from hitting, it suddenly stopped.

The air blast from the momentum slammed Legolas into the ground as his soul became damaged, coughing blood repeatedly.

Lying on the ground, he waited for minutes but nothing happened.

"Give me a swift death". He muttered through gritted teeth.

"Why take pleasure in seeing me suffer?!" He stood up and glared at the soul of the World Controller Emperor, this was when he paused.

The expression on the face of this Emperor was an unnatural one.

A shocked expression was now on his face as he looked at Legolas again, this time with far more scrutiny than before as magical runes moved across his eyes.

Then, he finally relaxed, having gotten over his shock already.

"You are not of this world".

"…" Legolas froze.

"You are a reincarnator, how?"

"…!" Legolas' eyes narrowed in shock.

The next moment, his tiny soul rushed up without his consent as the telekinesis powers of this Emperor brought his soul to eye level.

At this level, Legolas saw the complicated magic runes moving through the eyes of this Emperor clearly as they seemed to glare into his soul.

Nico Guaguam's eyes glowed.

The next moment, Legolas' eyes briefly turned blank.


[WARNING! A foreign power has tried to invade your memories!]

[WARNING! Employing safety measures!]

[WARNING! Shutting down game interface!]



The interface shut down.

Everything disappeared, Legolas was shocked.

Nico Guaguam furrowed his brows the next moment. "A mental block that can keep my mental invasion out completely…"

His eyes narrowed. "The safety measures of a God".

He glared at Legolas. "Which God?"

"…!" Legolas was dumbfounded.

At this moment, he had no idea what this Emperor was talking about.

Seeing his reaction, Nico Guaguam furrowed his brows even more but he soon relaxed again. "From your reaction, it seems you are unaware that you have been tampered with by a God".

"Anyways, I don't care why a God found interest in you but the fact that a God finds you fascinating makes you even more appealing to me". His eyes glowed even further in excitement like a little kid who found a new toy.

"Now, I want to possess your body more than ever before".

"I may not be able to read your memories but I am satisfied with your body".


Nico Guaguam stood up from his throne as he looked at Legolas. "Legolas Baron, you were an interesting human but your end is here".

"Tell me your greatest dream, I will achieve it for you".

Hearing this, a lot of things went through Legolas' mind but he gritted his teeth in the end. "F*ck you!"

Nico Guaguam had a nonchalant look on his face. "So be it".

He looked into Legolas' eyes, then…


Legolas' soul started being erased from existence.

As he faded out of existence, losing sentience, the gigantic soul power of the World Controller Empire instinctively started sucking the free soul energy in.

Nico Guaguam was swallowing Legolas' soul.

In his last moments, only one last thought dominated his mind. "F*ck you!"

Legolas' last wisps of sentience was wiped out completely.

The next moment, his soul disappeared.

Nico Guaguam swallowed it.

"Finally…" This Emperor looked away. "It is time to inhabit my new body".

"It is time to go back to the world and take it by storm".


He returned his perception to the Titan Emperor's body.

At this moment, Legolas' body was lying on the ground, lifeless and ready for his possession, he grinned on seeing it.

As he moved though, something happened.


Nico Guaguam suddenly felt an apocalyptic soul power zip at his soul.

His soul was damaged instantly.

He was shocked as he looked through the eyes of the Titan Emperor's corpse.

"WHO?!" This Emperor roared.


The apocalyptic soul power struck again.

This time, his soul was zapped so hard that he jerked like he was struck by electricity, Nico Guaguam let out a silent roar of pain.

Nico Guaguam's eyes widened in shock the next moment, this was because this time, he was able to trace the origin of this apocalyptic soul power.

He was in shock. 'The Ultimate Soul Universal Treasure…!'

'The Underworld…!'

'The Demonification Mage…!'


His eyes turned to Legolas' corpse the next moment. 'He had been to the Underworld before?'

'How did he escape?!' From shock, the look in his eyes turned to despair.

This was the last coherent thought that Nico Guaguam had.


His soul was zapped again and this time, an apocalyptic soul weapon like a sickle followed that yanked his soul out of the corpse of Gustacus Dodomaniac.

Nico Guaguam's soul was kidnapped!

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