Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 477 Lucky's Fate

Lucky had been begrudged for a long time due to her father's continually increasing busy schedule, he barely had time for her any longer.

She missed the time when it was only her and Predator. Then, she could be the only Princess who that blockhead Predator doted on every time.

Predator may be possessive and unnecessarily aggressive at times but he missed his protectiveness then.

Now, Predator was changed, he was now mature and focused on more important things than having fun.

If only Predator was the problem, she wouldn't feel as bad.

After contracting Akela, it was still all good but once Bran was contracted, her father's priorities really shifted from her at that moment to them.

Later, when Warp Prime was added to the equation, Legolas totally forgot about her, only focusing on how to empower his beasts and himself.

When she complained, he blamed it all on the Cataclysm.

"Lucky, you have to understand, tens of millions of lives are depending on me to safeguard their lives".

"Can you live with the guilt that millions of people died because you were too stingy to share your dad with them who are powerless?"

Whenever he said this, she would flush in rage but only pout in the end.

In truth, she was also scared about the Cataclysm.

Having witnessed her Senior apprentice brother train in the Illusion Emperor's palace, she knew of the true horrors of a Grade A Beast and was why she was scared. She was scared for her dad, her friends and her companions.

'Can we survive it?' This question always lingered at the back of her mind.

This was why as the Cataclysm drew closer than ever, as she saw others become so serious, focused on training, she also decided to focus on training hard.

She also decided to leave her childhood behind and become a mature Fox.

It was hard, but she tried.

Though she didn't become a Grade B Fox during this time, her powers and that of her companions grew exponentially as President Shanks being her close friend had a lot of hope on her to protect a lot of civilians.

When the Cataclysm finally came though, it was something different from any of the worst-case scenarios that she ever envisioned.

The Cosmic Cataclysm came with full force, wreaking Planet Darvis.

Despite their resistance, it was completely one-sided. The death rate was astonishing for both sides, but Planet Darvis suffered and felt it more since they didn't have the ridiculous numbers of the Space Bugs.

For hours, as the war raged, Lucky suffered.

Every few hours, she saw warriors that she was close with dying. President Shanks' death broke her heart, pushing her into a frenzied state of post-trauma.

Despite wanting to personally go and behead the Bug Conqueror, as a Grade C Fox, she and her companions had no choice but to fight where they could.

The same way she watched helplessly as the President died, the same way she watched as everyone died and everything started fading away from her grasp.

Her planet, her world, her life, everything faded away with the Cataclysm.

She watched as everything she loved faded away.

Her father's death became the cruel verdict of fate on her life.

"Master, help!" She screamed repeatedly but no help came.

She watched as her father died, as Uncle Christensen died, as Uncle Blade died, she watched as Uranus, her baby whom she vowed to protect to the ends of the world also died before her very eyes.

At that point, Lucky broke down completely, she literally became braindead as she lost direction of her life.

She lost belief in living, she wanted to embrace death.

'What's the use in living when everyone I care for is dead?'

'I can't live a life without fun, that's a zombie life'.

'I can't live without my dad'. That day, she realized it.

With the death of all the Grade B powerhouses, Planet Darvis was doomed. The Space Bugs overrun them, like the others, she was not able to put up any resistance.

She was killed by the Psychic blast of a random Space Bug.

'At least, everything can finally end'.

Just before she died though, a bright light shone from the skies and engulfed her, she disappeared just before the fall of Planet Darvis.

4 days later, Lucky woke up from her coma and confronted her master.

"Why did you not help?"


"…" The Illusion Emperor silently stared at her student.

"They all died".

"Everyone I care for is dead".

"My father, Predator, my friends, my companions, they're all dead".

"If you didn't want to save, why did you save me then?"

"Why did you save only me?!"

"Why didn't you just leave me to die like the others?!"

"Because you're my student".

"…" Lucky looked up at her master in disbelief.

'You're heartless!' She said it in her mind, the Illusion Emperor only looked at her without saying a word.

Lucky broke down in tears, she was broken and traumatized.

She really found no point in living anymore.

This was until her master spoke again. "Legolas is not dead".

"…!" Lucky's ears stood up like antennas.

"At this moment, he's trapped in a prison".

"Then save him!"

"Please!" She pleaded.

The Illusion Emperor ignored her. "My fate is not connected with the human Legolas; my fate is connected with you and is why I interfered with only your fate".

"Legolas at this moment is planning his comeback, he intends to go back in time and fight the battle all over again".

"…!" Lucky was shocked. "Is that possible?"

"Nothing is impossible in the Super world".

"Since you're connected to his fate, when time rewinds, it will also affect you. Instead of crying all day about what you lost, train, become better and seek help for your father's comeback".

"Defeating a Cosmic Horror of that level is no easy task".

"This is my test to you".

"I won't help you; I will only give you hints".

"Prove yourself as my student, prove yourself capable of helping your father". The Illusion Emperor looked at her.

Ideas whirled in Lucky's head as she heard that.

She took some time to calm down and process the many ideas that floated around in her head, then one name dominated above all the others. "Redmane, he's the only one who owes me a favor".

"And he's more than powerful enough to help in a battle of that scale". Her eyes shone brightly as she felt excitement for the first time in a long time.

The next moment, she looked gratefully at her master. "Thank you master".

"This time, I will give my all".

"This time, I will not lose them again".

"This time, history will be a changed one".

A few hours later, through a long distance communication crystal, Lucky saw herself appear above a gigantic metal planet where a familiar face was already waiting for her in the skies of the Planet.

'So, this is Redmane's territory?' She was amazed.

"Pack leader, I never expected to see you again".

Lucky looked at the Red Fox as nostalgia and a lot of things went through her mind, she shelved them all and went straight to the point. "I need your help".


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