Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 512 Space Pirates?

[Warning! Course has been altered!]


The Golden Cicada jumped out of the teleportation portal.

"Brace yourselves for attack!" Champion Onana's powerful voice echoed.

Instantly, the crew of this powerful warship entered a state of high alert as they activated the shield generators of the Golden Cicada even as they made the powerful war weapons hot and ready to unleash destruction.

While they did this, Champion Onana, being the captain of the warship also activated the deep scanners as they scoured the surrounding space.

Looking at the screen of the radar while holding his Cutting-Edge Transformable Rifle, Champion Onana expected to see multiple red dots on the radar already as his blood burned hot but none appeared.

His eyes widened in surprise. "Confirm again".

"Yes, Captain".

Champion Onana went to the edge of this warship as with his eyes closed, he touched the metal edges as he instantly felt a resonance with it.

"Self-Created Ability: Mech- Cyborg Vision!"

When he opened his eyes again, both his red and blue eyes glowed as with his face touching the metal edges of the warship, he looked outside.

This ability enabled him to see through the metal blockade outside.

Champion Onana finally saw the region where they appeared at. It was a wide expanse of space extending as far as his vision could see, there were no enemy warships close by that affected spatial stability.

He was stunned. 'That was clearly not a natural spatial storm'.

'I thought it was an ambush, what is this?' His eyes narrowed.

Another thing was. 'Where are the other warships? Where are my allies?' The eyes of this Nak Champion turned cold and dangerous.

Turning to go back to the command chair of the captain, he gave new orders. "Check if we're receiving any distress signals".

"Negative sir!"

"Then send signals out to our allies in case they're in our receiving region, let them know that we're alive and are available to help them".

"Yes sir!"

"Move the Golden Cicada in a random direction, let's move and hope that we see any of our allies".

"Which way sir?"

"That way". Champion Onana pointed his hand to the right.

The next moment, the power reactor of the Golden Cicada was supercharged as glowing with a hot blue light, the powerful warship accelerated into the distance.

[Course has been altered!]


The Legolas Baron finally jumped out of the teleportation portal.

Instantly, the crew of this warship was bombarded with warning alarms.

Wom! Wom! Wom!




[Multiple Unidentified Spaceships have been detected!]

By now, Legolas already took over control of the warship from the panicking Nak engineer. He was a Summoner all the time between both his lives but in a galactic world, a galactic citizen had to learn the basics to pilot a warship.

"Show footage!"

He communicated directly to the A.I of the warship even as he reeved the engine of this warship, drawing power from its power reactor in preparation for a likely crazy escape ride out of wherever they were at this moment.

The next moment, a footage was projected on a virtual screen.

Fire and explosions!

This was the first thing that was prominent from the footage.

7 Spaceships, all Light Frigates that were clearly purpose built for speed and stealth circled around 3 Spaceships that were now caught up in the explosions.

From the gigantic size of the 3 Spaceships that was even bigger than a Heavy Cruiser, Legolas easily deduced that they were transport ships.

The effects of this battle in space were what affected the spatial stability of the higher dimensions and unluckily for Legolas and his companions, it also affected their ride back home to the territory of the Nak Navy.

As for what the 7 Light Frigates were doing around these 3 Spaceships, anyone could easily make the guess from what they were currently seeing.

"Pirates!" A female voice said with a grin.

Sonia had a crazy grin on her face as her hand materialized weapon after weapon, an indication that at this moment, she was extremely excited.

The Blood Monk had a solemn look on his face. "I'm finally back in society".

A lot of questions went through Legolas' mind but one was dominant. 'Where are we? Is this Nak Space?'

'If it is not, how far are we from Nak Space?'

Not even once did he think of engaging these 7 Frigates in battle nor did the thought of saving the civilian ships ever entered his mind.

He was realistic.

Against 7 powerful and swift Light Frigates with Space Pirates who probably had years of experience on their belts and probably understood this region of space completely, 1 Heavy Cruiser could not win.

'I bet they have even detected our presence and are waiting for our reaction, staying here is a danger in itself'.

The only reason why Legolas didn't turn the Legolas Baron to escape immediately was due to one reason, he did not know Nak Space at all.

The Nak engineer was an engineer, not a navigator, he also had zero idea.

'Where should I go to?' That was his most pressing question.

"Let's fight them! We can win!" Sonia yelled enthusiastically.

Legolas ignored her.

In his dilemma, the Legolas Baron beeped with new notifications.

[Distress Signal Detected!]

A distress footage that was sent out 20 minutes ago opened.

Once it was projected, a middle-aged man with white hair and beards that already started having a shade of gray to them appeared on the screen.

"My name is Taman; I am the Captain of this Civilian Transport Group".

"It's a Nak Civilian!" The engineer shouted.

The footage continued.

"We have been attacked by one of the notorious Beast groups that has been rampaging through Nak Space, they have 2 Grade B beast monsters".

"My transport group is not protected enough to resist such a force".

"I need help".

"If you see our distress signal and you can help, please do".

"In the meantime, we will try our very best to resist them".

He gritted his teeth in the footage. "Please save us…, I will pay adequately".


You have received new Mission…


"Let's save them!"

"Shut up!" Legolas glared at the Nak engineer.

At this moment, his head was in a chaotic state but one thought remained predominant. 'I can't risk it; I need to escape'.

Another even more powerful signal was suddenly captured by the Legolas Baron's sensors as it was projected on the virtual screen again.

It was from the same Transport spaceship but the footage was different.

The signal strength was also different, having been massively amplified, a powerful signal was created that could be received by multiple planets at the same time, clearly, they wanted as much audience as possible.

[New Signal Detected!]

The footage was projected.

Inside a familiar hall, the hall where the Nak civilian captain recorded the first video, the footage started this time with new entrants.

Legolas froze in shock from what he saw.

Huge Plecostomus monsters now filled this Spaceship. These beasts that were supposed to be aquatic were now roaming this Spaceship in special suits, the most shocking thing was that they stood and walked upright like humans.

Some held guns, others held spears, and their 2 leaders held huge clubs.

At this moment, one of their 2 leaders held the head of the Nak captain with his Club on his other hand as the footage mostly focused on him.

He looked at the camera. "Citizens of Nak Republic".

"I am Plecostomus, servant of the Roaming Priest, believer of the faith and message of the Beast King".

"Today, I have put my life on the line again to spread the goodnews!" This Plecostomus had a vicious and fanatical look on his face.

"The world must hear us preach the goodnews of the Beast King!"

"Enough to Beast Slavery!"

"Enough to Beast Brutality!"

"We're tired of being treated like slaves to those who see themselves as the higher and intelligent races, we're tired of being 2nd fiddles!"

"We're tired of being meat in your purple dining halls!"

"We're tired of livening your luxurious feast halls!"

"The message of the Beast King shall reach the end of this Universe, and until you all stop it and let every slave beast go, we shall not stop".

"Our mission cannot be stopped, it is eternal!"

"Like my brothers, massacring everyone in this Transport Group shall be our message to the world". He grinned. "It is our goodnews to the world".

Watching even as the footage continued, everyone felt chills as this Plecostomus slammed his club against a random crew member of the Spaceship.

Sonia frowned, the Nak engineer was shaking in agitation. "You can't let him slaughter my people like that, I thought you were a friend of the Champion".

"Save him! Please save him!" This engineer cried.

All of Legolas' crew looked at him, waiting for his decision.

Legolas looked at the screen. 'What should I do?'

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