Reborn to Be A Beast Master

Chapter 29

C29 – A Childhood Sweetheart

Name: Rock Ghost

Type: Earth

Level: Fourth Rank, Fourth Layer

Growth Points: 0%

Skills: Earth Spike, Rock Bullet Projection, Clay Bomb

The next evolutionary form is the Earth Spirit. Requirements: 100% Growth Points, 30 superior Earth Essences, and 3 Spirit Accumulation Stones.

“Fourth rank, fourth layer?”

A glimmer of delight sparkled in Xie Yang’s eyes.

Jennie was at the same level, yet her Growth Points had climbed to 20%.

It seemed that Rock Ghost’s potential might just edge out Jennie’s.


Xie Yang glanced at Rock Ghost’s menacing visage.

It had been somewhat cuter back when it was just a Stone Monster.

Maybe that’s the cost of growing stronger.

With a shrug, Xie Yang’s attention returned to the panel’s skill list.

Earth Thorn: An advanced ‘Earth Spike’ skill. It summons multiple spikes from the ground to inflict Earth-type damage on enemies. Unlocking requires 20% Growth Points and 100 achievement points.

Explosive Rock: An advanced ‘Clay Bomb’ skill. It forms a bomb from Earth Elementium Stone packed with explosive energy. Upon impact or landing, it causes a massive explosion. Unlocking requires 50% Growth Points and 200 achievement points.

Rock Guard: A defensive skill. It calls forth stones of Earth Elementium to orbit the user, providing protection from attacks from any direction. Unlocking requires 70% Growth Points and 300 achievement points.

Boulder Strike: An advanced ‘Rock Bullet Projection’ skill. It gathers Earth Element to forge a colossal boulder to hurl at enemies. Unlocking requires 80% Growth Points and 300 achievement points.

Like Jennie, Rock Ghost boasted four new skills.

“Such a shame I’ve nearly exhausted my achievement points and can’t further its upgrades.”

Regretfully, Xie Yang closed the panel.

But his spirits swiftly lifted.

His venture into Knell Valley had been exceptionally fruitful.

He now commanded two fourth-rank pets, a force to be reckoned with, surpassing most bronze Beastmasters.

Hardie, for one, didn’t hold a candle to him.

“I’ve got about twelve days before my journey to Nightbay City. Plenty of time to boost my pets’ strength.”

“Starting tomorrow, I’ll hit the wilderness, tackling bounty missions to make money and simultaneously enhance my pets’ Growth Points.”

Xie Yang quickly formulated a plan in his mind.

The Beastmaster Association operated with remarkable efficiency.

The day after the worm tide incident, the mission rewards were deposited into Xie Yang’s account—a whopping 3.7 million credit points.

Of that sum, over a million was for eliminating the Death Bell Beetle alone.

The remainder was the bounty for dispatching the Death Bell Dealer.

With his previous savings included, Xie Yang now had over five million credit points at his disposal.

For a Beastmaster, such a sum was hardly significant.

In the days that followed, Xie Yang dedicated himself to enhancing his abilities and amassing wealth.

As he immersed himself in these pursuits, time sped by.

Before he knew it, the day had arrived for his journey to Nightbay City.

Early that morning, Xie Yang and Bai Tian said their heartfelt goodbyes to Bai Nanxian and his wife. Laden with bags both large and small, they hailed a taxi to Lakeshell High for the rendezvous.

All students who had applied to Nightbay Academy were assembling at the school gates, preparing to board the school bus bound for Nightbay City.

It wasn’t even eight o’clock, yet the school entrance was already bustling with students—no fewer than fifty.

A palpable sense of anticipation hung in the air.

Some students buzzed with excitement, while others were tinged with nervousness.

But all shared the same thrill at the prospect of their trip to Nightbay City.

After all, passing the Nightbay Academy’s entrance exam would mean they could stay in Nightbay City and join the ranks of the prestigious Beastmaster Academy, a top-ten institution in the commonwealth.

Graduation would usher them into society’s elite.

Conversely, failure would send them back to Lakeshell City—a prospect none of the ambitious youths wanted to face.

Upon disembarking the bus, Xie Yang immediately took charge of their luggage.

“Bro, let me carry some of the bags,” Bai Tian offered, reaching for the luggage in Xie Yang’s hands.

Xie Yang sidestepped her, teasing, “No need. I wouldn’t dream of letting you tire yourself out.”

Thanks to his five-point Physique, he boasted a strength far beyond the average person’s.

With Xie Yang’s current power, not only could he handle a bit of luggage with ease, but he could also lift a small car without breaking a sweat.

Upon hearing his words, Bai Tian’s cheeks flushed a faint red. She bowed her head, falling silent.

Before, Xie Yang would tease her, and she never used to mind.

But since the Apprentice Assessment, similar comments sent her heart into a flutter.

“Brother, why do you always talk like that?”

She chided him inwardly, yet a part of her yearned to hear more.


With Xie Yang’s arrival, the chatter at the school gates surged.

Many students turned their eyes toward him, their looks filled with complexity.

The worm tide event in Knell Valley had become the talk of the town among Lakeshell’s Beastmasters.

Nearly every Beastmaster knew of the high schooler named Xie Yang who had turned the tide against the worm tide, single-handedly defeating the Death Bell Dealer.

The feat had stirred immense excitement.

Xie Yang’s reputation as a genius had quickly spread.

He was now a celebrity at Lakeshell High.

Many underclassmen idolized him.

While Lakeshell High students might be unsure of their principal’s name, they all knew Xie Yang.

“Tian, Xie!”

Moo Shuqin and Zou Xinrui hurried over, waving energetically.

Driven by certain motives, the two had been frequent visitors at Bai Tian’s home recently, having several encounters with Xie Yang.

Their efforts had warmed the relationship, making their conversations much more relaxed than before.

Upon meeting, Moo Shuqin immediately vented to Bai Tian, “What am I going to do, Tian? I’m so anxious. If I don’t make it into Nightbay Academy, I’ll be devastated!”

Zou Xinrui remained quiet, but her concern was evident.

Moo Shuqin spoke with a tinge of jealousy, “I wish my pet beast had evolved successfully.”

Since Bai Tian’s Apprentice Assessment, her Demon Flame Bird had evolved into the formidable Flaming Dragon Bird.

Its level had soared to the second rank, ninth layer.

Such power all but guaranteed her a spot at Nightbay Academy.

As for Xie Yang, there’s hardly anything to add.

With a third-rank pet beast at his side, he’s bound to ace the exam!

Moo Shuqin and Zou Xinrui couldn’t help but sigh at the thought.

Their talents were simply off the charts!

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