Reborn to Be A Beast Master

Chapter 7

C7 – The Little Snowball Evolved

The abrupt turn of events left everyone dumbfounded once more.

Zou Xinrui and Moo Shuqin’s eyes went wide with astonishment as they gazed at the Ice Crystal Soul hovering above the ground. “What is that?”

Wasn’t Xie Yang’s pet supposed to be Little Snowball?

How had it transformed into this unrecognizable creature?

Bai Tian was equally taken aback.

She was more familiar with Xie Yang than anyone else and had previously seen Little Snowball.

This petite, adorable ice-attribute pet bore no resemblance to Little Snowball.

“What’s happening?” Bai Tian’s face was a mask of bewilderment.

As the girls looked on in stunned silence, a barrage of icicles mercilessly pummeled the charging Spirit Wolf.

In a mere moment, the Spirit Wolf was lacerated by the relentless icicles.

Its body was swiftly encased in a layer of frost, eliciting a piercing howl of agony.

“How can this be?” Yin Tian’s eyes bulged in disbelief.

His Spirit Wolf possessed the strength of the second rank’s first layer.

Yet, it had been wounded by a high school student’s pet!

Did that imply the student’s pet was also of the second rank?

“Could he be one of the elite students from a high school?”

“But that’s impossible. The pets of high school students typically peak at the first rank’s ninth layer. I’ve never heard of any pet advancing to the second rank,” Yin Tian thought, both shocked and furious.

Bai Tian was the star student at Lakeshell High.

Yet, her Demon Flame Bird had only reached the first rank’s ninth layer.

The gap between the Demon Flame Bird and the Spirit Wolf of the second rank’s first layer might seem minor, but it was the vast divide between the first and second ranks.

The Spirit Wolf could effortlessly overpower the Demon Flame Bird.

That was the very reason Yin Tian had confidently agreed to stand up for Bai Tian, knowing her capabilities.

However, Yin Tian hadn’t anticipated that among Bai Tian’s allies was someone with a second rank pet just like his.

“Damn it!”

Retreat was no longer an option at this point.

Yin Tian steeled himself, commanding the Spirit Wolf to press the attack.

“He’s just a high school student after all. Even with a second rank pet, it must have only recently leveled up, so its rank can’t be that high!”

“He must have just gotten lucky, awakening some powerful skill.”

In the world of pet combat, a pet’s battle prowess isn’t solely determined by its strength and level, but also by its skills.

A potent skill could significantly boost a pet’s battle prowess. Yet, a pet’s abilities aren’t limitless—each use is followed by a cooldown period. “I just need to take it down before it can use its next skill,” Yin Tian thought, feeling a bit more at ease. But then, he watched as the Ice Crystal Soul stretched out its palm, its tiny lips parting to gently blow into the center of its hand.

A howling ice mist, brimming with biting cold, surged forth, enveloping the Spirit Wolf in its frosty embrace. Ice Breathing! The air crystallized into visible ice grains wherever the mist traveled. The Spirit Wolf, charging at the Ice Crystal Soul, was given no quarter, instantly frozen into a pale blue, translucent statue.

The onlookers were left speechless, their mouths agape at the spectacle. The second-rank Spirit Wolf was vanquished just like that? It hadn’t stood a chance! They would have never believed it, had they not witnessed it themselves.

Zou Xinrui and Moo Shuqin watched the Ice Crystal Soul, their eyes wide with astonishment. What kind of pet was this? Its power was overwhelming! Bai Tian was similarly stunned, her shock eclipsing that of the others. She had spent a long time with Xie Yang, yet she had never known him to possess such formidable strength.

Yin Tian and Luo Xiaoyan stood frozen in place, their complexions ashen. They hadn’t anticipated this outcome. Even now, they failed to grasp that Xie Yang’s pet was surely beyond the first layer of the second rank—it might well have reached the third layer, or possibly even the fourth. Without its skill’s boost, such an effortless victory over the Spirit Wolf would have been impossible.

“When did such a prodigy emerge in our high school?” Yin Tian lamented with deep regret. Suddenly, the ice sculpture fissured, then burst apart with a resounding crash. The Spirit Wolf disintegrated, its icy fragments scattering across the ground. Yin Tian grunted, his face blanching even further.

When his pet died, he, as a Beastmaster, was the first to feel the recoil.

After the Spirit Wolf was taken care of, the Ice Crystal Soul showed no signs of stopping. It drifted ominously towards Yin Tian and Luo Xiaoyan, who were petrified with fear.

“We were wrong! Please, have mercy on us!” Yin Tian hastily offered his apologies to Xie Yang.

Xie Yang, however, was unimpressed and stated coolly, “You’re apologizing to the wrong person.”

Realizing his mistake, Yin Tian quickly turned and bowed deeply to Bai Tian, his chubby cheeks contorting into an ingratiating smile.

“I’m sorry, we were in the wrong. Forgive us just this once. I’ll reprimand Di Feng when we get back, and I assure you he won’t bother you again.”

Bai Tian pressed her lips together, remaining silent.

Xie Yang glanced at Luo Xiaoyan, who was still hesitating.

Yin Tian didn’t hesitate this time; he backhanded Luo Xiaoyan across the face with a sharp slap.

“What are you waiting for? Apologize now!”

Dazed by the blow, it took Luo Xiaoyan several seconds to come to her senses. She then bowed apologetically and fearfully to Bai Tian and the others.

Xie Yang then gestured dismissively for them to leave.

Yin Tian and Luo Xiaoyan didn’t dare linger and scurried away hastily.

“Are we really just going to let them off the hook?” Moo Shuqin muttered disdainfully as she watched them retreat.

“A lesson should suffice. We’re not murderers, after all,” Bai Tian reasoned, her eyes softening. “Besides, reviving a pet beast consumes considerable resources. They’ve already suffered a significant loss.”

Moo Shuqin felt somewhat appeased by Bai Tian’s rationale.

She then turned to Xie Yang with eyes full of admiration.

“Brother Xie, you’re incredible. You took down a second-rank Spirit Wolf with such ease.”

Xie Yang just smiled, offering no reply.

Once, such a feat would have swelled his pride.

But with the Achievement System now in his grasp, his ambitions soared higher.

To him, besting a second-rank pet beast was no longer a noteworthy challenge.

“Where’s your Little Snowball?” Bai Tian couldn’t contain her curiosity any longer and asked, puzzled.

Xie Yang, stroking the Ice Crystal Soul that nuzzled up to him, responded nonchalantly, “This is Little Snowball. It’s evolved into an Ice Crystal Soul.”

Bai Tian and his companions were dumbfounded, as if they had just encountered the inconceivable.

Little Snowball could evolve?

This was news to them—they had never come across such a phenomenon!

Overwhelmed with astonishment and itching to raise their doubts, they couldn’t deny the evidence before their eyes.

Prior to their advancement to apprentice Beastmasters, each could only possess a single pet, no exceptions.

“Is it possible that Little Snowball actually has an evolutionary form?”

“Could we be looking at a hidden evolutionary path that’s remained undiscovered until now?”

Exchanging glances, Bai Tian and the others were brimming with incredulity.

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