Regression Is Too Much

Chapter 35: The Regressor is Conditionally Strong (4)

Chapter 35: The Regressor is Conditionally Strong (4)

“...I thought I heard that everything was fine.”

Angel Zeriel irritably strokes his chin.

He clearly remembers receiving a report from a 9th-tier angel saying, ‘There is nothing wrong!’

Headcount was done. Briefings on background knowledge, including the status window, were given. Weapons were distributed, and then he was told that the withdrawal was complete without any issue...

That 9th-tier angel is especially playful, enjoying the act of frightening humans, but he is also known for being responsible when it comes to his duties. Did he make a mistake in the report?

No. If he could have foreseen this, he wouldn’t have remained at the 9th tier.

Regardless of what happened, what needs to be done remains the same—Measuring human sins and ensuring they pay the appropriate price.

Zeriel’s gray eyes swiftly scanned the crowd of humans.

“You, step forward.”

With a flick of the angel’s hand, a man was lifted up by supernatural force and drawn in front of a scale.

“What... What the hell is this? Damn it!”

The one who was dragged forward was a bald middle-aged man with a protruding belly.

Setting an example with the first is always essential.

Wise Angel Zeriel, through years of experience, understood humans — God’s creations — to a significant extent. As a result, he reached a level where he could infer a human’s inner nature just by their appearance.

In human terms, it means he could judge someone solely by their ‘physiognomy’.

And from Zeriel’s perspective, the middle-aged man had a very filthy character.

He probably lived with alcohol and cigarettes constantly in his mouth, spitting carelessly on the streets and walking with a swagger.

Every sentence he spoke likely contained swear words, and he lacked consideration, being the kind of pitiable human who harms others without even realizing it.

Zeriel judged that this was the inherent nature of the bald middle-aged man.

“F*ck, f*ck... I shouldn’t have listened to that bastard... Damn it!!!”

And astonishingly, Zeriel’s bold assumptions turned out to be entirely accurate.

The man was selfish, pitiable, and utterly useless.

“Ah, ahhhh!”

“Come now... Accept your fate.”

Finally, the middle-aged man was pulled up onto the scale.

“Don’t worry. We’re only measuring the sins you committed on the 0th floor.”

Humans and sins are inseparable.

Ever since the first man and woman committed the original sin, the human race has lived carrying the burden of sin from the moment of their birth. Thus, benevolent God decided that only sins committed on the 0th floor would be measured.


The corpulent middle-aged man’s body was placed on the scale.

The needles on both sides of the silver scale began to spin.

“Consider in advance how you’ll pay the price.”

Humans might consider the situation unfair, but...

Angel Zeriel sees this ‘payment’ as a mechanism demonstrating God’s generosity.

Being granted entry into God’s Tower after paying the price is essentially the same as being absolved of one’s sins.

“I recommend... paying with your stats.”

Status windows and stats are both part of the blessings bestowed by God.

They are far more valuable than the mere life or physical parts of a human. Even if someone is a murderer who has killed multiple people... if they pay the appropriate amount of stats, they can enter the 1st floor.

However, the majority of humans, especially the younger ones, often choose to pay with their lifespan.

The reason is simple.

‘It’s greed.’

Greed for power.

They would rather sacrifice their lifespan, an invisible cost, just to maintain their strength.

Greed for life.

There is no death more glorious than dying in the Tower. Yet they struggle pathetically, desperate to make the most out of their shallow lives.

This is starkly different from angels who are willing to sacrifice even their own lives for the greater good.

“Ah... Ahhhhh!”


This is why Zeriel despises humans. Because they are repulsive to behold.

“Ah, ahhhhh...”

After about 30 seconds had passed,

The middle-aged man’s futile struggles gradually came to a stop, and the spinning needle of the scale stood still.

A moment of anticipation. A smile crossed Zeriel’s lips.

“Now... let’s see the weight of your sins.”

The angel’s cold, gray eyes slowly moved toward the needle on the scale.


The pupils began to shake wildly.




Still nothing.


Once again, nothing—The humans had committed no sins.

The crux of this ‘judgment’ lies in the way humans pay the price.

Whether it’s with their life, their stats or abilities, or even creatively through cherished memories, future connections, or natural luck.

The manner of payment itself serves as a test...

And these humans had nothing to pay for.

Therefore, there’s nothing to test. They all get a free pass to the first floor.

By now, about 30 people had been sent to the first floor.

The only scenario that could lead to this situation...

“...Did they defeat the hidden boss?”

The case where they defeated the hidden boss and used the Goblin Shaman’s portal to all come over.

In that case, none of them could have sins.

Killing monsters isn’t considered a sin, after all.


Zeriel had heard of cases where talented humans summoned to the tower banded together and defeated the hidden boss.

Of course, not all had survived, but it wasn’t impossible either.

“Did you defeat the bovine monster?”

Zeriel pointed to a human woman with a ponytail. Compared to Zeriel, she was infinitely weaker, but she was the strongest among the humans present.

However, the woman shook her head vigorously. Her expression seemed somewhat troubled.

Instead of answering, she reached out and pointed to another man.

“...Is it you? Step forward.”

Zeriel beckoned him to the front of the scale.

“...No sins for you either, I see.”

The needle on the scale also pointed to zero.

The only difference was the appearance of an ox-head emblem in the center of the scale.


It was a mark given to humans as a special reward. A symbol Zeriel recognized from memory.

Occasionally, when a human possessed extraordinary abilities or talents and defeated a hidden boss, they’d be given such a mark.

Yet to Zeriel’s perception, this man appeared even weaker than the ponytailed woman from earlier. But somehow…

‘...He must have figured out a good way to win.’

“Firstly, congratulations are in order. It’s rare to defeat a hidden boss. You’ve accomplished a great feat.”

Zeriel recited the prepared statement in a matter-of-fact manner.

“...Thank you.”

The man nodded his head cautiously, for some reason raising his right arm high.

It looked as if he was ready to hit himself on the chest at any moment... but Zeriel let it slide.

Humans were a strange breed to begin with. Trying to understand a mentally ill human is futile.

“Now, you have three options to choose from. Please select one.”

Zeriel first presented a large ax.

“The name of this ax is ‘Berserker’s Ax.’ The more injuries you sustain, the more your physical abilities increase.”

“...Show me the next one.”

The ax was quite valuable in the lower floors of the tower.

Humans seem to lack discerning eyes.

Without hesitation, Zeriel pulled out the next reward.

“This is the ‘Berserker’s Potion’.”

“...What are its effects?”

“It greatly enhances one’s recovery rate. Even injuries that would kill a regular person can be healed in just a week with this miraculous elixir.”

“...Show me the next one.”

He’s not even choosing this potion?

Sighing internally, Zeriel took out a small pill for the last offering.

“Lastly, this is the ‘Berserker’s Pill.’ The effect is simple. When consumed, it increases your strength stat.”

“...I’ll take that.”

The man swiftly took the pill.

Who would have thought he lacked such judgment? If it were Zeriel, he would’ve chosen the ax or the potion without hesitation.

Well, the choice is entirely up to the human. And advising was not the domain of angels.

“I’ll send you to the first floor now.”


Using his divine power, Zeriel immediately transported the man to the first floor.

There were about 170 humans left. Zeriel had been given the task to judge them as quickly as possible.

While it seemed highly likely that all of them were innocent... a task was still a task, wasn’t it?

“Next. Please step up to the scale.”

Zeriel said, smiling. Simply performing the duty bestowed upon him by God brought joy to Zeriel.




You have entered the 1st floor.


There was no time to injure my body.

Had I known I would be sent to the next floor this quickly, I would have regressed sooner.

I had to check if I could receive the special reward more than once. But I couldn’t;

It’s quite regrettable.

Well, it’s not something I can do anything about.

I felt like I’d obtained everything I could from the tutorial, so I didn’t have much regret.

Not telling Choi Ji-won about my regression is a bit of a concern... but every time I see her, my heart aches, making it hard to strike up a conversation.

As I was deep in thought for a while... a familiar scent brushed past my nose.

A musty... yet warm smell.

“...What’s this?”

Regaining my senses and looking around, a familiar space welcomed me.

I’m sure I saw a message saying I entered the 1st floor.


Why am I back in my own room...?

– – – End of Chapter – – -

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