Reincarnated as the Strongest Dragon

Chapter 31: Class Advancement

Chapter 31: Class Advancement

After leaving the capital, we found a small clearing a short distance to the east. I landed and set up a training area using earth magic to make pillars to use as targets.

“I made five pillars with increasing hardness. Begin casting [Icicle] on the leftmost pillar and move to the next one if you manage to break it.”

“So, just cast [Icicle] over and over?”

“Yeah, that should let you get a feel for your new casting capabilities fairly quickly.”

“I’ll run out of mana if I do that, though.” 

“Oh, don’t worry about that,” I smirked and cast [Owl’s Wisdom] on her. “With this, you can go on for the next two hours.”

“Isn’t it counterproductive to use buffs when I need to get used to my stats?”

“You only need to get used to your Mind stat. More mana is of no consequence.”

“Are you seriously going to have me casting spells for two full hours?”

“Of course. I’ll leave the foxlings here while I’m away so you don’t slack off,” I said and summoned my spirit foxes.

“Is it too late to back out?” Liz sighed.

“Yes,” I grinned. “Oh right, can you use your pendant In about two hours?”

“Uhm, sure, but why? Wasn’t that something I should do when I’m in danger?”

“So I can lock on the telenode and teleport back instead of flying,” I said with a smile.

“Right, that was a thing.”

“I will be back before you know it.” 

I shifted into dragon form and took off.

After flying in a straight line bored out of my mind, I was almost at my destination when I sensed the telenode being created. 

Guess it took two hours to get here. Let’s find those wyrms and teleport back before the telenode expires. I didn’t tell Liz what to do if I didn’t make it in time.

It didn’t take long to find the two fire wyrms resting on a small plateau using [Biomagic Radar], and subjugating them went even faster. I shifted back into human form and cast [Electrosphere] to fry their hearts. The small sphere kept the countless lightning arcs from escaping, which, in turn, kept the damage localized to prevent any damage to the rest of the body.

I don’t remember exactly, but I don’t think the hearts of fire wyrms had any use, so killing them like that was of no concern. And even if the hearts could be used for something, they didn’t say anything about bringing the bodies back.

I looked at their lifeless bodies, slumped over where I had found them. 

They didn’t stand a chance. Not that anything does anymore. Life sure can be fickle. One day, you were pushing out other monsters from the area, and the next you were killed before you could blink.

I tossed their bodies into [Inventory] and used [Translocation] to teleport back to where I left Liz.

“Gah!” Liz yelled as she fell backward upon seeing me appear out of thin air on a blue magic circle close to her.

“I’m back, did you miss me?” I said, trying my best to suppress my laughter.

“You scared the hell out of me,” Liz replied while she struggled back on her feet. “And why are you naked?”

“I just shifted out of dragon form and didn’t put my clothes back on?” I said and cocked my head.

“But you can get dressed with a snap of your fingers?”

I didn’t even realise. Maybe I’m a bit too comfortable being naked? Note to self, remember to wear clothes.

“Never get naked in front of Liz again, good to know,” I muttered as I got dressed.

“I would be worried if I actually thought you were serious,” Liz giggled.

I gave her a pouting expression. “So how is it going?” I asked and looked at the five pillars, four of which were left standing.

“I think I got the hang of it again. It feels natural.”

“Want to go back to the inn and advance your class then?”

“Can’t I just do it here?” 

I frowned at her. “I’m dropping you if you get sick and throw up while I'm flying.”

“Good point. Let’s go back first.” 

After returning to town, we decided it was too much of a hassle to find another inn, so we opted to just change to a smaller room. However, the older man at the reception insisted we keep our current room as well as stay for free. So in the end, we just asked for lunch to be sent to our room.

Who am I to argue against that? It would be in bad taste to deny their generosity.

“The food here really is one step above the rest,” I said with a mouth full of what I can only assume is the finest marbled steak you can get.

“I’m afraid I will grow used to this and won’t be able to go back to my old life.”

… Old life? Is she planning on going back to doing what she did before we met? 

I glanced at the redhead happily enjoying her food. I decided not to say anything.

Seriously, what is wrong with me? This isn’t like me at all… right? But wouldn’t it be weird if this is the first time in 8000 or whatever years that I have enjoyed someone's company enough to want to hang around for more than a night of pleasure? But I don’t remember anyone like that. Gah! Brain, stop making me sad.

After finishing our lunch, we moved over to the bedroom and sat down on the bed.

“Go ahead and advance your class.”

“Okay, here goes,” Liz said and opened her [Status] window, choosing to change her class from Ice Mage to Cryo Mage.

“Ugh,” Liz groaned and put a hand on her forehead.

“I suspected it might be this bad since you overshot the level requirement by so much. Lie down for now, okay?”

“This is horrible, I would have preferred to pass out,” Liz groaned and looked at me with pleading eyes. ”Can you stroke my hair?”

“Of course, come here,” I said and patted my lap.

Liz crawled up in my lap and almost started purring as I gently stroked her hair. “It might be hard, but you should try and get some sleep. I could use magic to put you to sleep, but I don’t think using magic on you is a good idea while your body adjusts.”

I don’t even know if Elyxire would work. There is nothing ‘wrong’ with her after all. Either way, I better keep that for emergencies in case humans can’t handle repeated usage.

“Do you want anything?”

“Can I have your tail?” She asked, sounding a bit embarrassed.

“How could I say no when you act so cute?” I slid down and held Liz’s head against my chest, continuing to stroke her hair while I wrapped my tail around her waist. “Now get some rest, I’ll be right here.”

Liz managed to fall asleep after a while, and I was left staring at the ceiling.

Now then, what should I entertain myself with? I haven’t looked at my [Note] in a while, so I guess I can do that. I got my rank, so that’s done. Should I add Liz’s rank? She should be A rank with a bit of training, so let’s go with that. Don’t think there is anything else worth adding.

[Note] To-Do List:

  • Register as an adventurer
    • Push my rank to SSS
  • Gather funds
  • Buy maps over the continent
  • Get information about any possible wars or political tensions between countries
    • Kaydossa sucks
  • Information about the Beast Nation
  • Information about status inspect spells
  • Telenode locations
  • Help Liz get A rank

After updating my [Note], I kept stroking Liz’s hair for a while until I also fell asleep. 

I woke up in the evening to find Liz still asleep, holding onto my tail. Her facial expression appeared less pained.

Seems like the worst is over. But seriously, what's with her fascination with my tail? I used it once to keep her close to me, and now she already has a habit of asking for it. Not that I mind, it feels… nice. Since it’s already evening, we could technically have dinner, but I think I will just let her sleep for as long as possible, I doubt it’s over yet.

Two hours later, I quietly slipped out of bed and ordered food. She needs to eat something, after all. After the waiter set the table and left, it was time to wake up Liz.

I gently stroked her cheek in an attempt to get a reaction. “Liz, how are you feeling? It’s time to eat.”

“Mhm it’s better than before,” Liz mumbled as she got up.

“That’s good,” I said and placed my hand on her forehead. “I ordered some poultry, it should be easy to eat.”

Liz placed her hand on top of mine. “Did you stay with me all day?”

“I did.”

Liz got up and embraced me in a hug. “How am I supposed to react when you spoil me so much?”

“I just took a nap next to you,” I said as I hugged her back. “Let’s go to the table. The food is getting cold.”

After dragging the sluggish Liz to the table, we had dinner and a somewhat forced shower. I then tucked her back into bed under the covers and slid down next to her.

“Now be a good girl and go back to sleep. It will probably be over by morning.”

“Mhmm,” Liz mumbled and put her hand on my lower back. She then proceeded to stroke her hand up and down before looking up at me with a displeased facial expression.

I sighed and shook my head as I gave her my tail. “I remember saying that your deal might be girls or dragons, and while I intended for the second part to be a joke, I’m not so sure anymore.”

“You are both, though,” Liz giggled before snuggling down and quickly drifting off to sleep.

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