Reincarnated Swordmaster

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

The next day, I received twenty nyangs of copper coins  from the village chief and set off for Gwanjung, with hopes of securing a spot in the Blue Dragon Martial Hall. Geum Man-jae looked at me with a questioning gaze, as did the village head’s wife, his concubines, and their children—all eyed me with a mix of curiosity and disdain. With a semblance of composure, I embarked on my journey.

“Heh, it’s better than before. Back then, I showed up at the courier agency without a single penny to my name.”

While the village chief never asked, thanks to my past as a courier for a courier agency, it meant I was familiar with the quickest route to Gwanjung. In total, it would take about a fortnight by foot, and there was the risk of running into bandits along the way. But if I hitched a ride with a courier group, the risks would be minimized. The most reputable courier service in the vicinity was the ‘Three Pine Courier Agency.

Before, I had worked for about fifty years in ‘Plum Flower Courier Agency’, an agency of similar stature to Three Pine Courier Agency. Although the two were competitors, couriers tended not to get along very well, so we had a love-hate relationship. I heard that Three Pine had a number of skilled couriers, so joining them on one of their routes should make for a relatively comfortable journey.

By the time I covered half a day’s distance and reached the city, dusk was settling. Knowing that the city’s nighttime could be treacherous, with rogues and thieves roaming around, I quickly sought refuge in a temporary inn. These establishments, overseen by the military police, provided travelers with short-term shelter. Although these inns only permitted one-night stay, they were relatively a safe place from the risk of theft.

Inside the temporary inn, two or three travelers were already inside, huddled together wordlessly, preparing for sleep. A musty, stale odor filled the air from the aged bedding. I briefly admired the moon, organized my personal items, and lay down to rest.

The next morning, I headed to Three Pine Courier Agency. The entrance was bustling with activity as couriers and laborers prepped for their respective journeys.

Approaching a middle-aged courier, I initiated a conversation.

“I’d like to join the convoy; would that be possible?”

“Huh? Who might you be?”

“I’m Baek Woong from the next village over. I’m here on an errand for the village chief.”

The courier’s expression subtly changed.

“Heh… How far are you planning to go?”

“All the way to Gwanjung.”

“A young lad like you going all the way to Gwanjung… Do you have any money?”

“I don’t, but I can do odd jobs, cook, and carry loads. Please, let me come along.”

The courier paused, stroking his beard thoughtfully before saying, “Come with me for a moment.”

Moments later, he led me to the pyowi, or escort captain—a role akin to a team leader overseeing about ten couriers. Typically, someone with this title would be a seasoned courier, boasting superior martial arts skills compared to the average courier.

The escort captain of Three Pine had a visage that resembled a horse, characterized by an elongated jaw. He briefly lifted his eyes from some paperwork and shot a cursory look in my direction.

“Hey, what’s the deal with that kid?”

“Captain, this little one here wants to join the convoy, offering to do odd jobs. He’s Baek Woong, from the neighboring village.”


The escort captain examined me from head to toe and then spoke, “Well, he looks resourceful and spirited. I don’t see why not. You handle him.”


The escort captain didn’t bother to inquire further about who I was or where I was headed. Instead, that responsibility fell on the shoulders of the middle-aged courier, for which I felt more grateful to him than to the escort captain. It seemed as though the elder had relieved me of the inconvenience of explaining myself.

As I followed the elder courier outside, I expressed my gratitude. “Thank you.”

“If only I had a son like you.”

The courier smiled warmly before saying, “But we won’t go all the way to Gwanjung. We’ll veer off halfway and head to Yang-On territory. You’ll have to find your way to Willow Moon Valley (Yuwolgok) on your own. Can you manage?”

“Yes, I’m fine. I’m grateful that you’re taking me even that far.”

“Alright. Your duties will include preparing meals, setting up camp, and carrying the load. I’ll tell you more in a bit.”

“Got it.”

Soon after, the courier party set off. I was able to integrate seamlessly into the group without any issues. The first day consisted of a six-hour trek, with breaks, across mountainous terrain. When it was time for lunch and dinner, I got to work performing various tasks. With several years of experience under my belt, I managed quite well without needing specific instructions from the courier.

The elder seemed surprised.

“You’re good at this. Ever consider doing odd jobs at the courier station after this trip?”

Even though his question seemed a bit abrupt, perhaps even blunt, it was nevertheless a good offer. Most kids in rural villages were so impoverished that they’d go hungry for days on end. Having regular meals while working at the courier station would be a respectable existence.

However, on the contrary, I just smiled and replied, “I’ll think about it once I’ve completed my errands.”

“Fair enough.”

First, I needed to go to Azure Dragon Martial Hall in Gwanjung to test my current skills.

Will I be able to become a disciple of Azure Dragon Martial Hall with my [Six Harmonies Sword Technique] and [Three Talents Heart Method] that I have honed for 40 years in my previous life?

I naturally assumed so, which is why I forced myself to leave the village. I was confident that I was much better than any other teenagers of my age because of the time and effort I had invested in my training. Excited at the prospect of learning first-rate martial arts at Azure Dragon Martial Hall, I was kept awake all night long.

Later, for nearly ten days and nights, I trailed behind the courier party. Overall, the journey had been smooth, with no sign of bandits or any other incidents. Right now, the Three Pine Courier Agency group was setting their course for Yang-On from Willow Moon Valley. This meant it was time for me to part ways with them since my destination was Gwanjung.

“Thank you for everything.”

“Come here for a moment.”

The middle-aged courier discreetly handed me two pieces of silver. Taken aback by this unexpected generosity, I could only stand there, momentarily speechless. Seeing my reaction, the man laughed, tousling my unkempt hair.

“Hahaha. It must be hard for a young lad like you to go all the way to Gwanjung alone. Should you cross paths with mountain or water bandits, use this silver. It might just save your life.”

“…Thank you very much,” I replied, feeling choked.

Having been in the courier business for years, I fully knew the weight of his gift. Two silver pieces were not a trivial amount for a mere courier. The elder courier’s paternal instincts must have kicked in, prompting him to bestow upon me his own hard-earned money, I judged.

Moreover, bandits typically killed young wanderers like me out of sheer annoyance, or at best, sold them into slavery. By handing them the silver, I could avoid immediate death or perhaps even a life in chains. The reason for this, most of these bandits were either runaway serfs or former soldiers; so they still retain a basic sense of human decency.

In essence, this silver was more than just spare change; it was my safety net.

I sniffed a little and then spoke, “I haven’t asked for your name yet, what is it?”

“I am Jang-cheol of Three Pine Courier Agency. Come find me later.”

“Sure, I will definitely do that.”

I vowed in my heart.

If I gained power, wealth, and honor in the future, I would repay Jangcheol’s kindness tenfold.

Willow Moon Valley was a serene valley dotted with small villages. Numerous rural settlements adorned the landscape, and the absence of bandits made me speculate if the local farmers had formed their own defense force. I set up camp close to the valley for a night and steadily made my way towards Gwangjung.

‘I hope no bandits come out.’

While harboring this thought, trouble abruptly occurred when I was a day away from Gwanjung.


Two bandits emerged abruptly from the surrounding foliage as I navigated the mountainous trail. Their ring-shaped sabers and belts adorned with animal bones identified them as members of the Green Forest gang. Recognizing the danger I was in, I retreated a few steps.

The lanky bandit flashed a sinister smile and queried, “We’ve got the kid. Now what?”

His squint-eyed accomplice, idly scratching his chest, suggested, “Strip him of his possessions and let him be. Our young fortress leader’s lost his taste for blood recently.”

“Well… Killing the kid wouldn’t do us any good.” The skinny bandit nodded in agreement and then instructed, “Put down your belongings and take off your top! If you behave, we’ll spare you.”


I had no other choice.

Protecting my meager fortune against two bandits from the mountains is too risky. It’s not that I can’t handle them with my martial arts, but the odds are not in my favor. These bandits from the Green Forest are systematically trained in martial arts, just like bounty hunters; they could even be stronger than I was in my past life.

I don’t know what would happen if I risked my life fighting, but it was better to obediently comply. Besides, I’m at a disadvantage right now because I don’t have any weapons. If I’d even had a single knife, I wouldn’t have made such a humiliating choice.

The bandits discovered two pieces of silver in my bag and looked surprised.

“Wow, this one’s quite loaded!”

“Let him go. We’ve scored big this time.”

“You should consider yourself lucky. Heh, heh… get dressed and scoot.”

The skinny bandit playfully smacked me on the back of the head and handed me my shirt. I hastily put on the somewhat ragged clothes and left the scene.

‘Damn it… it’s frustrating.’

If I had the body of someone even in their late teens, I might have been able to escape somehow. But regardless of the inner strength I have, my muscles are not fully developed yet, preventing me from exerting full force. I should be grateful I at least escaped with my life.

A sudden thought crossed my mind.

‘How long do I have to live like this?’

I yearned for power, not necessarily enough to rule the world, but sufficient to uphold my self-esteem.

Deprived of my belongings and money, I faced hunger and exposure until I could reach the city. Thankfully, it was only one more day’s walk. As I crossed the city gates and set foot on the main road, I felt a newfound sense of potential survival.

That night, I again slept in the open air. I had slept outdoors before, but perhaps due to my hunger, the dawn wind felt exceptionally cold. I found shelter under a rock and burrowed into the slightly warm earth, convincing myself it was a suitable place to rest for the night.

‘Now all I just have to do is go to the Azure Dragon Martial Hall in the city, learn first-rate martial arts, train, and get strength. Then I can eat the Millennium Snow Ginseng in Huangshan. The hardships I’m going through now mean nothing.’

Plans for the future alleviated the current chill.

The next day, I asked around and found my way to the Azure Dragon Martial Hall in the city. As one of the most prestigious martial arts halls, it had walls that were a yard thick and adorned with elegantly written signage. Even the entrance was guarded, though likely by a low-ranking disciple.

As soon as the gatekeeper saw me standing in front of the Azure Dragon Martial Hall, he said, “Hey kid, what are you doing here so early in the morning? Scrounging and begging are not allowed, so scram.”


I sighed inwardly, acknowledging my disheveled appearance which led him to misidentify me as a vagrant. Summoning my courage, I responded, “I’m here to take the entrance examination for Azure Dragon Martial Hall.”

“Entrance exam? Hahaha, you’re quite the clown.”

The gatekeepers laughed loudly at me. When it became clear I was serious, their faces turned from amusement to curiosity. One finally broke the silence.

“Are you, by any chance, a member of one of the Six Great Families?”


“Then have you built the foundation of your internal energy from a young age?”



The chubby gatekeeper grinned sadistically.

“Then let’s test this little junior’s internal energy, shall we?”

“Go easy on me.”


The chubby gatekeeper stomped on the ground with a showy “earth-shaking” kick. Then he extended his pot lid-sized hand towards me.

“Kid, hold my hand.”

As our palms met, he chuckled deeply and positioned his feet to align with mine, as if we were about to engage in a form of arm-wrestling.

“If you can even remotely withstand me, I’ll report straight to the academy master.”

“What happens if I win?”

“Hahaha! Win? Then I’ll prostrate myself and bow to you.”

“Very well.”

*Koo-woo-woo* (Sound of exerting energy)


As the arm-wrestling began, the chubby gatekeeper’s face turned to disbelief. The power of my [Three Talents Heart Method] started to overwhelm his force. With intense focus, I managed to push him aside in one move.


“Uh… Uh…”

The chubby gatekeeper looked flustered. He fell to the side as he lost his balance. Though I was also sweating and my face was flushed, I forced a smile and said, “No need for the bow, just please relay the message to the academy master.”

Even if what I mastered was the [Three Talents Heart Method], I had practiced it for decades. There was no way I would lose in internal energy to a mere disciple of the Azure Dragon Martial Hall.

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