Reincarnated User Manual

Chapter 165: Execution Of The Plan

Chapter 165: Execution Of The Plan

A month and several days had passed.

It was enough time to build physical strength to some extent to play the part of a soldier, but too short to learn martial arts and how to use inner power.

However, talent was not something to be taken lightly.

Cold beds.

Meals eaten not for taste but solely to fill the stomach.

Even in such extreme conditions, there were those who blossomed their talents.


“Is… is that sword energy?”

“Congratulations, Recruit Jansen.”

Nearly a hundred gathered in the training ground.

Standing on the podium, Jansen saw a flickering blue flame at the tip of his sword. Under Malleus’s guidance, it was accomplished, and though its size was no bigger than a fingernail, it was sword energy nonetheless.

There were already a few like Natalia who could handle sword energy and inner power, but Jansen was a complete novice, having killed a man despite barely knowing how to hold a sword properly.

Shiron approached Jansen, arms crossed.

“How old are you?”

“Thirty… and one.”

“What’s your job?”

“Nothing notable. I was a woodcutter before I killed a man.”

“It’s a shame. If you had discovered your talent earlier, you could have been a knight instead of a woodcutter.”


“Or you could have applied sword energy to your axe and become the continent’s greatest woodcutter. Haha!”

Malleus laughed heartily and slapped Jansen on the back. Teaching someone who worked hard and quickly showed results was always rewarding, even if they came from a criminal background.

Everyone had completed their grueling training and fallen into a deep sleep.

Shiron and Malleus knocked on the door of Victor’s private quarters.

“Ninety have come to feel mana. Among them, twenty-one have learned to handle inner power… That’s the report.”

Malleus summarized the results and submitted them in the form of a report. Victor read the report with an expression as if he was seeing something fascinating.

“To achieve this in a month is astonishing.”

“Isn’t it time to deploy them in operations? Now that they can feel mana, mastering inner power will be quick. In fact, two or three people show progress each week.”

“How many can handle sword energy?”

“There were four, but now we have one more who has just awakened to it.”

Malleus pointed to the corner of the page in response to Victor’s question.

“Then, should we proceed with additional swordsmanship training for those five?”

“No, swordsmanship training would take too long. Even skilled knights struggle with the monsters of the borderlands. Maybe against an occasional Frost Wolf, but if we encounter thorn trolls or mutants, we’d just be losing manpower. And,”

Shiron stroked his head and swallowed.

“If we start swordsmanship training separately, there will be those who resist. Not just those who are somewhat skilled with a blade, but also those who recklessly wish to desert.”

“Then, if we deploy all personnel in sapper operations, who will escort the sappers?”

“I will.”

“…You mean, alone?”

Malleus’s eyes widened as he looked at Shiron.

“Yes, I would like to ask Sir Malleus to accompany His Highness, the Crown Prince.”

“…Are you sure? As much as you’re related to Sir Hugo, I didn’t plan to put that much expectation on you.”

“I’m not saying I’ll take on the frontline by myself. Just leading the front is enough, isn’t it? And I dislike worrying about whether our cherished unit members will desert more than fighting monsters.”

Though Shiron said this, what he disliked the most was the intervention of other units.

His goal was to solidify Victor’s position without relying on other units, but more importantly, to show an achievement that seemed impossible and increase his reputation.

Clearing on very easy mode a thousand times wouldn’t earn you any applause.

But if you cleared hell mode with a single coin, even the local arcade would flood with handshake requests.


“If you’re that worried, just come and check on us often. Victor, you too.”

“Me too?”

“Yes, since ancient times, kings who led the charge against enemy lines have been popular. Many also died, but you’ll have Sir Malleus with you.”


Victor looked at Shiron, hoping it was a joke, but Shiron’s face did not betray any hint of jest.

“I’m not suggesting you charge in blindly. No one appreciates the paperwork battles in the rear. I’m suggesting you stir things up in the field with Sir Malleus.”

Overseeing the construction properly and personally executing those who showed signs of desertion.

He could demonstrate his administrative abilities and charisma by controlling unruly roughnecks.

In every aspect, these were favorable scenes for Victor to be seen in.

Shiron predicted that by the end of this expedition, no one would dare to underestimate Victor as a novice.

“…If you manage to pull it off, it would indeed be a tremendous achievement.”

Upon hearing Shiron’s plan, Malleus shook his head in dismay.

If they manage to pull it off…

The implication behind those words was significant.

To Malleus, Shiron’s plan seemed insane, and the idea of risking the last prince on the front lines was dangerously ambitious.


Malleus did not oppose Shiron. If asked why, it was because he had closely observed the results of the past month.

While sometimes acting childishly, in line with his age, this young man, not yet of age, had skillfully managed the rough and tough recruits with a mix of rewards and punishments.

Instead of calling them instructors, he made them refer to him as “fairy,” and he dealt with those who crossed the line with zero tolerance, blowing up their heads.

Malleus had his doubts about such actions, but seeing the positive outcomes, he now brushed aside his concerns, thinking there must be a reason behind them all.

‘I see why the cardinal holds him in high regard.’

Returning to his private room, Malleus dipped his quill in blue ink on a piece of dry parchment.

Three letters were prepared.

One was to be sent to Rien, and the other two to Lucerne.

Hugo, the cardinal, and even His Majesty the Emperor himself.

Malleus wrote the letters with a seriousness he seldom showed.

Three days later.

The sapper battalion, led by the esteemed Crown Prince, safely arrived at the eastern front’s edge.

At the end of the previously laid railway was a dark forest.

Now, they had to clear the forest to pave the way for the steel path.

The importance of a railway that could transport tens of thousands of troops and supplies was paramount to maintaining the front. However, despite knowing its importance, few dared to undertake this task.

Facing a horde of beasts charging from the open land versus suddenly being attacked by monsters from a dark forest, the latter was obviously more dangerous and challenging.


Among the troops staring at the dark forest, the sound of someone swallowing noisily could be heard.

Though most prided themselves on living rough lives, the ominous aura emanating from the forest instinctively filled them with fear.

Magic, or demonic energy, did that to people.

Even the slightest presence of it could make anyone wary and afraid.

Whether one had heartlessly killed a person or unflinchingly crashed an airship… As long as they were human, physiological responses like sweating were inevitable.

“What are you doing! Start unloading the materials and begin the construction! We need to hurry before the sun sets! Quickly!”

Shiron shouted, seeing their trembling hands.

Armed with axes and hammers, the troops hurriedly unloaded the materials and began breaking the frozen ground.

Clang. Clang! Clang clang. Clang. Clang!




A bizarre animal noise was heard. Even in the chilly weather that could freeze their urine, cold sweat began to form on their hands.

Some dropped their hammers, and among them, a few courageous ones looked up towards the source of the noise.

“…A monster?”

Natalia asked so.

“Your hands have stopped. Bow your heads.”


“Don’t mind it. Continue working!”

As he shouted loudly, the sound of hammering resumed. Accompanying this, Shiron drew his white sword.

Then, he dashed out as stylishly as possible, swinging his sword. The swiftness of his action was such that few could properly witness it. Here…



Belatedly, only the heavy fall of something gigantic could be felt in succession.

The troops couldn’t close their mouths in surprise.

‘All at once…’

They had recognized he was a formidable opponent when he personally subdued rebellious recruits, but witnessing his power firsthand, the troops had no choice but to abandon any thoughts of desertion.

[Truly a hero…!]

Latera smiled brightly, watching the astounded faces. Admiration bloomed out of fear. Though some harbored the filthy emotion of jealousy, the majority reacted positively.

[You’re so cool! Absolutely the best!]

‘…Stop flattering. It’s just one or two monsters.’

If it were Lucia or Siriel, they could have killed them with a look.

Shiron, feeling his cheeks warm, placed his hand on his face and continued to chop down the trees around him.

[Ah, don’t be shy! Anyone can kill a monster or two, but not many can make such a clear deduction in penalty points!]

“That… that’s enough.”

Shiron swung his sword wildly in response to the ignorant praise.

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