Reincarnated User Manual

Chapter 168: The Wanted Woman In Red Clothes

Chapter 168: The Wanted Woman In Red Clothes

Natalia approached Yoru, holding her breath. Unlike usual, the guards around them weren’t the shabby members of a unit but trained knights.

Given the charges against her, she had to be cautious, but Natalia had no idea what would happen if it were discovered that Yoru, a wanted individual, was here.

“How did you get here? What about the others?”

“Is that really that important?”

Yoru looked at Natalia, who was excessively looking around, as if she found something amusing. As always, Natalia was more fearful than others.

“That’s not important at all. What’s important is that I’m here to save you.”

“Stop talking nonsense and answer me quickly.”

“…I came alone. The old man said if I was going to save you, I should go alone, and he coldly turned me away.”


“But I couldn’t bring myself to be so disloyal, so despite the opposition, I rushed over here to tell you this.”

Yoru confidently spoke and pulled Natalia into an embrace. Natalia, taller than most women, listlessly buried her face in her chest.

It was a natural action, flowing like water. Since they were very young, Yoru had been embracing Natalia and those who served her like dolls.

‘My princess…’

Even in the cold snow, Natalia felt an unwavering warmth and the vibrant sound of a beating heart.

Though the memory was old and unclear, Natalia came from a rather distinguished noble family. However, that inflated self-consciousness from her past was no longer with her.

That self-consciousness, which had not broken even when she was treated as a slave at an auction, shattered into emptiness after experiencing moments when children of the same status, until her family’s downfall, debated whether to buy her life or not.

To Natalia, Yoru was a benefactor she could never repay enough. The strange environment, the culture of the ethnic groups she had been taught were foreigners. Always being chased, she couldn’t breathe easily even for a day.

It was natural that she couldn’t adapt even when she was sold to serve the princess, but it was thanks to this mischievous princess that Natalia could spend those tough times somewhat cheerfully.

While they were hugging, a sniffing sound came from above Natalia’s head.

“What’s this smell of alcohol?”

“Just a little while ago, the crown prince himself distributed alcohol and meat to the unit… to the prisoners.”

Natalia, flustered by Yoru’s innocent behavior, lifted her head to meet her black eyes.

“Is that so? He must have made them suffer quite a bit, but it seems they managed well.”

Yoru nodded several times upon hearing Natalia’s explanation.

“And where is Chen? I’ve looked around a few times but can’t seem to find his face anywhere.”

“…He’s dead.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. Foolishly, he couldn’t control his temperament and just…”

Perhaps because she heard that a comrade had died, Yoru’s face wrinkled for a moment before smoothing out again.

“He was a guy who looked at my chest with lascivious eyes, but still a comrade who shared meals with us.”

It was regrettable.

Yoru grimaced and prayed for the repose of the soul of the comrade who had died with a burst head.

“Then, before we leave, there’s something we need to do. Who killed Chen?”

“…Princess, we need to leave now.”

Instead of pointing out who killed Chen, Natalia grabbed Yoru’s wrist to stop her. Though it was a strength that could be easily shaken off, Yoru turned around with respect for Natalia.

“Why? Don’t you want to avenge our comrade?”

“The area is filled with knights guarding the crown prince. Even for you, princess, the situation is not favorable for revenge.”

“I didn’t see anyone that strong, though.”

No one had noticed Yoru’s presence on her way here, despite her minimizing her presence to the limit… Yoru was not particularly interested in those who couldn’t notice her even when she approached this closely.

‘Only that old man seemed somewhat useful…’

Yoru’s gaze lingered on Malleus for a moment, but that was all.

“The Prients are here.”



The words that followed piqued Yoru’s interest. Her eyes widened, her heart thudded. Even in the harsh winter cold, her skin, which hadn’t reddened, flushed with excitement.

Hearing the name Hugo Prient, a name that resonated throughout the empire and across the continent from her childhood, notorious and famed, Yoru suppressed her boiling competitive spirit and carefully scanned her surroundings.

Prient… Prient, Prient.

However, she could not spot anyone who might be identified as a Prient. Certainly not among the armored knights, and even less so the paladin yawning beside the crown prince.

Yoru’s eyes widened as Natalia gestured towards someone.

“That man over there.”

Yoru’s gaze followed Natalia’s pointing finger to a man mumbling to himself in front of a bonfire, wrapped in a rather fancy fur coat, seemingly lost in his own world.


Yoru turned her head stiffly to ask Natalia again, then rubbed her eyes once more for another look at the man identified as Prient.

The man continued to mumble to himself, seemingly oblivious. Despite being stared at overtly for an extended period, from afar, he did not once glance in their direction.

Even when Yoru sent a faint hostility towards the man, there was no reaction. He sat there, unarmed, full of vulnerabilities.

“I tried sounding him out, and he readily agreed.”

Natalia nodded as she spoke.

“He just seems like he’s out of his mind.”

“…He did spout nonsense about being a fairy, but his strength was real. Our warriors struggled with beasts that he dispatched in a single blow, and he alone managed this vast forest.”

“But, he doesn’t have red hair.”

Yoru focused on the visible hair beneath the fluffy fur. According to what Yoru had heard, the Prients were a lineage known for their red hair.

Her grandfather had encountered a Prient with red hair, and she had heard that Hugo Prient, active on the front lines, also had red hair.

“From what I see, he’s not a Prient.”

“Then are you saying that man is impersonating a Prient?”

“I’m not sure, but a Prient wouldn’t be so lacking in skill, even if he didn’t have red hair. My father said not just Hugo Prient but Glen Prient as well is a formidable opponent. It’s chilling to even think about it.”

Yoru continued, her interest cooled.

“But I feel nothing from that man. His posture is sloppy, his mental state seems off. And what’s this about a fairy? There’s no way a fairy would be so large and dark.”

‘Although his face is somewhat acceptable.’

Yoru, like her father and the warriors of Silleya, was not used to men with sharp features, having been surrounded by burly men.

“Still, since you say so.”

Yoru stroked the cold iron horse and then turned away. She had wanted to try riding it, but alas, she had to leave, disappointing though it was.


She kicked a snow-covered head on her way out. It belonged to a man she had decapitated earlier, who had been guarding the rear of a train.

‘The train. I wanted to try it.’

Yoru kept looking back at the black iron horse despite distancing herself, unable to shake off the lingering thoughts.

“Has she gone?”

[Yes, hero. It seems she has left.]

“Phew. I thought I was going to die from fear.”

Shiron sighed in relief, having tried to ignore the glances that had been making his body ache from tension.

If Latera hadn’t given [Blessing of Calm], an unnecessary fight might have broken out due to a foolish provocation.

‘To get involved with someone so fiercely competitive could have endangered the reputation I’ve worked hard to build.’

Getting up from under a tree, Shiron dusted off his behind and went straight to Victor. Victor seemed unaware of the recent events, chatting with Malleus.

“Your Highness.”

“Shiron… What’s the matter?”

“The construction has finished, so please, let’s leave this place with the troops.”

Shiron whispered quietly into Victor’s ear.

“You almost died. So, gather everyone as soon as it’s light and leave this place.”

“And you?”

Despite the commanding tone, Victor did not take offense. However, he was puzzled by Shiron stuffing his mouth hastily.

“And you?”

Victor furrowed his brows, trying to shake off his drunkenness. Somehow, the way he was packing up gave the impression he would soon leave somewhere.

“Where are you planning to go?”

“Not far. Just going to learn some magic.”

He didn’t say he was going to obtain the dragon’s heart. Instead, he made sure not to arouse curiosity. With Yoru in the vicinity, any more chatter would only press for time.

“A deserter has emerged. Additionally, the guard on watch may have been killed. But don’t investigate. Don’t search the forest; just get the train started.”

“Couldn’t you stop it?”

Malleus asked with a grave expression, and Shiron hung his head as if frustrated.

“Yes. It was the doing of someone far stronger than I.”

“Hard to believe…”

“She could be stronger than my uncle was in his youth. Please take good care of Victor.”


Malleus did not ask any further questions to Shiron. The revelation from several months ago, to watch over Shiron, lingered in his mind.

Shiron, seeing Malleus nod, turned around and ran without delay. If he doesn’t find the lair of Demodras as soon as possible, he’ll have to spend several more years living as a mana cripple.

That could not happen.

Shiron pulled out a compass and kept running eastward.

“A deserter, and two bodies of the guards on watch have been found.”

The drinking party was halted before it could fully enjoy its climax.

The troops, drunk in a mess, were herded together as knights surrounded them, checking their faces.

“Who is the deserter?”

“…The class 1 wanted person, Natalia.”

“The woman with a large scar on her face?”

Victor swallowed her spit with a look of distaste as the knight accompanying her glanced at the two covered bodies and continued.

“Given the situation, it seems Natalia killed the two knights, but it’s more likely the work of an outsider.”

The clean cut of the severed neck was too precise. Natalia, unarmed and not equipped with proper weaponry, could not have managed such a deed against knights armored with body protection qi.

No, even with proper weapons, it was a feat she could not possibly achieve.

“It’s the act of someone who breached the perimeter and committed murder. We can’t handle it with our current forces. Collect the bodies and retreat for now.”


At Victor’s command, the knight bowed.

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