Reincarnated User Manual

Chapter 188: The Blazing Fire (4)

Chapter 188: The Blazing Fire (4)

For Lucia, Shiron felt more like a friend than a brother.

Over the past ten years, Lucia had relied heavily on Shiron, but she had never called him brother, and Shiron had never directly thought of Lucia as his little sister.

However, they both considered each other family. Unlike Shiron, Lucia intended to confirm with Glen whether she was his real daughter, but even if that wasn’t the case, living and eating together in the same house made them family, right?

They still faced each other daily, sharing meals and various stories—a sense of peaceful satisfaction she couldn’t have felt before her reincarnation. Lucia hoped this relationship would continue.

So, when Shiron mentioned the word “engagement,” Lucia was shocked enough to doubt if it was appropriate.


Lucia asked, her voice feigning calmness. Fortunately, her voice sounded as usual. She didn’t know why she was worried, but a deep inner voice screamed to act normal, and so, Lucia managed to face Shiron without any apparent distress.


“…Does Siriel know? That girl never hinted anything to me.”

“Siriel doesn’t know either. Only you and Lady Eldrina are aware of this engagement.”

“Mother too… Why?”

Lucia felt a heaviness in her chest. It was becoming harder to keep her voice steady, but against her will, she blurted out.

“Well, Lady Eldrina was the one who proposed it first.”


“When I went to introduce Latera a year ago, she was the one who brought it up first. It seems she had been preparing for a long time. I’m not sure if Siriel knows or not.”

“I see…”

Lucia weakly responded, bowing her head deeply.

If it was true that Eldrina had proposed first, then there was no need to bring up Siriel. Lucia knew that Siriel loved Shiron even before Siriel had impulsively kissed him.

Long before that, Siriel had boldly shown unusual affection towards Shiron, which was apparent to anyone not completely oblivious.

She had worried they might end up marrying someday, but Lucia herself hadn’t expected to feel this choked up when actually facing the situation.

While she was deep in thought, Shiron looked at Lucia with his usual expression.

“So, do you have time this week?”

“Time? I have plenty. Exams are still far off, and I don’t have plans with anyone else.”

“Good. Then, let’s go somewhere together.”

“…Where to?”

Lucia asked cautiously, to which Shiron nonchalantly replied,


“Why there?”

“I think it’s time to settle some debts. It wouldn’t be right for someone engaged to have debts.”

“You… had debts?”

“Not much.”

He hadn’t checked the bill, but he was sure it was well over 50 million shillings—a staggering amount even for someone accustomed to the financial sensibilities of the upper class.

‘I should take care of this soon.’

Due to his father’s recklessness, he had incurred a debt of 500 million in a previous life… He knew too well how unpleasant it was to have unwanted debts because of family.

‘It’s fine if it’s just me, but I can’t drag Siriel into such trivial matters.’

“It’s really not much… Lady Eldrina is aware of it too. That’s why I’m thinking of paying it off, partly as a change of mood.”

Yet, Shiron maintained a relaxed demeanor. He didn’t want to worry Lucia unnecessarily and thought that mentioning the amount would only lead to a fuss.

However, Lucia’s face grew increasingly stern.

“I don’t want to.”


“Go alone if you must.”


With a cold reply, Lucia left the restaurant. Watching the door slam shut, Shiron clicked his tongue.

Did he wait late to announce the engagement to Siriel?

Or was the problem who he was engaged to?

It was mysterious to Shiron why Lucia was so upset. Several plausible reasons came to mind, but after all, weren’t Shiron and Lucia blood-related family?

Although Siriel was related by blood too, cousin marriages were legal in the empire. Shiron didn’t think Lucia would be so offended.

Reflecting on Lucia’s usual behavior, she wasn’t possessive like Siriel nor particularly flirtatious, so it was unlikely she saw him as a romantic interest.

“…Should I go up and ask why she’s angry?”

“Hmm, I really want to stop the hero.”

“But isn’t that anger? It might be good to go up and ask why she’s angry and console her.”

“…Maybe it would be better to do it later? For example, she might need some time alone to sort out her feelings.”

“It’s complicated.”

Shiron muttered briefly as he picked up a spellbook. Their relationship was indeed complex—not merely brother and sister, but both harboring significant secrets.

‘…I guess I need some time to think as well.’

After clearing the table, Shiron headed back to the training ground.

The next day, at the academy’s cafeteria.

“Lucia, are you feeling unwell?”

Gracie asked worriedly as Lucia barely held her spoon.

Lucia seemed very off today. Her actions were unusually blunt, and she didn’t look well.

She appeared exhausted, possibly from a lack of sleep, and her hair was a mess as if she had rushed out without drying it properly. It was natural for Gracie to be concerned since Lucia didn’t look like a noble’s offspring at all.

Lifting her head at the concerned voice, Lucia replied,

“…It’s not that.”

“Then what is it? Did you fight with Siriel?”

Gracie looked towards Siriel, who sat elegantly far away, holding her utensils with a haughty gesture.

Despite having different classes, they usually ate lunch together, but earlier Lucia had hidden behind Gracie as soon as she saw Siriel in the cafeteria.

Startled, Lucia quickly waved her hand dismissively.

“We didn’t fight. Stop making unnecessary remarks. I’ve been having a tough time lately.”

“Why? What’s been tough? Another difficult situation?”

Gracie moved to sit beside Lucia. Lucia, who usually never complained about difficulties, wasn’t fighting with Siriel, so what could be troubling her so much? Gracie’s curiosity was piqued.


Lucia sighed heavily, burdened with worries and troubles. Though it felt a bit dramatic, she desperately needed someone to talk to, and Gracie was always a supportive friend.

“Gracie, can I ask you something?”

“Huh? Ask me anything.”

“Have you… ever been engaged?”

“Why? Did your family pressure you into an engagement? Who is it? Is he handsome?”

“Oh, no? You’re really stirring the pot!”

Lucia’s face turned bright red, and she grimaced.

“I’m just curious. Just answer the question.”

“Yeah, I was. Just the usual way.”


“Why would I lie to you? I always wear my engagement ring.”

Didn’t she notice? Gracie waved her left hand in front of Lucia, revealing a simple silver ring, too modest to be considered an engagement ring by most.

“That’s your engagement ring?”

“What else would it be? If you think it’s too plain, you’re asking for trouble.”

Perhaps it was Lucia’s flustered expression, but Gracie spoke sternly for once.

“This may look simple, but my love made it for me ten years ago.”

“…Ten years?”

Wouldn’t that mean she was only eight years old?

An engagement at eight seemed like a daunting commitment. She might have barely been learning to write at that age, let alone be engaged, yet the affection had remained unchanged over the past ten years. Lucia held her tongue.

“Do you know what he said back then? ‘I can only give you this now, but I’ll make sure your wedding ring is beautiful!’”

“I feel like you’re becoming a stranger.”

Lucia struggled to reconcile this revelation about her friend’s private life, finding it strangely unsettling. Gracie had never mentioned having a fiancé, especially one from when she was eight.

‘What was I doing back then?’

It hadn’t been that long. Wasn’t she kidnapped by a red-haired man who suddenly appeared, then locked in a castle full of demons, where she had punched Shiron in the solar plexus?

‘…No ordinary childhood, indeed.’

Lucia shuddered at the memory of her charmless childhood. Was it then that it happened?

“Ms. Lucia, Ms. Gracie.”

Both turned towards the voice.


A neatly dressed man, the assistant of Professor Reynold, who taught “Exploration and Interpretation of Mana Essence,” stood before them.

“Could you spare a moment?”

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