Reincarnation: From Opressed Missy to Campus Belle

Chapter 321 Overstepping boundaries

“I’m sorry, Yunyun, ” Han Nanxian said. He had so many words to say but he chose these words. These words are what he hoped all day and night that one day he would be able to tell her. He finally mustered up his courage and said it to her.

“What are you sorry for?” Song Xueyun questioned.

“For hurting you, ” Han Nanxian said. “I don’t regret anything but hurting you. You are my biggest regret.”

Song Xueyun heaved out a sigh, “Let’s not talk about this thing. The lawyer is here. I will bail you out.”

She just wanted to get over this as soon as possible.

Han Nanxian only nodded his head. It didn’t take long to leave the jail. When he was standing outside the police station, he looked at the dark and empty space ahead of him.

“Do you want me to give you a lift?” Song Xueyun questioned. Since he was arrested because of her, she had to do something in return or she would feel quite suffocating. Yes, she didn’t feel like owing favours to anyone. Especially not this person. They were not even friends now. Why would she not pay him back in any way she could?

“Umm to where?” Han Nanxian asked. “I heard that the hotel threw me out for getting into a fight. I have no money, no cards and no phone with me. I won’t be able to retrieve my stuff before this morning.”

Oh, he was bluffing but it was working on her. Lord forgive him for lying but it was the last resort to be near her.

Song Xueyun heaved out a sigh. What does she say now? Maybe, she was stupid or an idiot. She didn’t know what came to her when she offered, “Why don’t you come with me? I have a guest room. You can stay there and leave first thing in the morning.”

Yes, she had officially lost her freaking mind. She was offering her messed up guest room to her ex-boyfriend? Meeting him was more awkward than meeting an ex-boyfriend.

“You don’t have to be kind to me, “He sadly smiled at him. He could sense her dilemma from afar.

“You know that I don’t want to be nice to you, ” Song Xueyun said without holding back. “I’m so pissed right now but I can’t let Han Zixin’s elder brother sleep on the road. You just beat my boyfriend and got arrested. He will be hurt to know about this.”

“Ex-boyfriend, “Han Nanxian commented.

“Right but none of your business, “Song Xueyun said. She paused when she saw how close he was standing to her. It looked like he was about to…kiss her? Her eyes widened with realization. What was wrong with her track of mind? She placed her palm on her lips and he took out a piece of a false eyelash from her eyes. She blushed hard as she looked at what he did. Pushing him away, she got into the car.

His cheat vibrated with laughter with her cute reaction. Seriously, she has gotten cuter with time.

He heard the honk and opened the passenger seat to sit inside. To say, he was the happiest man alive would be an understatement.

“Did you ever plan to come back?” Song Xueyun ended up asking.

“For someone who claims that she had no interest in me, you ask a lot of past-related questions, ” Han Nanxian grinned.

Song Xueyun glared at him but he only smiled at him like a charming young man. God, it hurt because he was so handsome. So handsome that she could not turn her gaze away from him.

“Fine, ” He said after a while. “I always wanted to come back to your life but I was always waiting for the right time.”

“And your right time finally came?” Song Xueyun questioned. He was being so secretive and confusing that it was getting on her nerves. He was handsomely infuriating. This was certainly not how she had expected to meet him again.

“You tell me?” Han Nanxian cocked his brow.

“What?” Song Xueyun blinked her eyes.

“If the right time had arrived or not, “Han Nanxian retorted.

“How would I know?” Song Xueyun asked in confusion.

Han Nanxian asked her with a smile, “If you don’t know…who will know?”

“Nanxian, I’m not following what you are saying. You know my EQ is even lower than zero, ” said Song Xueyun in exasperation. “I’m not An Xiulan who understands people by just looking at them. I’m shit with emotions. I need people to explain their significance to me.” She took a small pause as she went on saying, “Tell me what right time you are talking about.”

“Are you over Lu Xuan?” Han Nanxian asked without beating around the bush.

Song Xueyun blinked. If she was not driving, she would have darted her head to look at him and find out what he was thinking at this moment asking this question.

“You didn’t burst into tears which means you are over the asshole, “Han Nanxian said with a happy smile.

” Lu Xuan is not an asshole. I agree he acts like one most of the time but he has been with me during my difficult times. You don’t get to come after a decade and point fingers at the people I care for, “Song Xueyun scolded him. “He is my best friend and you will talk to him with the respect that he deserves.”

Han Nanxian didn’t mind her scolding. He took all of this with a happy smile on his face. “Okay. Whatever you wish.”

Soon they reached her apartment. She punched the code and the door opened. He turned to look at her and asked, “Did you just move in here?”

“Kind of, ” Song Xueyun sighed. She moved into this apartment three years ago and since then she had not set up her house because she never got the time to. She was so busy with her world that she never removed things from the brown boxes. Hell, even her kitchen had nothing to use because all of them were still in boxes and she was surviving on take-outs.

“I will show you the guest room, “Song Xueyun said and took him to the other side of the apartment. ” Last time, my coworker stayed with me for a few days as our work was more than ever. She set the room. You will find all the basic amenities including disposable toothbrushes. However, you may have to use the common washroom because only the master bedroom has an attached washroom.”

“Thanks for sharing your home with me, ” Han Nanxian sighed and went inside the room to give it a little cleanup before sleeping on it.

Song Xueyun nodded her head. Wait…why did his words sound a little ambiguous? She shook her head and went back to her bedroom. She was losing her mind.

The following morning when she woke up and came out of the bedroom, she took a step back. Wait, whose was this? So clean. So organised. She looked at the kitchen that was arranged with all the basic necessities.

“Good morning, ” The handsome hunk who was vacuuming her floor said with a charming smile.

Song Xueyun rubbed her eyes and looked at the house and then at him. “Did you destroy my house?”

“By destroying if you mean I cleaned and organised all the things arranged in those big boxes? Yeah. I did, “Han Nanxian smiled at her. “The boxes were arranged with numbers and item names. It was not difficult at all. Early this morning, I took the liberty of restocking your refrigerator. Your neighbour is so nice. She helped me a lot with grocery shopping.”

Song Xueyun blushed profusely. “What the hell were you doing?”

“I am just doing things to pass time, ” Han Nanxian shrugged. “You know that I’m not used to the time zone here. I couldn’t sleep and so I arranged your house. It looks beautiful now.”

“Are you sure this is my house?” Song Xueyun mumbled.

“Hundred per cent, ” He winked at her. He heard the ding of the toaster and ran to the kitchen. “Come on, Yunyun. I made breakfast for you.”

Song Xueyun looked at him in disbelief. He set the breakfast table and made her sit on the chair. “Nanxian, what are you doing?”

“You don’t want scrambled eggs?” Han Nanxian asked.

“No! You are behaving as if it’s your house, ” Song Xueyun said in exasperation. How does she tell him to stop doing these things? He was being nice when all she wanted to do was…. Ugh, what did she even want from him?

“I’m sorry for overstepping my boundaries, ” Han Nanxian said in a soft tone.

This made Song Xueyun guilty. She saw him leaving the living room and asked in a panic, “Where are you going?”

“To take a shower. I must stink, “Han Nanxian said.

“You got your stuff back?” Song Xueyun questioned.

“Yes, the hotel just sent it to your address. I will be out of your hair soon.”

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