Reincarnation: From Opressed Missy to Campus Belle

Chapter 260 Quest for self studying

“I have been giving you 4 or 5 extra marks each time because I don’t want you to fail, ” said teacher Sun. “We were given orders to be lenient to weak students but if being lenient to weak students means the students will stop working hard, I would rather fail you.”

An Xiulan lowered her head as she had nothing to say in return. All this while, she thought that her hard work was enough. Politics was a subject that she never took seriously.

“It’s your call to make if you want to pass high school with flying colours or…”Teacher Sun looked at her and sighed, ” In mere five months, the senior year will start and you will have no time and way of improving. If you want to go to college, I advise you to stop running around and focus on your studies or you are going to regret it in the future.” He opened his desk drawer and pulled out a bundle of books and notes. “These are the basic level books of the politics syllabus. Start reading this and get a basic understanding of the subject.”

Teacher Sun spent a whole week arranging these books and notes for her. He tried to make it as simple and easier for her as possible. As a teacher, her failing in his subject meant that he was failing as a teacher and he didn’t want his morals to question him later. If the girl could be saved, well and good. If not, he would have to accept that she was beyond saving.

“In twenty days, the next monthly test will be conducted. If you improved, good. If not, I will have to fail you in the subject and you know what failing in Jingyuan High means. Now go to your next class.”

An Xiulan went back to her class with downcast shoulders. She placed the books and notes on the desk and took her seat. The next class began and ended with An Xiulan lost in her thoughts. The words of the teacher didn’t leave her for a minute. She wasn’t angry at being scolded because she knew that the teacher was right.

And just like this, the school day ended.

Later, An Xiulan was staring at the old building with a melancholic look in her eyes. She was holding the books that the teacher had given her and was sighing to herself. Look, where had fate taken her to?

The building that she was staring at was the old library located on the school premises. Ever since the new high-tech library was made, students stopped visiting this library. However, it was still working.

As she walked inside, she showed her school I-card which worked as a library card here and walked inside and got an empty seat there.

There were not many students there. Only some senior students come here for serenity. She placed her bag on the table and buried her head on the table. It was only when no one was in her view did her tears start coming out. She didn’t even know what she was crying for but she felt very sad at this moment.

She didn’t know if she was throwing a tantrum or being unreasonable. Even after getting everything in this world, she was feeling very lonely today. Was she an ingrate for not being thankful for everything that she had?

Actually, she was happy about the thing she had, yet she couldn’t put away the melancholy that had taken encircled her heart.

After a while, started going through the books. She saw that the teacher had put numbers on each book, showing in which order it should be studied. She took out her Chinese-to-English dictionary from the bag and began reading the book and taking help of the dictionary where it was needed.

The books were fortunately not thick but quite thin. She noticed that each book had a certain order to it. The first book didn’t take her more than an hour to finish. As she opened the second book, she realised that the book was similar to the first one but it had more in-depth material in it. For example in the first book, she studied what democracy was. In the second book, she studied democracy in depth.

For her small brain, she had over-exhausted herself on the very first day of her quest to self-studying. When the librarian announced that it was time for the library to be closed, her head felt exactly what her stomach felt after overeating. Bloated and tired.

She didn’t have the mental energy to think why her body was shutting down when it was her brain that was tired.

She had to drag her tired body back home.

For the entire week, she did the same thing. Even on weekends, she didn’t take a rest, she was hell-bent on completing all the books as soon as possible.

“Xiao Lan, you have to stop watching those foreign dramas, ” An Qinyan scolded her. “Look at the eye bags under your eyes. You are getting more and more addicted to dramas now.”

An Xiulan sighed. How did she make her mom understand that those dramas help her understand the politics better? What she couldn’t decipher through books was better understood through movies and shows.

For example, she watched many movies to get a strong grip on the topic of the cold war and the two world wars. She agreed that sometimes there was unnecessary drama in shows but she still got the gist of the matter.

In the end, she only said, “Okay, mom.”

“Ma, why are you saying this to her?” Lu Xuan grunted. “She is still sulking because you scolded her because of me two weeks ago. I’m trying to make up with her but she is trying very hard to be pleased.”

An Xiulan heaved out a sigh. “Lu Xuan, people have more serious problems than fighting with siblings and keep on sulking for weeks. I’m not that childish.”

“Oh come on, Teeny, we all know that you’re the epitome of childishness, ” Lu Xuan huffed.

An Xiulan looked at him and smiled. “You know what, brother? You are right.”

“See, I told you mom she is childish, ” Lu Xuan said in victory. He finally won an argument against her but when he saw her eating quietly and a concerned look on his mother’s face, he didn’t feel victorious.

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