Reincarnation: From Opressed Missy to Campus Belle

Chapter 295 Promotion and rumours

Lu Xun lowered his gaze and controlled his tears.

An Qinyan gave a strict glance to her son.

Lu Xuan sighed. He softened his tone and said, “You know your family won’t like you throwing a tantrum and then coming here. I don’t want to give them a chance to criticize my mom. I don’t like it when someone criticizes my mother.”

“Jiejie said it’s her house and I’m always welcome, “Lu Xun said in a whisper.

Gu Shangyan had an urge to smack his brother. He just made a boy cry for nothing.

“But your Jiejie hasn’t been here for so many years, ” Lu Xuan informed him. “And it was our father who is the reason why she is not living here. However, he can’t be criticised for this. Xiaobao, stop throwing tantrums. You are a big boy. And bug boys didn’t fight with their parents. Have you ever seen me fighting with my elders? I always respect them. You should do too.”

It wasn’t just Gu Shangyan when An Qinyan choked at the lie. This was Lu Xuan? The boy with the biggest daddy and mommy issues in his teenage years.

“I don’t like those people, ” Lu Xun said in a soft voice. “I just want to go to America for my summer vacation but my dad has no time for me. He is always working. My mom has time for everyone and everything but me. Grandma said she will take me there but she said we won’t meet Jiejie. If we won’t meet Jiejie, what’s the point of going there?”

The poor boy just missed his sister too much. The reason he was throwing a tantrum was not that he didn’t like his parents but his parents weren’t taking him to meet his sister.

An Qinyan patted his head. “Okay. Okay. Why don’t you eat something?”

“Mom, stop babying him too much, ” Lu Xuan said. “One day he will turn like a certain someone and you will regret it.”

“Lu Xuan!” An Qinyan gave him a warning look.

“If you hadn’t spoiled her too much she wouldn’t have been so stubborn and selfish, “Lu Xuan didn’t stop there.

“Stop calling my Jiejie selfish and stubborn. She is better than you, “Lu Xun muttered. At least, she has time for him unlike him. His brother didn’t think it was cool to have a ten-year-old brother to hang out with. But his sister was different. Whenever he went to meet her, she would take him out and introduce him to all his friends. She would buy him delicious food and tell him about her life. Although she lived far from him, she never made him feel like he was away from her. But his brother always kept everyone at arm’s length.

“Lu Xun, do not forget which sibling is with you for seven years, “Lu Xuan commented. “You are just like her; ungrateful.”

Lu Xun wanted to retort but his sister taught him not to be rude to his elder brother. His elder brother was just in denial. He should go easy on his brother. Thus, he quietly ate the food that he was served and ignored his brother’s angry talk. Was it too difficult to admit that his brother missed her like everyone here?

“Auntie, this chicken leg is so yummy, “Lu Xun said, flashing An Qinyan a wide smile.

Gu Shangyan looked at the family and felt guilty in his heart. Somewhere, he felt that An Xiulan left for the USA because of him. If Yoona hadn’t called her that night because of him, maybe their sister wouldn’t have left. However, there was nothing he could do to lessen the guilt.


The door to the office elevator opened and a tall girl dressed in a black suit came out holding tens of bags of coffee and snacks. Her long hair was made into a ponytail but tendrils of hair were falling on her cheeks, giving her an alluring look.

“Oh Ivy, you should have called from reception. I would have come to help you, ” The half Asian girl said, holding half of the bags. She looked at her friend who was always dressed for a runway show even without trying. No, she was not jealous of her. It was just that some people were just effortlessly beautiful. All they had to do was breathe and they would still look gorgeous.

“Thank you, ” An Xiulan flashed her a small smile.

“Wait, what’s a good event? You never treated anyone in the office, “Chloe asked as she looked at the bags that they were holding.

An Xiulan sighed. “You are saying as if I’m stingy.”

“Well, aren’t you?” Chloe retorted. “We have been working for three years together and I never saw you treating anyone. Wait, oh my god, so the rumour is true.”

“Again another rumour?” An Xiulan asked. “It’s like the third time in a single month. I’m sure it will be triple Ds again.”

Triple Ds aka Destiny, Daphne and Dahlia were like the mean girls’ version in their office. They loved to gossip about anyone and anywhere in the office. Every time the gossip would revolve around her. Just last week, triple Ds were discussing her new rich boyfriend who gifted her the limited edition blazer that she was wearing. Like really? She had to get a rich boyfriend to afford clothes?

“This time, it’s a good one, “Chloe smiled at her. She knew how awful Triple Ds were to An Xiulan. They labelled every successful lawyer in the firm with An Xiulan who ever talked politely to her. “I heard Mr Vance is promoting you. “

“Oh?” An Xiulan paused in her footsteps. She turned to look at her friend and asked, “He is finally letting me take criminal cases on the full term?”

“Hah, you bet! He said you suit better in civil law than criminal law, “Chloe replied. “I don’t understand why you are still pushing yourself. You are in a stable position now. I would die to have stability like you.”

An Xiulan looked at her friend and sighed, patting her shoulder. “You won’t understand.” She handed him all the snacks and coffee and added, “Treat everyone on our floor. Nothing for Triple Ds.”

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