Reincarnation: From Opressed Missy to Campus Belle

Chapter 389 Leaving Again

An Qinyan and Gu Yanxi were not surprised when they found out that Lu Xuan was going for a long time. They knew from the moment he showed his interest in the American branch that he was leaving but for this long period, they were shocked. They did not ask him reasons as they could see that he was not looking comfortable sharing that topic with anyone.

However, how could they not be sad at this decision? Their family had almost reconciled with An Xiulan returning home and now Lu Xuan was going? When would they get the joy of having all the kids home? More than anyone, the elders of the family were having a hard time seeing him go.

The entire An family, Lu family, Han family came to bid him goodbye at the airport. An Xiulan did not cry like last time this time. She was appearing strong as she did not want Lu Xuan to feel bad. They might fight a lot with each other, they loved each other way more. She wanted to set a good example here. She wanted to tell Lu Xuan that she would be fine. She could hold everyone together and he could go without a heavy heart. The love between twins was truly unique as she had never felt the same before. He was someone she loved to the bones but at the same time, she could tear him apart with her teeth if he dared to annoy her. They were truly like Tom and Jerry.

Lu Zhaolin hugged his son and asked him to take care of himself. As a father he was emotional at this time but the man in him was not letting him show his emotions on face. His grandmother was crying and telling him that he was merciless as he was leaving her in her last days. Making her laugh, he said that he had heard that God did not take sinners sooner.

"What a bad boy you are!" His grandmother scolded him while crying. She hugged him and said, "Why are you going?"

She did not know why she loved this bad boy so much? To her at this moment, the boy whom she loved to the heavens, was a bad boy as he was leaving her all alone to go to a foreign country. She could not understand like anyone else why he needed the go. What was so good in that country that everyone wanted to go there?

"I am going to become a decent and successful man. Don't you want me to grow and prosper in life?" Lu Xuan asked his grandmother. "I thought you wanted me to be the best of the best. What happened to you now?"

It was his grandmother who wanted him to succeed in life but now she was complaining about it. Elders were so complicated sometimes, right? Or maybe, they were just too blinded by love for their younger ones.

"You are bestest of the bestest for me, "His grandmother sobbed. "What do you lack? You have everything in life. What do you need to achieve now?"

She looked at An Qinyan with an accusing gaze. It must be this billionaire mother who was not fed with what she had. This woman was so obsessed with wealth that she was sending her only son to a foreign country to work. What did the An family and Lu family lack? Lu Xuan did not even have to work this hard but he still was doing. Only if her poor grandson could live a normal life.

An Qinyan was used to such accusations. She did not bother putting sense into anyone's mind. Old lady was at such an age where she was rigid with her beliefs. If someone could not understand a simple thing for so many decades, how could they do it now? So, she just ignored those accusing eyes and focused on her family which should be her focus at this time.

"I lack many things, "Lu Xuan answered her. "Do not be sad. I will be fine. I will come to meet you. I will call you daily. If I don't call, you can always call me. I promise I will take your calls."

His grandmother complained, "When you were in the city, you did not even come to see me then. Now you are going to a different country. How will you come to see me? I know you are lying. I will die here without seeing your face for the one last time. You are so merciless! You are leaving me alone here to die with you."

Lu Xun held his grandmother's hand and said, "Don't worry, grandmother. Even if Gege is leaving, I won't leave you. I promise you that I won't let you die alone. I will hold your hand when you take your last breath."

"You brat!" Grandmother cried. "Are you cursing me to die! What kind of descendants I have!"

"Xiaobao, say sorry to grandma, "Song Yifei said. She did not know why Lu Xun had to be such a smart ass at times like this? Why could he not stay quiet if he did not have anything good to say? 'Oh Lu Xun, you will get your family insulted one day with this big mouth!'

Lun Xun pouted. "Mommy, I was just looking out for grandma. What should I do? If I do something good, you all scold me. Am I that bad?" He looked at An Xiulan for help who just sighed.

In his mind, he did no bad thing. He was only thinking about his grandmother. He knew that everyone had to die one day like his cat. He is just accepting a hard fact at such a small age. Should not he be praised for his wiseness? What wrong thing did he commit?

"Come here, Xiaobao, "An Xiulan said. "We do not talk to elders like this. We only pray for their good life. We should not use the word death so casually, okay?"

Lu Xun nodded his head like an obedient child. If his Jiejie was saying something, it must be a good thing. He believed that anyone can be wrong but not his Jiejie who knew everything in the world.

"What do good boys do when they do something bad?" An Xiulan said.

Lu Xun turned to his grandmother and said, "I am sorry, grandma for trying to kill you."

Lu Xuan tried to stifle his laugh but he ended up laughing. He bent his knees and looked at his little brother. "Be good when I am not here, okay? Take care of our family when I am not here. As a man, it is your responsibility to protect all of them."

He was going to miss this family drama when he would not be here. He would miss his grandmother's baised love for him. He would miss Lu Xun and An Xiulan's annoying dynamic. He would miss his mother and stepfather's sickening sweet romance, he would miss seeing his father's icy face. He was going to miss everything.

Lu Xun was about to nod his head but paused when he realized something. "No!"

"Why not?" Lu Xuan asked.

"Why do I, as a man, suffer from gender roles? Gege has taught me feminism, "Lu Xun said with the wisness of a man who did not belong to his age. These words were heavy for someone of his age but he was able to pronounce them so well as if he understood the meaning behind it too well, "I will take care of everyone not because I am a man but because they are my family. You sounded sexist, Gege."

An Xiulan felt proud of the little guy. Oh, this was the boy she had taught and look at him, he learnt so well. She loved Xiaobao more at this moment than the last one. He was learning all the values that would help him in surviving.

Lu Zhaolin and Song Yifei just sighed. Their son would be a tornado hard to control in coming years. Only if they knew what to do with this brat.

"You have grown up, "Lu Xuan said, emotionally.

Lu Xun felt weird when his older brother talked so gently and softly to him. He was not used to his brother talking to him as if the latter was on the verge of tears. He took a step forward and hugged him. "It's okay, Gege. Whatever is troubling you, it will be okay. If you are feeling bad about not feeling okay, don't feel it. Jiejie said it's okay to be not okay sometimes."

"Why are you so wise today?" Lu Xuan asked his little brother. The Xiaobao he knew was stubborn. He was surprised that the boy wasn't lying on the airport floor demanding him not to go. Xiaobao should have thrown a couple of tantrums until now but he did no such thing. It was a little unsettling right now. Then he looked at his sister standing beside Han Zixin and understood that she might be the reason.

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